7 chapter 7: Unveil project "Link Start"

In the Hamilton estate, below the mansion is Ace's lab, which now he is seen decoding what happened last three days

"Master Ace" said Tim, "you should take heed to your health, and rest or eat to keep your sanity"

"I'm sorry Tim but I have to find out what happened after I was tinkering the new model helmet" Ace replied and started to flash back

~~ flashback ~~

Ace just got home with a lot of marks to show from that fight, he then head straight to the lab and started tinkering on a Vr headset that looks like head phones with a glass visor that covers the eyes

"All righty then" Ace said with a smile as he strated tinkering

A few minutes later he puts on the headset but something unexpected happened

The headset exploded and a wave of colors had burst out and converged again, after all that a ping was heard by Ace, and he looked at his linker, there he saw an app that says: 'link start', there he thought 'I need to investigate'

~~ End of Flashback ~~

Ace stopped and just accepted the facts, and went upstairs to have some dinner, a bath and a good night's rest

"Tim Schedule a meeting with Sc towers' partners and board of directors" Ace said while preparing a sandwich

"Yes sir" Tim said as the monitor actually made a ping like sound and us now showing an exclamation mark, "Am I thinking what you will do that I think you will going to do sir?"

"Time to unveil project: 'Link Start'!" Ace smirked and ate his sandwich after


In the bustling city of New York you may seem to think that it's just an ordinary day but...

"Hahahaha" said the figure in the T.v., "hello once again people in television land"

All of the people stopped what their doing and looked up and saw the illustrious owner of Sc towers

"Did you think it's an actor doing an advertisement?"

"BUT IT IS ME!!" Yelled Joker, "JOKER!!"

As of now everything said by Joker is being translated by all signals sent to all countries

"I have two good news and a bad news" Joker explained, "the good news is we are going to unveil the new installment for the ABO game and for the Link start initiative"

The crowd gasp as they actually see there is a bad news

"The bad news is...." Joker pointed up and what people saw a dragon, a typical fantasy dragon flew past the central square and is now destroying all things in it's path, "I may have let out hell, that's where the second good news come in!!"

A cloaked figure is now seen at the top of the empire state building jumped and slashed the dragon in half, and the dragon is destroyed and disappeared in light particles

"To battle these said monsters" Joker continued, "that is the use of the Link start initiative! It is for you to take the first step"

The screen turned off, and the cloaked figure raised his hand as a magical array appeared from his hand and restored all damage done by the dragon

And the the cloaked figure disappeared like nothing happened

A few meters away from the scene, Alex is seen with a camera and is looking at the pictures within it

"I will uncover who you really are, Ace Hamilton" Alex said, "or should I say Leone Jaeger"

