
Merits Of The Ackerman!

The Next Day….


The door creaked, breaking through the silence that was struggling to exist before and a bald man stepped through the door.

He took a look around the 30 people in the room, only boys. Someone had already gone to wake the female titan snacks.

"Wake up you sorry excuses for soldiers! Do you think you can slack off while you're here?" Shadis shouted.

His voice immediately brought Reiner and Bertolt to their feet, the others grouchily got to their feet.

"It's 3:50 in the morning. By this time all of you are supposed to be running laps around the training camp." He looked Reiner in the eyes.

He expected Reiner to back down but Reiner stood his ground glaring at Shadis with equal venom as the two of them faced each other.

"Move it!" He yelled.

"I want 50 laps around the boot camp now!" He shouted.

Everyone scurried out of the room to wear their shoes.

You didn't want to get on his bad side, bad things happen to those who get on his backside.


It was "just" fifty laps around the camp, just fifty. Who the fuck does this? Who in the world can go at an average of 50 kilometers an hour for 5 hours?

Shadis was crazy.

At least I had the sense to go to sleep with my shoes on.

As soon as I stepped out of the house I immediately but my foot on the gas.

I began accelerating through the camp.

Impossible! I didn't even stop to catch my breath, no running stance.

How was I so fast.

Oh yeah…

I'm an Ackerman!


"All of you scrubs line up. Today is the day that will decide whether you leave the boot camp or you stay and become a soldier, and die at the teeth of a titan."

"This is a machine that tests your maneuverability, if you can't stay in the air with this machine strapped on you. You will never pass this program!" He smirked as he watched some of them tremble at the thought.

I was doing some warm-ups so that I wouldn't break anything.

This will be a piece of cake.

But there were some people who were shaking up.

There were ten players in this section and five were freaking out.

I guess when you pick something you may never get to live through the merits, you will eventually break down and cry.

For Example, I picked the Ackerman bloodline so I can enjoy all the benefits of the bloodline and in return I won't get any faults.

But the Eldians are a different case entirely, If they wanted to become Titans you would have to capture a titan shifter and put him or her away from any harmful materials.

You need to make sure no transformations were available, so you cut off their limbs and then restrain him/her and then you need to inject yourself with the syringe.

And then you eat her.

Or him.

You would become a Titan.

But this scenario was different.

Where would you see the syringe? How would you defeat the titan shifter? How do you know you wouldn't get attacked?

All these problems create a problem for people who want to become titans.

So ultimately, it is nearly impossible for someone to become a titan.

And then if you wanted to eat Grisha during the first sight of the Colossus and Armored Titan, because he would be worn out after the fight and you could swoop in collect the syringe and eat him.

How would you do it? We literary arrived some years after that event.

"Next." Shadis's voice broke through my line of thoughts.

Eren was next.

[Did you know?

Why are districts important?

Although they seem to be quite functional living spaces, the towns that are actually districts have a very grim story behind them, and there is a very dark reason why they even exist. That reason is connected to the Walls themselves. There are three Walls in total in a concentric structure. Had the people simply built the walls in a circle and built the human settlements within these walls, they would have no way of defending against Titans breaking through the walls. Because one would never know at which point of the vast territory they would invade, humanity does not have the resources to guard and defend the walls in their entirety.


Therefore, the solution has been to build district towns. This structure aims to limit the attack surface. This also reduces the cost of guarding. The people living there act as a kind of bait. This is why the government gives them a special rank that commends their "bravery" (although they don't have much choice). Each wall is about 50 meters high and several meters wide so that rails can be installed on top, on which cannons, among other things, can be mobilized. Titans are imprisoned within the walls, providing greater stability.

"I can do this." Eren muttered quietly to himself.

He strapped himself in and at that moment I saw him tinkering with some controls.

Tinkering with the machine, switching good with bad.

After that he pulled the lever and Eren took off.

He immediately fell onto his head.

"What?" Eren said in disbelief.

"Dammit!" He shouted as Shadis unscrewed it.

Shadis looked at him with a grin on his face as he spared a look at what was in his hand.

He didn't want the son of his friend to die.

'He will thank me later.' Shadis thought.

"Here." Shadis handed Eren the broken part.

"If you still want to practice before you go to the farms tomorrow you can take this." He handed Eren the broken part and then he left.


I strapped myself onto the machine and then he inserted an OK part into the machine and pulled the lever.

"Woah." I said in shock.

I expected myself to be able to do it in an instant.

But this isn't what I expected.

Of course I was doing it.

Let's say your hand weighed 35.

Your legs weighed 45.

And your body weighed 98.

(The person must be sick.)

You shouldn't just carelessly put your arms in the air, it would just take disrupt your balance.

"Next." Shadis said.

I was up there for some minutes and I didn't falter for a second.

I unstrapped myself and walked into the line for people who had finished.

I watched as 3 of the 10 players failed.

Their fear was a constant which disrupted their focus and ultimately leading to their doom.

After everyone was done.

The only ones who failed in our groups were Eren, Player A, Player B, Player C.

After that we attended Classes.

I didn't think I would ever see a classroom again but here I was being lectured about titans.

It was actually not as boring as regulat class but it was still a bore.

They refused to feed me good information that I didn't know and were stuck on the titan stuff.


Next chapter