
Author's Redemption

"What a waste of time! That bas*rd author wasted the whole novel with just one plot twist. He should just die!" "Loved the novel at the start but now I find it disgusting. Very bad work Mr. Author." .. Reading the reviews of his latest chapter Lloyd was fuming with anger not at the readers but at himself. He couldn't meet the expectations of his readers. He decided to end it all and delete the novel before ending it. Little did Lloyd know that his life would turn upside-down because of his single decision. READ the novel to find out more!! ********** The story takes some time to take off but as it's creater and author I guarantee you readers one of the BEST READ. Please SUPPORT me!

CelestialMountain · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Next Plan

I woke up the next day, still feeling dazed from the previous events. Mila had served me breakfast, but I barely touched it.

My mind was preoccupied with the memories of the previous Lloyd. I needed to sort them out, piece them together, and make sense of them.

I spent the whole day poring over the memories. It was like a puzzle, and I had to fit each piece in its proper place to create a complete picture. The memories were jumbled and fragmented, but slowly, they began to come together. I could see the previous Lloyd's life unfolding before my eyes.

As I delved deeper into the memories, I could feel my heart racing with excitement.

' This was it! This was my chance to make something of myself, to become powerful and successful.'

Clenching my fists with anticipation I looked out from the window and the wealth of Richmond still amazed me.

The mansion was huge, with multiple rooms and hallways. It seemed like a maze, and I made a mental note to explore it later.

Now my first plan should be to get 'it'. But I'll die if I go as if now. I looked at the calendar it was 1790 Starlight year. I have 3 years atmost till 'they' find it. I should get stronger and snatch it before them.And I have to put a leash on Mila, She's unpredictable.

*Knock Knock

"Mas~ter I got you your lunch." Said Mila.

From yesterday's conversation I got to know that she used her real name to work as my maid 'Mila Rosh' seems to be her new name.

I looked at Mila with and said

"Feed it to me."

I could see the shock on her face but she quickly recovered

"ha~ya master I didn't knew you were so bold. Are you really the Lloyd-sama I know?."

I closed the distance between us and pulled her chin. I ignored her surprise face and whispered in her ear.

"I am your master don't question me Miss Rosh Or should I say Miss Banther?" I said with a cold voice. But it was enough for Mila to understand that I knew everything about her.

Unlike her playful expression she had a cold emotionless expression befitting her nickname 'Ice Queen'.

She backflipped and took out two daggers from god knows where but i kept my calm and said " Look Mila I know that you know I don't have any familial bonds with this basta*ds. So tell me what are you doing here and maybe I could help you? What do you say? I mean look at you the most powerful assassin in the world working as a maid. Hahaha. " I laughed at her.

Mila put her guard down and said " Look boy I don't have time to play with you and I may have to silence you based on your next response. You know what I mean right?. "She looked at me.

" Mila tell me what you want I'll help you get it but you must help me with something too. And about silencing me how about we take mana Oath? ".

You heard me right this was magical world where legendary beasts and many races live and mana is the main source of magic.

Mila is 5-star assassin that alone could give her a special position in any kingdom.

There are 7 levels and the strongest level was 7-star and only one man was able to reach the peak of 7-star and atleast that's what other people think but as the author of this world I know something's that could shake the foundations of many kingdoms. But before that I must win this bit*h over.

"So tell me Mila what is your choice?"