
A Wolf A Wolf

Long ago before man walk the earth. The world we know of today is nothing like it once was millions of years ago. The earth was a big black ball made of darkness and despair only to be abused for the gods entertainment. Perses god of destruction used the earth as his play pin breaking it down until nothing is left before moving onto the next planet. Even though most gods did not agree with his actions no one dare to defy him, well all except his own flesh and blood. Charis goddess of creativity and fertility hated the way her brother treated the universe. Toying with it and sucking every last life out of it before burning it to ashes. She hated the fact that no one in the court would stand up to him and punish him for his crimes. The universe was a gift given from Zeus and Hera to be used to create worlds. She saw so much potential for the earth that the only way she could salvage what was left of it was to trick her brother. She decided to make a duplicate of the earth and place it making sure that Perses wouldn't figure out what she has done.

The earth was dark and cold so she decided the only way to save it was to give it light. Something so bright that no matter how dark the world got the light would always be a guide. She created the moon so beautiful and pure, walking the earth and bringing life to everything she touched. Water started to emerge from the rocks and grass started to form on the ground soon after the world that was once grey and empty started to grow into something extraordinary. However Charis effort would soon be wasted if she did not jump into action. Perses figure out what she has done and neadless to say he was furious. So he devised a plan to distroy the moon she come to love so much. He created a creature  . A creature so ferocious and deadly  nothing would stand in its way to teach Charis a lesson on defying her brother.

A wolf...

(Bell rings)

"Okay class that is enough for today's lesson on Mythology I will see you all on Monday" .

As the students hurried out of the classroom Jessamine was left with her thoughts, it's only been a month since she moved to Alaska and things have been quiet thus far but she is still scoping this small place out before she can fully relax. She used to be part of the Black sage pack in New York for a few years before she moved here because her brother was the beta of the pack. They moved to New York after her bother found out his mate was non other then her best friend Angela. Angela was a witch of a strong blood line however everything was not smooth sailing for those too. See when a Alpha or Beta finds their mate they will get a letter from the elders to participate in the wolf Olympics which is just a fancy word saying the females need to fight to win their positions next to their mate's, only the strongest survives.The elders are cruel old men so the Olympics are not for the faint hearted. If a she wolf fails she will be sentence to be killed and for her mate well they have either a choice to die with them or choose someone better. Needless today alot of couples have not made it.when I was traveling in Peru the locals were gossiping that the elders are being controlled by gods however of course those who could prove that doesn't live long to tell the tale. The elders are the reason why I decided to move to a remote area if it's true that they are being controlled then me walking into the lions den is not such a good idea. My wolf her name is Calla lily, Calla for short we are both named after poisonous flowers. The mood goddess thought it was fitting because being who we are we may be pretty as a flower but deadly when threatened.

"Jessamine snap out of it I'm trying to talk to you" ! Calla keeps jumping around in my head giving me a freaking headache.

"What is it Calla" ?

"I'm not sure but I feel very unsettled like something will happen" .

"What do you mean? Someting good or something bad" ?

"I'm not sure I'm also not sure when it will happen but the wolf spirits are telling us to be prepared" .

Oh god I hope it's not something that would end my housing here.

As I walk to my car I drive home into the woods thinking about what Calla said I'm really hoping it's not danger but I don't see that this small place would hide anything deadly. I chose Alaska main reason because it's so quiet and nothing really happens here yes there are wolf packs around here but only a handful. I am currently in the wolfsbane territory but I decided not to announce myself to the Alpha because the less wolf's know who I am the better. Luckily I am able to mask my sent so if wolf's do try to smell me I would only smell like a human it's a trick my mother thought me when I was younger.getting out the car I make my way straight to the bathroom putting on candles and running a bath this is exactly what I needed.

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