
Attribute system in Naruto

A normal person with an attribute system in Naruto world is not the same as he thought because in the report there is a famous ninja named Kurama Aizen in Konoha. WHAT THE HELL !!! Let's see how in a world filled with other transmigrators he survives? _______________________________________ For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a ) Disclaimer: All the media and characters other than MC belong to their respective owners.

Uchiha_Itachi007 · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

21. First boss fight

After leaving the team, they travelled through a land of fire. Sensing the trouble on the fire and rain country border, Akira decided to go through the river country, which was in between the land of wind and the land of fire.Due to Akira's danger sense, they threaded past all the defenses of the land of fire without alerting them. Still, some Anbu were able to find his traces and started to follow his team. 

At the border of a Land of Fire and Land of River, ninjas from two countries were walking together. From Sunagakare, there were Gaara, Temari and Kankuro. On the other side, from Konohagakure, are Chunin Shikamaru, Genin Haku and Genin Karin. The Konoha team was escorting them back after they helped them in the Sasuke rescue mission. They come across Team Akira.

"Enemy! Rain shinobi?" Shikamaru says this and readies his shadow imitation technique.

Looking at Gaara, who had already opened his gourd releasing sand around him. Akira decided to deescalate the situation.

"Now we are just passing by. If you let us pass, we are going to go back to our village. Nobody gets hurt. How about it?" Akira says because he feels his instincts to get away from this place.

"You are in enemy territory. I will have to capture you and take you back to the village." Shikamaru rejects the offer.

"Are you sure about it, kid? I know you just became a chunin. You are 5 Genin and a Chunin, we are 1 Jonin and 3 Genin. I don't think the odds are in your favour." Akira replied.

"Shadow Imitation Jutsu"

Akira tried to jump to avoid the shadows but Gaara's sand already had a hold of him. Shaking his head he sighs, his main concern wasn't this, but the new opponents that just appeared.


Three rock shinobi's appeared, disrupting the situation.

"Rock fist" the right one went straight to punch Gaara but Gaara's sand auto defense stopped it. From behind the first rock shinobi another jumps over the sand wall and goes for a top-down rock punch but another sand wall stops his attack.Seeing the attacks as ineffective, they jump back to their teammates.

"I told you.lt won't work." the guy who didn't attack said.

"We just want the Ichibi jinchuriki, you Konoha and Rain Shinobi don't get in our way" he continues.

Akira felt utter disgust just by hearing a few words from the leader of Rock Shinobi. Normally, Akira doesn't hate anyone he might not like them, but to hate someone , it requires a lot of time and effort. But hating someone just because of a few words was new for him. He released himself from Gaara's sand hold and decided to observe first to find the source of this disgust.

"And who are you?" Kankuro ask while unfolding his puppets to get ready for the upcoming fight.

"I am Su Chen.On my right, Kenzo and left Kenji both of them belong to the explosion squad" he replies.

"Su Chen Tsuchikage's personal disciple" Haku muttered.

"What a drag! I don't think we will be leaving. We have mission to make sure they reach their village safely" Shikamaru decides to protect them.

"You Konoha ninjas, it's not your situation to meddle in. You don't want to make us rock shinobi your enemy after all, I don't think your village can handle another attack." Su Chen mocks them.

"That's not for you to decide and I don't think we are alone to fight you." Shikamaru looks upto Team Akira.

Akira scratches his head and asks,"How did you know?"

Shikamaru replies,"You still haven't left."

Akira looked at Su Chen and says,"Hey why don't you let the kids go. I don't think other countries will like Iwagakure having three bijuu."

Su Chen replies angrily,"You other countries always like to stop Iwagakure's rise, colluding with each other to suppress us. Now it's time for Iwa to rise and we will destroy those who wronged us in past, no matter who they are."

'He is one of those.'Akira starts to understand his disgust for Su Chen.

Akira jumps and joins the Konoha squad.

"I am Akira this Ajisai, Suiren and Fuyo. Your names" Akira asks.

Shikamaru: "Shikamaru"

Haku: "Haku"

Karin: "Karin"

Kankuro: "Kankuro"

Temari: "Temari and he is my brother Gaara"

"So Shikamaru, any idea how deal with them" Akira asks.

"I have but they seem way too powerful to be done by any plan." Shikamaru replies, saying his true thoughts a loud.

"Listen, kid give me the Haku and Karin. you can keep my three genin and I will deal with Su Chen. Is it alright with you." Akira asks.

Getting no reply, he slapped Shikamaru on the back of his head,"Just relax kid and tell your teammates what to do. Just keep them alive until I finish Su Chen. You can do that right"

Shikamaru nods in agreement.

"Let me tell you some good news your two opponents seems to have recently gotten a huge power up" Akira says while sensing the danger from Kenzo and Kenji being all over the place while danger from Su Chen remains at a stable amount.

"How is that, good news?" Shikamaru complains. Kenzo and Kenji were already Jonin and plus this unknown huge power up this was more trouble.

"Kid let me give you a life lesson when someone gets a huge power up, they thinks all losses are small until they aren't." Akira gives his made-up, sagely advice.

"You two follow me and team Ajisai will follow team Shikamaru." Akira picks up Karin and Haku. Using the Water Body Flicker, he teleports just beside Su Chen. Su Chen, although surprised by Akira's speed, swung a Kunai to go for the kill, but it was too late. Akira places a kick on his waist and activates the jutsu.

"Wind Release: Gale Kick"

A wind is compressed and transformed around his kick. The impacts send Su Chen flying through the air.Kenzo and Kenji turned to attack him, but they were not able to move.

"Shadow imitation technique"

Akira follows the flying Su Chen. Su Chen stabilizes himself in the air and land on his feet. 

Su Chen: "Precipice Blades". He taps on the ground. Many blades of stone emerge from the ground the blade themselves were branching out into pointy tip, just to try to put holes in Akira.

Akira seeing the overwhelming wave of stone blade decide to go for brute force.

Akira: "Water Release: Water Severing Wave". 

He spews water in a high-pressure stream cleanly cutting all the stone blades. The water stream reached Su Chen who used steel claws on his arms. The water stream broke apart without even scratching his steel covered arms.

Su Chen: "I don't have time to waste with you. I will crush you instantly. Tail beast Chakra mode."

A red chakra covered his body. The chakra gave off heat causing the ground to start become lava. Looking at the changes Akira, Haku and Karin started attacking. 


Su Chen teleported by Akira's side.

'Too fast' Akira thought. Su Chen punch went straight toward Akira's chest. Akira backstepped just outside the reach of the punch but the heat from it ignited his jacket. Akira jumped back and removes his jacket and threw it down. 

'At least the cloak is okay. It is still giving me the fighting in style bonus. This guy speed and strength has increased by a lot but he is inexperienced' he thought.

Akira weaves another justsu. "Water Release: Wild Bubble Wave"

A wave foam like covered the surface, effectively hindering sight of Su Chen and making it easier for Akira to regroup.

Hiding behind a tree, Akira, Haku and Karin discuss. 

Akira: "Well, it's like we don't have time for the bullshit. I am going to give you it straight. I know you both are spies.". Both Haku and Karin were shocked.

He continues, "You Haku are spy from Kirigakure, and you Karin are from Grass village. No Nobody other than me knows, especially not Konoha."

Haku and Karin breath a sigh of relief but were still vary of him, not knowing what price he will ask for the secret to remain a secret.

Akira:"I also know that even if you are a spy you are just good kids and I don't think you want your companions to get injured. So how about you tell me what both of you can do. Really do to keep them safe."

Haku and Karin looked at each other. In the end both made up their mind.

Haku: "We are still young but we will try to satisfy you."

Bam! X2

Akira placed a punch on both their heads,"I am talking about ninja techniques, you idiot. Do you think I lack girls. I have two girlfriends.Okay, Why I am telling you about it? This is not the right time. Haah! now tell me all about your techniques."

While Team Akira was taking their time to come up with a plan. Team Shikamaru was not having a good time. The ground was filled with broken puppets. 

Kenzo was holding Temari's fan and burning it with just a touch of his hand.

"You bastard" Temari tried to go for a taijutsu fight but Shikamaru pulled her back.

Shikamaru: "You idiot. How are you going to punch them. Their body is covered with a fire-style chakra. Tsk! Just like a jinchuriki. We just have to keep them here."

Kenji: "HAHA! Keep us here. Su Chen is going to finish your friends there and then come back to clean you up."

"Of course he will. After all, he is the one with talent and can become Tsuchikage's disciple, while you can only reach Jonin at your age." Kankuro mocked them.

Kenji: "Kid. Since I am going to kill you first,. Let me tell you something, all the stuff about him being Tsuchikage's disciple is bullshit. The real reason is that Su Chen has a god inside, and once he releases it,. Not even Tsuchikage-sama can stop him."


For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a )