1 A Visit From an Old Acquaintance and Friend

I was looking out the window at the white shimmering snow falling from the sea sky. Everyone says that it is so much fun playing in the white fluff, but extremely cold. I once was able to play out in it and I wish I could play in it again, but I can never step foot outside or anywhere in that matter for a long time.

I hear a knock on the door and answer saying come in. All the sudden Iris and Chase are in my face asking, "Will you please tell us your story, now?" I hesitated. I looked into those eyes pleading for my story. I sighed and replied with, "Fine, but never tell this to anyone without my permission, understood?"

They nodded with a serious expression telling me that I could trust them with this valuable information. I smiled and began to start my story. 

When I was seven-years-old, my mother died. I was left alone because, after my mother's death, my father accused and hit me. He eventually got bored, because I refused to scream and cry in front of him. I did when he first started to do it, but somehow I got used to it and just stayed quiet until he stopped all of the sudden. He grabbed his coat and closed the door behind him.  


I got up after he left and collected all the alcohol bottles and threw them away and started cleaning the house. I watched and helped my mother clean the apartment when she was still alive. I enjoyed cleaning with her because she would always sing and I would sometimes join in.


I sang my mother's favorite song while I cleaned the house. I knew it was pointless to clean it because my father would just ruin it again, but it made me feel closer to my mother. After I got done cleaning the house, I got bandages and cleaned up myself. Getting some practice, I got better at cleaning and hiding my bruises and cuts.


"Why did you hide your bruises and cuts?" Chase asked. "It's not polite to interrupt people, especially when they're telling a story," Iris said slapping chase's head with her hand. "I'm sorry he interrupted you, can you please continue?" She asked. I replied smiling with, "Don't hesitate to ask questions and Iris please don't slap your brother. To answer your question Chase, I hid them because I would feel embarrassed if someone knew how ugly my life was." Chase apologized for interrupting and asked me to continue.


My life continued the same every day, until one day I finally broke. My father left and I started to clean up the alcohol bottles, but one slipped out of my hand and glass was everywhere. I started crying, trying to stop but the tears just kept going. When I finally started to calm down, I hear a knock on the door and I was shocked. Even though I lived in a two-story apartment building, nobody came and talked to us or asked any questions. The people living there just seemed to not care.


I said, "Please hold on. Just give me a minute." I wiped my face, put on a sweater and zip it up all the way and finally answered the door. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting," I say while opening the door. I was shocked to see a boy that looked a few years older than me. "Can I help you?" I asked forcing a smile. "Well, I was wondering if you heard a noise. I'm from the first floor and I thought I heard glass shatter and someone crying," he said with a worried look. "I'm sorry, but I didn't hear anything. Are you sure you're ears aren't playing tricks on you? It's nice of you to care, but I must be going. I hope you figure out what that noise was. I might have been the wind," I replied closing the door. I hear him whisper bye and start walking away.


That was a close one. Good thing I had a sweater. I didn't think a sweater would go up to my chin, I thought. I clean up the glass and try to make the least amount of noise I could. I decided to sing my mother's song because it always gave me comfort. I heard a knock but I thought I was hallucinating, but a few moments later I hear it again. I grab my sweater and zip it again. I open the door and see the boy from earlier that day.


"How long have you been waiting at my door?" I asked. "Maybe around seven minutes," he said as if it was a question. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," I apologized with a nervous smile. Why is he here, I kept asking myself. "I'm sorry, it's just – it's just I couldn't stop thinking about the noise. I am positively sure that it was you," he said with the worry in his eyes. "Why are you so positive it was me? I could have been the wind and besides that, I don't know you," I said a little irritated. "I'm sorry, my name is Reyd. What's your name?" he asked. I reluctantly answered, "My name is Aurora. It's nice to meet you Reyd."


"I know we just met and I just moved here, but I just want you to know that you can lean on me. I would like to be your friend and when you're ready to tell me about the noise, I'd be happy to listen, but for now I'll pretend that it was just the wind," he said with a smile. I looked up at him and smiled while saying, "I still don't know anything about the noise you heard and I would really like it if we were friends."


I never had a friend before and I don't think Reyd knew he was my first back then. We said goodbye and I closed the door. I was so happy that I started singing and dancing. I didn't know it back then, but Reyd heard me singing and fell in love with my voice.


"May I ask a question," Iris asked. "I have another question as well," Chase pipped in. "Well, of course. What are your questions?" I asked. "I didn't know you met Reyd like that and I'm sure it hurts talking about him. I'm truly sorry, but did you ever ask him if his window was even open? And is 'it must have been the wind' the best excuse you could come up with?" Iris said, "I'm sorry, that seemed a bit rude."


"It's alright. I did eventually ask him about why he just went along with it, but I'll tell you his answer when I get there. Now, Chase what was your question?" I asked. "Aww, man I want to know his answer," Iris said, a little disappointed. "I was just wondering, did you like him when you first saw him? I mean, did you like him as in love him," he asked in a shy sort of way. Chase is very outgoing but when he asks questions sometimes, he gets embarrassed and starts to talk quieter and quieter where you can barely hear him. "Chase, are you asking me if I fell in love him when I first saw him?" I asked. He nodded and I laughed a little and answered, "Well, actually I was more surprised to see him and I didn't know what love was, to be honest, I just happy to find someone who'd be my friend." Iris smiled and said,  "Thank you again for answering Chase's and my questions. I know it's hard for you. We appreciate it."


"I have to admit, it is hard to talk about him, but if I'm telling you my story, I feel as if I have to answer your questions because I know how curious you two are," I said, trying to make them realize I should face my past. "Now, I going to continued my story." They both nodded with a worried look on there faces. I knew they were worried about me, but I just smiled and continued the story.  



I was happy the whole day until my father sent me a text saying, "I will not be coming home. You are going to have to learn to take care of yourself for a while. Don't bother answering me, because I will be changing my number. If I see you anywhere, act as if you never knew me, understood?" I couldn't see the text after I read. My eyes became cloudier and cloudier. I didn't know how to survive on my own. I was only fourteen. What father, why is all I could ask myself. I cried in the corner for a few days and eventually couldn't cry anymore. My eyes were sore from crying soo much and then I heard a soft knock. Grabbing my sweater and zipping it up, I opened the door. I saw Reyd and without knowing what I was doing, hugged him.


I guess he was surprised because he didn't move. I felt his arms go around me and he whispered, "Can I come in?" I pushed him away realizing what I was doing. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that," I said looking at the ground, embarrassed. "It's really ok. I just didn't expect a hug, when you opened the door," he replied. "Come in," I whispered. We walked in and then I realized I never cleaned up after my father because I was too busy crying. I hurried and hid the bottle hoping he didn't see them. I walked away and I knew he knew I was hiding something. "I'm sorry, I haven't cleaned my apartment in a while," I said throwing away the bottles and closing the trash can as fast I could. "It's alright, I can't say mine is any better," he replied a bit embarrassed.


I laughed a little and told him he could sit on the couch. I started cleaning out of habit and he just watched. "Do you like cleaning?" he asked, "I'm just wondering because you are smiling as if you enjoyed it." I forgot that he was there for a minute. I was so used to being alone when I was cleaning, that my mind went elsewhere. "I do," I said continuing to clean. "Do you need help?" he asked. "No, you just stay there. You can turn on the television if you are bored. I wouldn't want a guest to clean just because I am," I said trying to be polite. I didn't know what to do with people because I never had a quest before. I kept cleaning and started to hum. Without me noticing Reyd got up walked toward me and said, "Your voice is beautiful." I was startled and dropped my spray. When it hit the wood, It burst open. I hurried in the kitchen, ignoring his comment and started cleaning up the mess I made.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said with sincerity. "It's ok," I said, "I am just not used to having you around here." There was silence, all he did was watch me clean up my mess. I finished cleaning everything, but the floors. I got the vacuum out and plugged it in. "Let me do that, you should rest for a few minutes. I haven't down anything but watch you clean and I feel bad for doing nothing," he said grabbing the vacuum and told me to sit down. I signed with frustration and relief and sat on the sofa, watching him clean my floors. I was tired and ended up falling asleep.


I woke up when I heard glass shatter. I jumped frightened thinking my father was back. I realized very soon that my life was way more peaceful without him, I honestly hoped he would never come back. I grabbed the pillow and shielded my face. "Hey, are you ok?" I looked up realizing that Reyd was still here. "Yeah, you just scared me a little," I said loosening up my grip o the pillow. "It looked like you were scared to death," he said worried, "Do you not like the sound of glass shattering? Does it trigger something?" I looked away and said, "I am fine, please stop asking me questions. What were you even doing in my kitchen?"


He rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Sorry, it's just you looked too peaceful on the couch I didn't want to wake you up. I finish cleaning the floors and started cooking some food. I had to go to my apartment and grab some ingredients." I just looked at him questioning his motives. What did he want? "Thank you for cleaning my floors. I apologize for falling asleep. You should have woken me up, I could've helped you cook," I asked showing him I was mad. "Please don't be mad at me. I just wanted to be of help and I was surprised you didn't wake up when I closed the door," he said with a sad look in his eyes, "I accidentally knocked down one of your plates." I got up and walked into the kitchen. I see the glass and without saying a word got a broom and started cleaning up the mess.


"Question," Iris said raising he hand. I 'm not sure why he rose her hand but it was funny. I chuckled and said, "Yes?" With any hesitation, Iris started talking and I couldn't keep up with how fast she was talking. "Woah, slow down! I can't understand you," I said. "Oh, sorry. I guess I got excited. My question is, "Did you fall asleep on the couch because you didn't eat nor sleep well after your father left you? And also, I didn't know Reyd knew how to cook," she said  


I signed looking out the window and said with embarrassment, "Yes, I didn't sleep much at all when my father left. I punished myself because I thought I was the reason he left, but later I find out the real reason why he left so suddenly and Reyd was a wonderful cook. He could cook possibly anything." "What was the real reason?" Chase asked with wonder in his eyes. "I will tell you when I get there in the story," I said smiling because I knew they would pout and be frustrated. "Please continue," I hear an old voice in the shadows. I freeze knowing the voice of that person. I look over and see Reyd in the doorway. "Why… Why are you here?" I said feeling anger, sadness, and happiness all at once. I glare and at him, and he says, "I'm sorry.. please let me explain my actions. I didn't want to hurt you, but it was the only way to protect you." I looked away and didn't say a word. The kids said goodbye and said they'd visit tomorrow. "Please, don't go. I want to continue my story. Please, please stay," I say pleading them to stay. I didn't want to be alone with Reyd.


Chase and Iris decided to stay and sat back down on the chairs. "Can I stay and hear your story?" Reyd asked. "No, I would like it if you would leave," I said. Reyd with a sad look in his eyes walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Chase breaking the silence and said, "I don't know what that was all about, but I know you'll tell us when you get there in your story." I gave him a weak smile and whispered, "Yeah, I'll get there soon enough." Iris looked at me because I already told her what happened, but I didn't tell her the whole story.


I didn't continue the story and we ended up talking about different topics. It was getting late and the siblings had to leave. I said goodbye and waved with a smile. I enjoyed talking to them. It felt like they would always keep my company. "I'll see you both tomorrow and stay out of trouble," I said. "We will. Bye," they said waving goodbye.  


The next day, I hear someone come in. I turn around and see Reyd and Jet. "Hey, Jet how have you been? It's been some time since we've seen each other," I said with a smile completely ignoring Reyd. "Yeah, it has. How long has it been? I'm good. I'm sorry to hear about your leg condition. Will you be able to walk again?" He asked worried about me. "I can walk, silly. I'm just not able to walk far. I'll tell you all the details later. Anyway, I know there has to be a reason you came. Do you need anything?" I asked trying to get they out as fast as I can, but mostly Reyd.


"I came because I was worried about you and your relationship with you and Reyd," he said. "I don't want to talk to him. Matter of fact, I won't talk or listen to him," I said with anger soring through my body. "I know you don't want to talk to him. I figured that out before I stepped foot into this building. But please hear me out. I don't like it when my friends fight and I know you're angry at Reyd, but my only wish is for you to hear what he has to say," Jet pleaded and I knew he had me wrapped around his finger. I stubbornly said, "Jet, Iknow you are worried about your friends and I love it that you're trying so hard to help us, but –" I got interrupted when I hear my phone ring, "Excuse me for a minute," I said while answering my phone.


"Hello?" I answer not knowing who called me. "Hello, this is Chase and Iris' mother, I was wondering if you would take care of my children for a few hours. I know this short notice and I am willing to pay you. My babysitter decided to leave and I don't want my children to be home alone," she said. I could tell she was in a rush. I smiled and said, "I would love to take them off your hands. I hope you luck with your job," I said and hung up. I looked up to see Jet and Reyd staring at me. "Is something wrong?" I said smiling because I was excited that the children's mother trusted me to look after them.


"No, I was just wondering what that was all about," Jet said, "You look extremely happy." "I am, I would be dancing if I could," I said with joy. Jet chuckled and patted my head. "I'm glad to see your smile again," he said, with that, he left and Reyd following him. I looked out the window watching for the children to arrive. 
