1990 Video

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Bo Cixue cycled around the coast.

She was wearing a long fiery red dress. Under the golden sunlight, her skin was fair and dazzling, like a beautiful flower that had just bloomed, attracting attention.

She asked the passing tourists to take a photo of her and post it on her social media.

Of course, she had already blocked a certain someone from her recent post.

The moment she sent it out, she received a video from Tang Wu.

Looking at Bo Cixue's beautiful face without any makeup, Tang Wu clicked her tongue. "You look better after going out to play. You look like you're in a relationship."

Bo Cixue smiled. "Why do I find that you're listless like you've fallen out of love?"

After Tang Wu left Lan Yue's place and returned home, she took a bath and lay on the bed in her nightgown.

She had been caught in the rain last night and could not sleep well. She had even done embarrassing things. Of course she was not in good spirits.


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