
Welcome To Boot Camp!

I wiped my tears as I raised my head up and saw a similar but different view from the one in Shiganshina, according to what the being had said we were transported to Trost, either to live peaceful lives or to join the military.

I asked for directions and some nice people directed me to where to sign up, and there were some cruel people that threatened to call the military if I didn't leave them alone.

I was asked to fill some formalities including a contract that I would agree that they would not be held for anything if I die.

This was kinda terrifying… no, scratch that this was unintentional murder. And the king knows what's happening, and he is foolish enough to allow this shit reign on.

2 hours later…

I was in the training camp now, after I signed it I was told to wait for a while and then after an hour a loud mouthed Mp, came and took us to the camp. He was bragging about how he was the top ten of the 99th cadet core.

And even though I am with about 500 others, ordered to run two laps around the camp, I am glad that I got away from that Mp. He was such a pain in the ass.

It's not that I wouldn't want to join the Mp, it's just that it is almost impossible since I am lagging behind the other 500, the ones behind me were slowpokes and were players.

"What shocks me is that I can see some of the players forward, I mean they are gamers like me. We are supposed to be the ones in the back, struggling to keep up but they are competing with those originals how do they do that?" I asked myself.

… Wait, I am an Ackerman. Mikasa is an Ackerman. She is in first place. I too am an Ackerman. The rest must be Eldians, am I running at full speed. I don't think so.

My feet suddenly began working like magic as I accelerated past people in a flash.

'Is this what Ackermen can do?' I asked myself in shock.

I was zooming through the crowd of people running. And in a flash I finished the race in 10th position, I had started late so I wasn't able to finish 2nd. After that I didn't even feel tired. It was like I barely expended any energy at all, I watched the others and followed them towards Shadis.

Where Shadis was waiting for us.

I decided to stay in the back so that I wouldn't be asked about where I was from, what would I say.

Jason: My name is Cadet Jason from America and I came here to join the garrison.

Shadis: ….

No way would I say I was from Eath either, that would be the same as speaking to an French man with Chinese. They wouldn't understand what In the name of Ymir you would be saying.

For what they know you could be a titan in disguise.

"What's your name Cadet?" Commanded Shadis "asked" Armin.

"My name is Armin Arlett and I am from Shiganshina. I came to join the scouts and help humanity to put an end to the titans." Armin shouted. More from fear than from bravery.

"That's good, you'll make an excellent light weight snack for the titans." He said.

Oh god, after all the passion the poor guy put into his announcement that was his reply.

I just had to, I had to, just let out a little laughter. Seeing this in the manga, the anime and in real life where three different things.

I think he didn't hear because he didn't come to meet me.

""What's your name Cadet?" Commanded Shadis "asked" Jean.

"My name is Jean Kirstein, I am from Trost and I hope to join the Military Police." He announced smugly.

"So you want to join the Military Police, eh?" He asked.

"Yes sir, the best of the best." He foolishly replied.

"Well.." He paused and then looked directly into Jean's eyes.

His face that already looked like he was mad increased in ferocity and then he used his head to collide with Jean's.

"Ahhhhh!" He screamed in pain as he fell on the ground holding his head in pain.

"Listen here scrub, if you can't survive this you can never be in the top tens." He continued walking around inspecting people and then he began coming closer and closer.

"Cadet Laugh Maniac, Identify yourself!" He ordered.

Yeah, he was talking to me. Of all the good people of the world he decided to talk to me.

"My name is Jason from the Yarckel District. I'm here to become a scout." I answered.




An ignorant fool was there eating a potato and ultimately saved me from my doom.

Utgard Castle (ウトガルド城 Utogarudo-jō?) is an abandoned castle close to the inner side of Wall Rose. It contains large quantities of old food supplies, including liquor and cans of herring with strange writing on them. It is the site of a large Titan attack during the Beast Titan's incursion.[18]

Castle Utgard

Reiss Chapel 

The Reiss Chapel was a church owned by the Reiss family. On the surface, it appeared to be a regular church that the Reiss family frequently prayed in, but below the surface it served as the site where all the Reiss succession rituals took place.[19]

Chapel Reiss.

Sometime later….

Sasha had just ran by for the 5th time after the day had ended, some of us were sitting outside on of the houses meant to contain us.

It was just my luck that I was in the same house with the main characters, Eren. People who knew him never had happy endings. It was almost as bad as knowing Itadori Yuugi.

"Hey Eren, you never told us where you from." Connie said.

Eren put his right arm on Armin.

"I'm from the same place as Armin." He announced.

"Wow, did you see it?" Connie asked him.

Why would you want to even join the military when you were there when it began.

"Yes, I saw it." He said calmly.

Suddenly, almost all the eyes in the Verandah of the house where on him (excluding I and Bertolt.)

"Hey guys let's leave him be. It must have been scary, we shouldn't force him to relieve it." Bertolt said, it caused the other to back off.


"Yea, I saw the big guy!" Eren announced.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and all eyes were on Eren (except mine.)

"They say it was towering over the wall, is it true?" One of them asked.

"Naw, its head stuck out from the wall. It wasn't that big. And if we learn how to use the Omni directional mobility gear we can take out the colossal and the armored easily." Eren nodded to himself.

"At least I'm not as suicidal as the rest." Jean muttered to himself.

Eren gazed at him with pure malice as he stared him down.

"At least I'm not like some wimps that wanna hide behind the interior like babies." Eren retorted.

"Are you saying that the MPs are weak!" Jean shouted.

"What if I am?" Eren challenged.

Jean and Eren got up simultaneously and held each by the shirt.

"Let go of my shirt!" Eren shouted.

I walked over and held Jean's hand.

"I think that is enough gentlemen. Or do you want to get into trouble? Stop acting a drama in front of 75 people. Your entertainment show won't help you if you're kicked out." I said.

"Alright." Eren said and then got back to his seat.

After that he walked out of the house to relieve some stress, Mikasa followed and then stopped in front of me.

"Thanks." She said and went after Eren.

"Gee.. Your welcome." By the time I had gotten the words out she was already gone.

My face was also a blushing mess.

'She has such long hair' He thought as he followed her.

As he got to the door he saw Mikasa was talking to Eren and he was.

"Girls like you are supposed to be worrying about how long your hair is." Eren said to try to convince her to leave the scouts.

"Then I'll cut it." She replied as they continued their stroll. (Not that Eren wanted to.

Jean had managed to hear a bit of their conversation and was determined to kill Eren.

"That bastard!" He muttered quietly to himself.

Connie was just passing as Jean wiped his hand on him.

"What did you wipe on me." He was trying to get whatever what was on his back off his back.

"Just my trust." He said to Connie.

I was standing by the door and I was quite amused by the show.

"At least I have some entertainment." I said to lighten myself up.

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