

//Mature Content Ahead// Descriptions of self-harm.


Everyone thinks the reason my father died was because he was protecting me, his only daughter. In a way, I suppose that's true. On the other hand, it couldn't be more possibly incorrect. I have a strong opinion when it comes to the reason he had died. Well I suppose he didn't just say die, rather, he was brutally murdered. He was a Deatheater, and was killed by his own lord, Voldemort. Many think that his name should should not be spoken, I disagree and find it pathetic. One should not fear another's name, it makes you feel weak and powerless. My father would have agreed if he were still here.

The fact that he had possibly died to protect me terrifies me more than anything else that has in my entire life. To this day, the thought still runs through my brain, regretting every second of my life. I know I shouldn't, but when I heard these accusations, I started to cut like it was the only thing that gave me pleasure. I have large scars on my wrists from these actions, though I am able to cover them up with magic.

It's fucked up, I know.

But it's my drug.

As I lay in my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling and hugging myself tightly, I finally manage to pluck up the courage to get out of bed and get ready for my first day at Hogwarts, a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

In the past, I had went to Beauxbatons, but I had always felt so out of place considering I am not French. Surely, I can speak the language, but I am not fluent enough to attempt school there, thus I had my mother remove me from the school. Luckily, my older brother, Theo, graduated from Hogwarts six years ago, to which he was able to help keep my knowledge of magic high. I know I am still much behind than I necessarily should be, though he's been helping me more than he can. He had to constantly has to balance between his career as an Aurour and aiding me with my studies. This is why after five years, my mother decided that this homeschooling wasn't going to work much longer and transferred me to Hogwarts.

After I push the thoughts aside of my wrists constantly craving attention, I stand up from my bed and take a quick glance through my window. I notice I woke up this morning to a thin blanket of brown leaves covering our front lawn. I sigh, allowing my breath to cover the glass in fog, before lazily walking to my dresser and picking out my clothes I should wear for my first day.

I pull out a black skirt that hangs high above my knees. Not high enough it makes me look like a— whore. I throw on a tight fitted, grey long sleeve shirt and tuck it into my skirt. I quickly scatter to the bathroom to brush my teeth when I look in the mirror and examine my hideous reflexion. I never see beauty looking back at me, I only feel hatred towards myself.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen for some breakfast, when I notice my mother reading the news paper whilst tapping on her pipe. She started smoking to help relieve her stress, which I do not blame her for. Somewhat, I kinda enjoy the smell of the pipe tobacco. It smells surprisingly sweet and smoky, and it reminds me of winter and wood burning ovens.

"Morning, Sweethart!" She bellows without looking up from the new paper.

Recently, she stared reading them much more often to keep up with the news in our small corner of the world.

"Morning, Mum," I smile back, walking towards the fridge for milk I will add to my bowl of cereal. I can tell Mum is happy. Probably eager to get rid of me. I turn back around to her and at a quick glance, everything seems to be normal. But when I bend down to plant a kiss on her cheek, I notice that the pictures on her news paper are moving. "Is that the Daily Prophet?"

"It is. Look at this," she says, handing my the paper.

I take it from her hands, and frown when I see the front page. Completely covering the entire from cover, I see large words stating the truth.


I can feel my blood starting to boil at the though. The person who murder my father over forty years ago had returned to our country.

I continue leading through the Prophet, when I see a small blurb about The Choosen One, with an even smaller pictures of him and Dumbledore, the Headmaster at Hogwarts.

I feel myself staring the paper in shock, slightly crumpling the edges from my knuckles tightening.

"Rosie, it'll all be okay," my Mum reassures me, and slowly takes the paper from my grasp. Once my breathing starts slowing, she takes once glance at her watch and a loud gasp escapes her lips. "We are going to be late! Let's get a move on." She says, standing up from her chair and placing the Prophet on the kitchen table.

I let out a sharp breath when I remember that I will be the only new student attending Hogwarts, other than the first years. I march back up to my bedroom and grab my trunk that I packed yesterday night.

I begin dragging in downstairs, creating loud thumps each time it hits the following step. When I hit the floor, I see Theo standing in the living room speaking with my mother.

"Theo, what are you doing here?!" I let go of my trunk, and run straight towards him pulling into a tight hug.

The last time I saw Theo was over two months ago, before summer started. I missed him dearly and I am so curious as to why he's here.

"Hey little Sis! I figured it would be easier on Mum for me to Apparate you to Kings Cross station." He exclaims, releasing me from my desperate hug. Of course he'd come to the rescue for her, he's such a mummy's boy. I nod, walking back to my trunk I left laying on the floor. I walk back towards him, still smiling fiercely, and he pulls away from a hug with my Mum. "Ready?"

"Ready," I nod, and pull my Mum into a deep hug, instantly smelling the fumes from her pipe. I'll miss that smell. "Bye, Mum. I love you." I whisper into her chest.

"I love you too, Sweetie. Stay safe." She replies, and wipes the tears that fell from her cheeks.

Almost instantly, I feel his arm twist away from me, and start being pulled into multiple directions. This isn't the first time I've Appararted, though each time, it still makes me nauseous.

When I feel my feet firmly hit the ground, I open my watering eyes and see that we are standing in front of the steamy Hogwarts Express. I let out a gasp, and I hear Theo chuckle from beside me. I twist my head towards him, noticing that he has his gazed focused on my whole smiling brightly. I set down my trunk and pull him into a final tight hug.

"I'll miss you." I burst out, and let the tears fall out of my eyes.

He pulls away, and wipes my tears away with his thumb. Theo has always been the best brother. Surprisingly, he was put in Ravenclaw his first year. I would have expected him to be in Hufflepuff due to his constant kind gestures.

"I'll miss you more." He says, so evidently trying to hold back his tears.

"You better owl me once a week, you git." I guffaw, and playfully punch him in the shoulder.

"Of course, Rosie. Don't get into any trouble." He assures me making me let out one final laugh.

I smile brightly, waving my hand goodbye. He returns the smile and mouths 'Bye' before Apparating with a pop.

I wipe away the final tears with my hand, and sniffle before grabbing my trunk and heading to the express.

I step onto the train, feeling the butterflies rush to my stomach. I start making my way towards the back of the train when I notice every single compartment was full. I struggle to walk throw the tight walk way, dragging my trunk behind me. I peer to the right, looking through the class of the clear door, and see a girl with beautiful strawberry blond hair, alone inside a compartment deep inside a book.

I place a quiet knock on the glass before opening the door. Her head shoots up from her book, looking slightly startled from my presence. When we make eye contact, I notice she has emerald green eyes and I can't help but stare.

"Can I help you?" She snaps me out of my trance.

To my surprise, her tone was politer than I thought she would have been. Her posture was slouched back into her seat and she had on a long, intimidating winged eyeliner, with a small amount of lipgloss on her plump lips. I anticipated from this demeanour that she was going a cruel person with no care in the world, but I was incorrect. She was truly was a sight for sore eyes.

"All the other compartments are full. Do you mind if I sit here?" I ask politely.

"Of course, come in!" She exclaims excitedly, patting the seat in front of her.

I smile and thank her for her sweet gesture, before stepping just outside to pick up my trunk, and place it in the over head shelf. Struggling to place it on, I sigh and notice a tall boy with platinum blond hair standing a few feet closer to the back than our compartment. I stand on my tip toes and slightly tap him on his shoulder. He violently spins around, instantly making deadly eye contact with me. My jaw drops to the floor when he gives me the coldest look, sending chills down my spine.

"The fuck do you want, pig?" He spats, taking one step towards me.

How cruel could one be to call another a pig? I hadn't met him, I hadn't spoken with him and we both know nothing about each other. He must be a quick one to judge, considering he keeps glaring at me and my body before scoffing to himself.

"Sorry, I was just wondering if you could help me with my trunk" I burst out quickly, attempting to push the disturbing thoughts running through my mind and to remain calm from the intimidating boy standing before me.

I notice the corner of his lips begin to curl upwards, causing my polite smile to fade. He takes another step towards me, causing him to now be towering over me. His head is nearly a whole foot above mine, and I tilt my head to the left trying to avoid any possible eye contact.

"Do not touch me," he says coldly, causing me to slightly flinch when I feel his spit hit my forehead. "Do not speak to me," he adds, and at the this point, I can feel my heart beating a hundred miles per hour. "Get the fuck away from me." He says, and pushes at my shoulders, causing me to stumble backwards.

After he practically spat in my face, I hear the girl from the compartment jump up to her feet.

"Why don't you just fuck off, Malfoy!" She shouts, placing both hands on her hips in a sassy type of attitude.

I suppose she wasn't as nice as I had expected her once to be.

The pale blond, named Malfoy, snaps his neck towards her quickly, for a second, I thought he broke it. He fumes at her, jaw clenched so tightly as he grits his teeth. I peer down at the floor, carving a glimpse of his whitening knuckles from making his fist so damn hard.

"Speak to me like that again, Brown. I fucking dare you." He threatens, but her confiance doesn't change.

"Don't talk to her like that." I but in, and he snaps his neck back to me.

"I don't obey anyone you filthy little pig." He says, nothing the shocked expression on my face. "You will not speak to me like that or you'll regret it."

"You're pathetic!" She yells back, before grabbing me by the wrist, yanking me into the compartment and slamming the door. When I shuffled inside, I continue breathing heavily from that frightening encounter. I soon realize that my legs are shaking from pressing them together extremely hard, which doesn't happen very often. With a hand placed against my chest, the girl suddenly starts tugging at my shoulders. "Do you have a death wish?!" She shouts, releasing her hands off of me and taking a seat onto the bench.

I follow, sitting down across from her and cross my legs. "I didn't know he would be like that. I had just asked if he could help me," I reply, starting to maintain a proper breathing pattern. "Wasn't he just pleasant," I say with a sarcastic tone. "Who was that bastard anyway?" I add, and her jaw drops.

"Who was he?" She repeats my question with a slightly amused tone in her voice. "That was Draco Malfoy. Nobody dares to mess with him. Well, expect me of course. And from the way I saw you looking at him, I need to warn you that, yes, he is fucking gorgeous, but don't get blinded by those perfections," She tells me, and I start feeling deathly nervous as to what he has done to people. "He is a psychotic devil who thinks he owns the entire school and everyone inside it because he is rich."

"I hadn't expected that." I gulp while bitting the skin around my finger nails.

"Don't worry about him though," she says, emphasizing the hatred in the word 'him'. "As long as you don't bother him, you'll be fine" she adds, placing a hand on my thigh, which helps soothe me. I continue nodding, trying to ignore the gut wrenching feeling side my stomach. "What's your name?" She bursts out, soon after contracting her hand from me.

"Rosalie Wilson, but you can call me Rosie." I smile.

"Nice to meet you Rosie, I'm Finleigh Brown." She says, sticking her hand out. I reach my hand into hers and shake it while smiling. "What house do you reckon you'll get out into?"

"I honestly have no idea. My brother was a Ravenclaw so I s'pose that could be a possibility." I shrugs my shoulders.

"That would be too bad, I'm in Slytherin and I don't have many friends. Most people hate me because I'm too nice for them." She says, lounging back into her chair.

I laugh to myself. If she was too nice for them, than what would the others be like? Would they all be as cruel as Malfoy?

I lean my head against the window, watching the beautiful scenery zip by, noticing heavy grey storm clouds up above. It was fairly warm in the compartment, allowing the window to keep fogging and I draw little squiggles in the condensation.

Honestly, I hadn't really put any thought to which house I was most likely to be placed in. My father was a Slytherin, but I didn't find it necessary to mention him just yet. And by the sounds of it, Draco Malfoy was also in Slytherin, which I then silently hoped not to be placed into. Of course, I found Finleigh super sweet, but after my encounter with Draco, I was already regretting speaking to him.

First chapter is done!!!

Please let me know your thoughts.

Looking for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.