6 Chapter 5 - Beginning Punishment

*Kagome's POV*

I heard the bell ring signaling that lunch was over. I'm not gonna lie, I can't remember the last time I felt at least a little happy. Hanging out with Sango, Miroku, and believe it or not, Inuyasha as well. Sango is such a kind and funny girl, she makes me feel like laughing. Miroku, well I think he's a bit of a pervert. I mean, with the way I saw him grope Sango's butt. I think he might have a thing for her. As for Inuyasha, well, I don't know. He's....he's just so sweet, kind, and thoughtful. I was still a little nervous to look him in the eyes though, but there was something that made me feel safe with him, I felt protected by him. There was also this warm feeling in my chest, I couldn't tell what it was, but all I know was that this was a good feeling.

I saw Inuyasha standing up then he looked at me. He extended his hand out to me wanting to help me up. I was hesitant, but I took his hand anyway and he helped me up. After Inuyasha helped me up he put his hand on my shoulder causing me to look at him and slightly smiled. He smiled back at me before saying "It was great meeting you Kagome, I hope we can talk again soon."

I felt my cheeks heating up at what Inuyasha said. 'Am I blushing?' I thought to myself then smiled a little. "Thanks, I...I hope so too."

"Well, it's time for us to go, we'll see you later Kagome" I turned around saw that it was Sango that said those words. I nodded my head knowing that they had to leave for class and with that, they left. I also took this chance to leave as well and went off to class. As I was walking to my next class the warm feeling I had when I was around Inuyasha came back to my mind.

'This feeling, just what is it?' I thought to myself.

*30 Minutes Later In Third Period*

Class to my surprise wasn't that bad. The students weren't that noisy, the teacher was pretty chill, and no one really seemed to bother me. I was glad that no one was really doing anything besides giving me a stare or two with the way I looked from my choice of clothing and the fact that I look almost identical to Kikyo.

'Kikyo...' I thought with fear. Those guys Bankotsu and Rinkotsu said that Kikyo told them that I'd fight back if they tried to hurt me.

'If I think what I think this means then this year is going to be even worse than middle school bullying...I'm scared. What's Kikyo going to do to me...?' I thought to myself.

*End Of Class*

Class had finally ended and that only caused me more stress because of the fear I had from Kikyo, and that stress also wasn't helping me with my thirst for blood. If I ran into Kikyo in the halls or worse, had next period with her then I'm going to have hell to pay.

I started packing up my stuff and put my supplies in my bag. I started walking down the hallway looking down at the ground hoping that no one would pay attention to me. I was halfway to my class when suddenly I heard someone...

"Kagome!" I tense up at hearing my voice being called. I started shaking thinking that it was Kikyo. I was about to have a panic attack when I heard the footsteps of the person that called my name coming closer to me. I didn't dare to look behind me paralyzed with fear and shock thinking that it was Kikyo. "Kagome. Hey." The voice said again only closer. My shaking got worse and worse, I felt like fainting until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Kagome." The voice said sending me into a state of fear and shock that I shouted out without even thinking.

"Please don't hurt me Kikyo! I'm sorry I talked to your boyfriend! Please don't hurt me!" I put my hand to my head and held my head feeling like crying and my knees collapsed to the ground trembling with fear when suddenly I heard "Kagome! please calm down! It's me, Sango."

My eyes widen realizing that it wasn't Kikyo. "S-S-Sango...?" I asked shakily then turn around with tears in the corners of my eyes from my state of fear I was just feeling a second ago. I looked at Sango and she had a worried expression on her face by what I just blurted out of my mouth about Kikyo.

"Kagome, are you okay? You look terrified, and what was that you said about Kikyo?" Sango asked with concern. "I-I-I...K-Kikyo....N-Nothing's w-wrong....I-I just..." I was stuttering with fear and having a hard time speaking. Even if I wanted to tell Sango about what Kikyo does to me when she's mad, I can't because if I did then Kikyo wouldn't only beat the living shit out of me, but also torture me until my spirit was fully broken.

"Kagome, please calm down, just take a deep breath." Sango said still trying to calm me down, but I was in no condition to calm down and continued to stutter. All of a sudden I felt someone's arms around my shaking body and held me close. I looked at who was holding me and saw that it was Sango. Just what is she doing? My body suddenly stopped shaking and started to calm down at Sango's action.

"It's okay Kagome, I'm right here, you don't have to be afraid" I started calming down more and was no longer hyperventilating. "There we go, are you feeling better?" Sango asked me still holding me. I nodded my head letting her know that I was feeling better. "That's good" Sango said as a response to my nod.

"S-Sango...?" I asked shakily

"Yea Kagome?" Sango replied

"W-what...what are you doing...?"

"What do you mean?" Sango asked confused

"I-I...I mean, y-you holding me like this...I d-don't understand what your d-doing..." I answered her question. Sango frowned.

"Kagome, this is called a hug, hasn't anyone ever hugged you before?" Sango asked with a little sadness in her voice.

"N-no...I haven't...n-not since...I-I was a...little g-girl..." I said with sadness and shame that I couldn't even tell what a hug was.

*Sango's POV*

My eyes widened at what Kagome had just said. 'This poor girl, she's never been hugged in her life? What kind of world has Kagome been living in all her life?' I thought to myself. I then realized that we were still in school and that we still had one more class to go to. I looked at the clock on the wall and it saw that we still had time to walk to our classes. I looked back at Kagome, who I just realized that was tightly holding onto my arms like she was still scared.

"Kagome..." I said softly. Kagome's hold on me loosened when I said her name.

"Kagome, we should probably our classes" I told her. Kagome nodded silently as I let go of her. She looked at me with slightly calmer eyes as I gave her a soft, reassuring smile. "What class do you have by the way?" I asked Kagome

"M-my class...?" Kagome asked me a little surprised at my question.

"Yes your class silly, we could potentially have the same class together." I said still trying to secretly cheer Kagome up a little bit more from her small brake down. "I...I um...I have...m-math class next..." Kagome said a little nervous, I don't know why she would be nervous though. Nonetheless, the good news is that...

"Awesome! Looks like we do have the same class together Kagome!" I said with excitement. I saw that Kagome gave a small, weak smile. I guess she should be a little happy, I mean, I can't imagine what her life is like right now. And, that outburst she had, what she said about Kikyo. So, Kikyo isn't only threatening Kagome to stay away from Inuyasha, but she's abusing her?! What kind of fucked up person is Kikyo?! I mean seriously! Who does this to there own sibling?!

I try to contain my anger so I wouldn't let Kagome notice that my blood was practically boiling. Kagome looked at me with a confused and also scared look on her face, then she brought her attention to the clock on the wall behind me. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time for class! That's right, class! I totally forgot about class!

I grabbed Kagome's hand which surprised her a little, but that didn't matter at the moment. We needed to get to class ASAP!! "S-Sang-!" I cut her off by saying "We need to hurry up and head to class! We're going to be late if we don't hurry! Sorry if I surprised you there a little!" I kept running with Kagome's hand in mine. After about a minute we made it to class before the bell rang. I'm glad that we got here on time, but that run just left me out of breath. When I looked back at Kagome though, she looked like she wasn't even breathing hard. Damn! She must be fit if she's not out of breath, either that or I need to work out more.

"We...made...it..." I say out of breath, Kagome only nodded. Kagome still looked a little shaken up from her little break down though. 'I'll have to tell Inuyasha about this later after school' I thought to myself. I looked around the classroom and saw two empty seats in the middle row of desks. Perfect! I grabbed Kagome's hand again and bring her over to the two desks.

"Let's sit here, we can be desk neighbor" I said with a smile.

"Uhh....o-okay..." Kagome said.

We both sat down next to each other. After we sat down Kagome immediately started going throw her bag and pulled out a notebook. She opened it up and what I saw was amazing! I saw drawings, so many greatly detailed drawings of forests, sunsets, people with great outfits looking like different sorts of creatures, and animals. I didn't think that Kagome was the type to draw. She then flipped to a blank page and started drawing. I looked over to see what she was drawing and saw that she was starting to draw two people, it looked like a boy and a girl.

Kagome noticed that I was looking and her eyes widened then she quickly covered her notebook with her arms. "Oh, sorry Kagome, I was just looking because your drawings are really good." Kagome didn't know what to say at my compliment. I can tell that she wasn't used to human kindness, I feel sorry for Kagome.

Kagome just looked a little back at her now-closed notebook and said "Th-thank you..." Her voice cracked a little making me chuckle. Kagome's just so cute! Definitely the total opposite of her bitch of a sister Kikyo. She's also really shy and timid I've noticed. I guess that makes sense considering what her life sounds like, but there seems to be something a little mysterious about her as well. With the way she's dressed, the why her aura feels, and the way she keeps to herself.

"Hey, Kagome?" Kagome turned her head towards me.

"Y-yes...?" she replied.

"I was wondering something and I was hoping you could possibly tell me."

"W-what is it...?" Kagome said turning her head back to the front of the class.

"I know this is prying a little but please answer truthfully. Does Kikyo scare you?" I asked. Kagome's eyes widened at my question and looked at me with shock and a bit of fear. "I...I..mmm...." Kagome was having a hard forming her words, I guess that would make sense. To calm Kagome down I gently put my hand on her back and started rubbing it. Kagome seemed to calm down a little and had a calmer expression now. She looked at me for a second and looked at her desk then said...

"I...y-yes...I-I'm scared of...K-K-Kikyo...." Kagome said with slight fear like she wasn't supposed to say anything. "Is....is that all you wanted to ask...?" She asked me still looking at her desk. I smiled at Kagome softly then said "Yes, thank you for answering my question Kagome."

I saw Kagome give a small smile and she blushed a little not knowing what to say toward my compliment. "Y-your welcome..." Her voice cracked a little, which was cute for the record.

'Oh Kagome...I knew you were afraid of Kikyo, but I had to hear it for myself before Inuyasha, Miroku, and I did anything to help you escape this hell your living in...' I thought to myself. I look at the front of the class to see that the teacher finally came into class. I can tell that this teacher is going to be one of those teachers who are always late for class.

"Good afternoon class, I'm professor Totosai, and I'll be your math teacher for this year. Now I have a few rules that you need to follow if you're in my classroom. I'll be handing out the syllabus so you can read the rules" After professor Totosai said that he started handout the syllabus. Totosai got to some other students before finally reaching me and Kagome.

"Here you go young ones, please read and follow the rules that are written in that syllabus" After Totosai said that he left and returned to his desk. I looked at Kagome and saw that she's already reading the syllabus, I think I should do the same.

I look at my copy of the syllabus and read the rules.


Rule 1 - No falling asleep in class

Rule 2 - Don't destroy any of the supplies given to you in class

Rule 3 - Respect the other students in the class

Rule 4 - Follow all those rules


I look at that last rule and roll my eyes 'Was that last rule really necessary?' I thought to myself. Well, I guess this syllabus is pretty explanatory. I guess professor Totosai is straight forward, and it seems that professor Totosai just started his lesson. I look back at Kagome and saw that she was working on that drawing that she was working on earlier. The one with the boy and girl. From what the drawing looked like it was that the girl was hugging the boy from behind and they were smiling.

Kagome was about to turn her head toward me, but I turned my head back at the front of the class before Kagome could see that I was looking at her drawing. And for some reason, I feel like I should keep that drawing of hers to memory. I also need to tell Inuyasha about Kagome and her fear of Kikyo. Well, good thing I was secretly recording on my phone when she answered my question. This should be some good concrete evidence to start us off from revealing the truth.

'Don't worry Kagome, we'll help you break free from Kikyo chains of evil.' I thought to myself. I take one more glance at Kagome before paying attention to professor Totosai for the rest of class.

*End Of Class And School Day*

It was finally the end of the school day! And that means it's time to go find Inuyasha to tell and show Inuyasha that recording of Kagome. Suddenly I got an idea and I turned around to Kagome

"Hey, Kago--!" Before I cloud even finish my sentence Kagome was already gone and no longer in class with me. 'Damn! She really is fast! She could easily get onto the track team with that speed of hers. So much for my idea of Kagome walking with us back home...' I thought to myself.

I packed my stuff up in my backpack and walked out of class. I started walking down the halls and started walking to the front of the school where Miroku and Inuyasha should be waiting. Once I made it to the front of the school I saw Inuyasha and Miroku already waiting for me.

Perfect! Now my chance to show Inuyasha that recording! I run over to Inuyasha and Miroku waving my hand shouting their names so they'd know that was running at them. "Hey! Miroku! Inuyasha!"

Inuyasha and Miroku looked at me and smiled "Hey Sango!" I heard Miroku shout back. I finally reached them and stopped running. "How was your last class Sango?" Inuyasha asked. Oh I'm sure he'll be surprised when I tell him the Kagome was in my class.

"Funny story actually, Kagome was in my class" Both Inuyasha and Miroku's eyes widened at what I just said. "W-wait...really? She was?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yep! And let me just say that she is one of the cutest people I've ever met! But, that's not my point. I have something to tell, specifically with you Inuyasha." I said

"With me?" Inuyasha replied with question.

"What's all this about Sango?" Miroku asked with suspicion.

"Well for one, before I even got to class I ran into Kagome in the halls. I tried calling her name a couple of times but for some reason, she wasn't responding. And this is the shocking part"

"Shocking part?" Inuyasha and Miroku asked in unison.

"The shocking part was that when I finally reached her and put my hand on her shoulder to get her attention she suddenly shouted out of the blue..."


"Please don't hurt me Kikyo! I'm sorry I talked to your boyfriend! Please don't hurt me!" Kagome shouted shocking me from what she had just said.

*End Of Flashback*

"Wh-what...? Kagome really said that?" Inuyasha asked in shock.

"Would I lie about something that serious? Inuyasha, she practically had a mental break down. She was stuttering, on her knees, holding her head, shaking, and was practically in tears. The poor girl was scared to death." I said in a serious tone. Inuyasha was in speechless with shock, Miroku was dumbfounded, and I had the proof to back up what I was saying.

"And I have concrete evidence to back me up." I said pulling my phone out causing Inuyasha to look at me with curiosity. I was about to play the recording, but I was interrupted but someone's voice saying...

"Inu-babe!" We all turn around to see none other than Kikyo. Inuyasha, Miroku, and I looked behind her and we also saw Kagome!

*Inuyasha's POV*

I heard a familiar voice calling my name, I turn my head away from Sango to see Kikyo smiling and waving at me. I also saw something behind Kikyo, so I tilted my head to see who was behind her and saw that it was Kagome! This has to be the first time I've seen Kagome and Kikyo together, and when I look at them when they're next to each other they really look like twins.

Kikyo came up to my group of friends and pushed Miroku and Sango out of the way then walked up to me. She kissed me on the cheek and said...

"Hay Inu-babe, look I'm sorry for how I acted before your lunch started, I was just a little cranky because I got the last lunch of the day. I hope you can forgive me for my behavior." Kikyo said in a sorry sounding tone. To be honest I didn't know what to think of Kikyo after hearing all these things about what Kikyo's been doing to Kagome, how Kagome reacts to Kikyo's name, and what Sango just told me just a few seconds ago.

I looked back at Kikyo "Oh, it's not a problem Kiki, don't worry about it." I said with a fake smile so she wouldn't get suspicious. I looked back at Kagome and saw that she was anything but relaxed. Her skin was pale, her hands were shaking, sweaty, and she was just looking at the ground hoping to not make eye contact with anybody. It's just as Sango said.

"Hey, Inu-baby, is it okay if I can walk with you and your friends back home?" Kikyo asked me with a somewhat cute tone lingering in her voice. I looked at Sango and Miroku to see what they thought and well...Sango's reaction was obvious. She didn't want Kikyo walking with us, and Miroku? I wasn't so sure what he thought. He just had a blank stare on his face. A few seconds later, Miroku looked at me then just shrugged his shoulders like he was saying he didn't really care.

'Oh boy...I know Sango's going to kill me later for this but...' I thought to myself then said "Sure Kikyo, you can walk with us" I looked at Kikyo and saw a smile on her face when she walked up to me and stood next to me, leaving Kagome alone in front of us with a dejected look on her face with her head lowered to the ground. Kagome turned around and looked like she was about to walk away.

I felt bad for her and I was gonna say something. Just before Kagome started walking away I was about to say something, but Sango beat me to it. "Can Kagome come and walk with us?" After Sango said that I saw that Kagome's head perked up a little bit. She turned around and looked back at us. She looked a little happy at what Sango had just said. I smiled at her face a little, but that smile faded away when I heard Kikyo say...

"Kagome's fine walking alone. She doesn't really like being around people, it makes her feel uncomfortable" I cloud feel Sango's anger running down my spine even if I'm not looking at her. "Isn't that right Kagome? You would rather walk home alone?" Kikyo asked Kagome.

Kagome's sad, dejected face came back and she just simply nodded her head to what Kikyo had said. Kagome turned around again and started walking away from us with her head lowered to the ground again. I watched Kagome walk away until she was out of sight.

'What was that all about? It's obvious that Kagome wanted to walk with us, so why did Kikyo just push her away from the group?' I thought to myself. "Umm...Kiki, are you sure she wanted to walk home alone? She looked like she wanted to walk with us." Kikyo looked at me with a smile "I'm sure she wanted to walk home alone, as I told you before Inu, she's not much of a peoples person."

I was just about to say something but Sango interrupted me. "Well, maybe next time you should let Kagome speak for herself and not be some bitch who likes to control someone's life choices." Kikyo looked at Sango with rage in her eyes. "Who do you think you're talking to?" Kikyo talked back at Sango. I looked at both Kikyo and Sango with worry and shock. So, I got between them before things would start getting out of hand. "Stop fighting you two, this is just getting ridiculous now. Kikyo, Sango has a point, you should let Kagome have her say next time" Sango looked at Kikyo "Ha! See? I told you so." I looked at Sango and said "And Sango, even though you were right about Kagome having her say, you shouldn't say it in such a rude tone."

Sango just "hmphed" and turned away from me. "Yea, whatever." I sighed. I swear, why can't Sango and Kikyo just stop fighting for even a day?

"Umm, is it okay if we start walking?" I heard Kikyo say. I turned around to look at her.

"Yea, sure, we can start walking now." I replied.

"Yea! Let's go." After Kikyo said that she started walking ahead oh us. My friends and I followed not too far behind.

*10 Minutes of walking*

Miroku had already made it to his house so it was just me, Sango, and Kikyo. Kikyo was still walking ahead of us when suddenly I felt Sango gently nudge me in the arm with her elbow. I looked at her with a confused look when I saw her pull out her phone and some headphones. She handed me her phone and gestured for me to put in the headphones. I did as she wanted and looked at the screen of her phone. I looked like it had a voice recording on it.

'Was this what Sango was trying to show me and Miroku before Kikyo interrupted our conversation?' I thought to myself. Sango said that this recording was concrete evidence that Kikyo is hurting Kagome. I looked up to see if Kikyo was looking at us, but she was still looking ahead walking in front of us. I looked back at the video on Sango's phone and nervously pressed play.

*The Voice Recording Starting*

"Hey, Kagome?" Sango's voice said.

"Y-yes...?" Kagome's voice said nervously.

"I was wondering something and I was hoping you could possibly tell me."

"W-what is it...?"

"I know this is prying a little but please answer truthfully. Does Kikyo scare you?" There was a small pause before Kagome's voice.

"I...I..mmm...." It sounded like Kagome was having a really hard time forming the words that were trying to come out of her mouth. She was stuttering when after a while she said in a shaky voice...

"I...y-yes...I-I'm scared of...K-K-Kikyo...."

*The Voice Recording Ended*

After the recording ended my eyes grew wide in shock, I almost just stood in place from what I had just heard on Sango's phone. 'N-no.....It...it can't be...K-kikyo...why..? Why would you do this to your younger sister....?' I thought to myself.

I felt Sango take her phone back from my hand. I could tell without even gazing at Sango that she was looking at me with concern. I guess she didn't expect the big of a reaction from me, but I can't help it. After dating someone for so long you'd think you'd know what they're like. I looked over at Sango, my eyes still widened from shock.

She gave me that 'I told you so' look, but in a concerning way, not her usual cocky know it all way. I was speechless, I didn't know how to respond to that voice recording.

"See? Do you believe me now Inuaysha...?" Sango asked quietly so Kikyo wouldn't hear her. I didn't know how to respond still, for once in my life, I was speechless. I was having a hard time forming the words that were trying to pass my lips.

"I....I don't know...I mean...I can believe Kagome's fear b-but....if I'm going to believe that Kikyo actually abuses her....then...then I need to see for myself....." I said quietly to Sango.

She sighed, but in an understanding way because she knew I needed time to process what I just heard. I was glad that Sango understood that I need time to think this over. If I wasn't determined then, I was now after hearing what Kagome said on the voice recording. I looked back at Kikyo who was still walking.

'Now it's my turn to do some investigating' I thought to myself. If I'm going to break up with Kikyo then I need to see what she really does with Kagome when they're alone. Tomorrow I'm going to follow Kikyo home and spy on them and see what she does with Kagome. If Kikyo really is abusing Kagome then I'm breaking things off with Kikyo. For good.

*Kikyo's POV*

I was walking with Inuyasha and his really annoying friend Sango. But I wasn't paying attention to them right now, I was just thinking about how fun it was gonna be punishing Kagome after she disobeyed me. I warned her, I told her to not talk to Inuyasha, and now she's going to pay the price for not heeding my warning.

I look around the houses that were on the block we were walking on and saw the high staircase that led to my house. "This is my stop" I said turned around to look at Inuyasha. He looked back at me "Okay Kikyo, I'll see you tomorrow at school." He gave me a small smile. I fake smiled back, walked up to him, and gave him a small peck on his cheek. "See ya tomorrow Inu" And with that, I walked up the staircase and made it to my house and walked inside. After I closed the door I looked around and saw that the kitchen was all messy from last night's dinner. Plus I have some chores that need to be done.

Well, as a first punishment, I can make her clean the whole house and send her to bed without dinner. "Yeah, I like that idea. It'll help with the next part of my punishment." I said to myself with a smirk. "Kagome!! Get your ass down here now!" I shouted because Kagome was upstairs in her room. And after a minute Kagome came down the stairs with a frightened look on her face, just the way I like it.

"Y-yes K-K-Kikyo....? Y-you c-called...?" She stuttered.

"Kagome, I want you to clean the whole house top to bottom, I want this place spotless." I demanded.

"B-but K-Kikyo...I w-was doing that drawing you w-wanted me t-to do f-for your b-boyfrie--!"

"Then you can finish it after you're done cleaning the house. Oh, and you're not eating dinner tonight. I don't feel like cooking for you tonight."


"No buts! Do as I say or I'll beat you now and you're not eating dinner tomorrow too! Do I make myself clear Kagome?!" I shouted at her. Kagome looked at me with fear, her hands started to shake, her face turned pale, and she was terrified. After a minute of glaring at Kagome, she just nodded her head and said...

"Y-y-yes ma'am....I-I understand..."

"Good, now get to work. I want this place spotless by tomorrow."

"Y-yes ma'am...." And with that, Kagome started cleaning the house. I went to the couch and started watching tv.

*3 Hours Later*

It was time to make dinner but I didn't feel like cooking in general tonight. So, I grabbed my phone and called a place where someone could drop off some pizza. After ordering my pizza I looked around the house and noticed that it was looking pretty clean. The whole house hasn't been cleaned yet so Kagome should still be cleaning.

About 30 minutes later the doorbell rang, I stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. There stood the pizza boy with a box of the pizza I ordered. I grabbed that box of pizza from the boy and he said...

"That'll be 1721 yen ma'am" I looked at the pizza boy

"Sorry, I don't want to pay, so bye."

"Wait, miss, you need to--!" I slammed the door in his face before he could finish what he was saying. Like I cared about paying, I just wanted pizza. I walked over to the kitchen and saw that Kagome was sweeping the wooden floor. I smirked to myself that coincidence that just popped up. I could tell that Kagome was hungry and that just made this even better.

I walked over to the counter and opened that box, letting out the delicious smell of pizza around the room. I looked over at Kagome and noticed that she could smell the pizza, I think I even saw her drool a little. But she as still cleaning looking at the floor. She refused to make eye contact with me.

I grabbed a plate from a cabinet and put a few slices of pizza on it and walked away, the box of pizza still opened on the counter purposely taunting Kagome reminding her that she can't eat tonight.

*2 Hours Later*

I finished eating and it looks like Kagome finally finished cleaning the house. After she finished cleaning she went up into her room to finish that drawing to told her to do.

'This is just the beginning Kagome, the real fun will begin tomorrow.' I thought to myself. It was night time at this point and Kagome's probably passed out. Good, that's the perfect chance to take that away from her so she can't use it tomorrow morning.

I walk over to the fridge and took out her blood tasting powder but left the water bottles. I walked over to the trash can and opened it throwing away the packets of blood flavored powder. "Hmph, just wait Kagome. Tomorrow's going to a living hell..."

*Kagome's POV*

Morning came and I was passed out on my desk from finally finishing the drawing Kikyo wanted me to do. The sunlight phased threw my window making the light shine on my face. The light that reflected on my face woke me up and I opened my eyes.

I sat up and felt terrible, I was tired, and I was hungry because I wasn't able to eat dinner last night. Kikyo must know by now that I was talking with Inuyasha. And what she told me before we entered the school...

'She's going to make my life a living hell now. What did I do to deserve this...? Why...why can't I just die...?' I thought to myself sadly.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost time to leave for school. I quickly got up and started getting ready for school. I grabbed my school bag and the drawing Kikyo ordered me to draw.

"Kagome!! Get your butt down here before we're late for school!!" I heard Kikyo shout causing me to flinch. I made sure to hurry up and walk downstairs. "Did you finish the drawing?" Kikyo asked me. "Y-yes...I did."

"Good, give it here" Kikyo said and snatched the drawing away from my hands. Before we left for school I walked over to the fridge in the kitchen to grab my powder and a bottle of water. When I opened the I grabbed a bottle of water and went to grab the powder, but it wasn't there.

'W-what...?! N-no!' I started to panic and looked all over the fridge to find the powder but no luck, they were gone! My powder's gone! No! Please! This can't be happening!

I'm hungry and tired...I need that powder to control my thirst for blood. If I don't drink it in the state I'm in now I might lose control. Was...was this Kikyo's doing...? It was...Kikyo got ride of my blood flavored powder...

"Kagome! We need to get to school! Get your ass over here!" Kikyo shouted. This isn't good...

"Y-yes ma'am..." I walked over to Kikyo without anything but my school bag. I saw Kikyo smirking at me for a split second before she opened the door and pushed me out telling me to get moving. I started walking to school with Kikyo walking next to me. For the whole walk to school, it was dead silent.

We made it to school and Kikyo walked inside leaving me in the dust again. I waked to the dark hallway I found yesterday and leaned against the wall. At that moment my stomach started to growl because I was just so hungry. And the fact that I didn't get to dring my blood flavored water makes this much worse. If I smell blood, even a little I might go crazy.

At this point, I felt my body begin to tremble...I feel weak, tired, hungry, and I'm thirsty for blood. 'Please Kagome...please stay strong and survive...please fight my thirst for blood.....' I thought to myself. I used whatever strength I had left to pick myself up and started walking to class.

My first class of the day was Geography. I did the best I could to find my class but it was taking a while. By the time I found my class almost everyone was inside their classes. I took a deep breath and opened the door to my Geography class. When I entered the room my eyes widened at who I saw. Inuyasha and Kikyo were sitting at a table together!

'N-no....no this can't be happening...! I-Inuaysha a-and K-Kikyo are in this class too...?!' I thought to myself and started to mentally panic. Inuyasha looked over at me and smiled at me, he waved his hand at me looking like he was saying "hey". My face turned pale again and since I was in such a panicked state I just looked away from Inuyasha and ran to the very back of the class sitting alone.

After about 10 minutes into class, the teacher finally came in. He looked like he was a small green elf-like creature. He had to climb on his chair to reach his desk.

"Hello class, I'll be your geography teacher this year. For those who don't know me, my name is Jaken. Now let's get two things straight that you should remember if you're in my class. One, stay focused, and no falling asleep in class. Two, no phones are allowed in class. If I catch any of you breaking these rules then you have detention after school. Do I make myself clear class?"

Everyone in the class nodded their heads and was a little shocked at how straightforward Mir. Jaken was. But I was too tired to do anything so I just stared at Mir. Jaken while everyone nodded their heads.

"Good. Now today is going to be an easy day today. I'll be handing out a piece of paper and you'll be asked a series of questions so I'll know what you want to learn most about in this class. Simple right? Good." After that Mir. Jaken started handing out a piece of paper to everyone. Once everyone got their paper sheet we started working on it. I was trying to focus on the paper but it was just so hard with my hunger and thirst for blood.

"Ow..." Suddenly I smelt blood from the front of the class and looked shocked. I looked at who's blood it was and it was coming from Inuyasha!

'B-blood.....why's...why does his blood smell so good...?' I thought to myself as I struggled to control my thirst for blood. I have to leave the class as soon as possible! I raise my hand to ask if I can go to the restroom. Thankfully Mir. Jaken let me leave. I left my seat and started running out of the class, but before I left the room I caught a glimpse of Inuyasha looking at me with a little concern.

As soon as I left the classroom I ran to the nearest restroom. I opened the door to the toilet and bent down and looked inside it feeling like I was about to puke.

"Why....why is this happening...? Why did his blood smell so good...? I'm so hungry....I....I....I need blood...." After I said that I lost control of myself and my once brown eyes turned blood red as I entered my vampire state.
