

I walk out the house thinking I am safe. I walk out to get something to eat while I check out their is something in the window looking at me. I'm thinking it just a little boy wanting food but I look into his eyes his stare gives you a scared look, the redness of his eyes swarm in my soul, my hair stands on the back of my neck standing on it ends, and his teeth is pointed like a shark ready to attack. The lady in the cash register says "don't worry he's always there staring in the store, but he won't come in".looking at her confused to why she say that.''Have a nice day". I walk out trying to ignore him but he gave me a strange look so I start walking faster.I lost him for now but I am scared to go to the store now. The next morning I wash up and got dress to go to school but when I go outside I see him with my sister, I grabbed her and told her not to play with him. We went to school but he still followed so then we started walking back from school but he still followed so I turned around and said "leave us alone! Why are you messing with us?" he just had a blank stared and started to walk home and when I say home I mean the store. We were standing there watching him walk past us in a slow motion state. So we walk hoping it was over but stuff started happening, something unpredictable like when I went to

the store because my mo. forced me to go the lights start flickering on and off going haywire, thing falling off the shelf so I left and stopped going to the store but my mom thinks I'm crazy because when she go over there nothing happens.but I went to prove a point so I got a camera to prove my mom wrong and I gotten the door slammed in my face, the light causing sparks like flames , the food thrown at my head. I tried to run, and it was hard for me because when I got out the food on the shelves fell. While that's happening the boy stands there looking so I ran out the store and grabbed the boy. And then said "what's your problem, why don't you like me?" "You're the one. " I don't know what you mean"(letting him go backing away from him) he walks toward the woods and pointed where

the trailer are. I ask him "what's in there" I asked. "Your destiny awaits. There, can't you tell. I'm looking around dumbfounded about what he is talking about. i can't speak to you anymore". He had a scared look then he started to run I'm thinking he had seen someone so I went home more confused than I was the first time. I go home tell my mom what happen and tell her about the boy that want me to go into the woods with him.My mom starts laughing so I show her the video and she stops laughing instantly. "Well you are not going in the woods." "But mom I have to see the bottom of it". knowing he won't stop until I go with him. "That not an option". I ran to my room thinking what will happen to me if I don't discover what he talking about. I just had to wait until suddenly my little sister got sick. i told my mom I'm going to my friends house because I didn't want to catch her cold. so it is Friday, i went to my friend Lisa's house. knowing I wanted to find out the truth we went to go to the woods. i've told her she did not have to go if she didn't want to. But she went anyways. "I told my mom if your mom calls we're at the mall" Lisa said. "Thanks." So we start walking farther and farther and it getting darker for some reason. "but its only 3:00 in the afternoon." Lisa said. Their animals everywhere we look so we hurry to the top of the hill where we see trailer and cars but when we look around it looks abandoned we look inside the holes where baby rabbits holes can fit the size of a human. Then we notice a shed and open the shed. It has stairs the length of a basketball stadium. "It looks creepy tiffany I think I should stay up here". "Ok, I walked in and to see if someone was down there." I took a huge breath then walk down the stair to see if there someone there. The stair squeaked with every step I took, the dust that was on the stair. went in my eyes, I cough and whipped my eyes. I finally made it to the bottom step.i've seen a dimmed light so I walked to see what it was and find bones on the ground. I try not to scream and look between the cracks and see a man eating something raw. But when I look over to see what he was eating and the door flew open. He looked up and I start running I ran until we got out of the shed into the woods. My friend was running after me trying to speed up. "What happen, why you ran,

(breathing heavily) what was that"? Lisa asks. "It was a man eating something gross" I

proclaimed. "Well let get to your house your mom is probably getting worried "I said. we walked and walked and all of a sudden the little boy popped out. "Is that what you were pointing at?" I ask.He shook his head and pulled my hand to follow him. So we follow him while we walked Lisa asked me if we should be following him. I shrugged my shoulder and kept going. We walk to this lake that I never seen before and it's foggy and smells like someone died so we cover our nose.we walk into a cave and we went so far in the cave it was hard to breath . "So what are we doing here?" Lisa said. "That the only way he won't find us so we could talk" the boy whispered. Who are you talking about" "the boy you just saw eating that meat".he doesn't like me talking to the chosen one.(i look at lisa with a confused look on her face) So we talk and discover that he is human made to be a monster and want to take people skin to release their soul. "But why they didn't do anything wrong." I said. The boy explained that if you go live in those houses or even

visit you'll be curse or they are going to attack the city and that why he eats them. "So why

don't the people shut it down?" "They too scared to go up there. people heard rumors that if they go up there, they will have to face that creepy man and they don't want to do anything with him. to their eyes, that why you need to save the people you love and fight for what's right." So we walk out thinking everything is ok but when we get out the man is standing there and stares for a long time and say. "You better watch your back people are watching if you don't be careful they might get you. I see you; your strong, courageous ,and fragile (he circle around me).Don't let your guard down you will need it." then he looks at Lisa and says "but you, you are weak, sensitive, and vulnerable ,they will take advantage of you.getting aggravated for lisa you say "they have no control over her she strong enough to take care of herself." Stop messing with her she is strong as she can be." "he's right I'm not as strong as you think i am when you to see me. i am being brave because i want to impress you.i'm not brave.yes you are."you are the bravest person i know if you want something you get it done with no doubt in the mind,you never give up on who you befriend,and if you wasn't brave you would never have followed me to this mysterious woods that takes guts"."well, you have no time to hug". the ubachuba said. approaching closer.you have stay in those trailors as long we have to. come with me you have to seek your destiny before he goes in the city.what about them,they will go in the

shed and stay in the basement and lock the door. no why?because they are marked and he coming for you. take the short way. ok but if i have to we will have to train. ok the only thing you needis..(he whistles and a string floats in his hands)what a string supposed to do? tickle him.(with a booming echo) don't make fun of the string...i'm meant soltoff it been here for centuries my ancestor been using it for 3,000 years since i was ugh well you don't need to know how old i was. well it been keeping the ubachuba away but i had to eat those poor people because of the horror he did to those people.in tried to warn them but they wouldn't listen to me i gotten cursed with it because i traded my life for the love of my life i was never allowed to leave or people would get killed and my love my life would go to hell.her name was veronica. and so on my father died protecting me because i was the stupid one to live here and put everyone i love in danger. i didn't had the soltoff until my dad admitted he was the keeper and i stayed here

since.but now i'm am getting old and in need someone to destroy or stay in that shed.i'm not staying i that old shed.well then you'll have to destroy him it will take all your powers to work as one in order to work.what powers?in don't have any powers. yes you do, you was doing at the store the stuff knocking down and shelves falling.no, that was the boy. he doesn't have any powers he just made you really mad for you to do that.it cant be, it's not possible. no here's a can shoot it down.(he placed on a broken tree) i can't. i don't believe you. Are you to scared to even try. i'm not i don't have any powers. yes you do scary cat chicken.(suddenly the ground starts to shake. and clouds starts to appear) i do not have powers. she struck at him and he ducked and she hits the can. now use the string. in disbelief. use the tree to grow this tree back.she closed her eyes and start to float she open her eyes and start freaking out. calm down it ok it's normal do it again.she close her eyes and the tree started to grow. she open her eyes again.wow this is awesome in can grow things.yes you could do more than that but that your first lesson now he coming closer in can feel him.lesson two bombing.what i don't want to do that. well you have to it up too you know say this with me, umpre bon apre's midi.(she repeated and the bomb blew the tree of it's roots)" now grow the tree again this time believe feel the magic in your hands.the tree grew humongous." wow.(seeing this myself was so surprising to see even lisa gasp.) Now you can't use your powers on silly stuff only if it is used against you.in wont promise. now in have to go he's coming,use all the stuff in taught you and believe you can destroy him. what wait that all you not gonna teach me anything else.no your ready.in belive in you.suddenly the ground begans to shake.well gotta go. the girl start to run away from the city and the shed towards the fields. while she running lisa and that strange boy hides in the basement cellar i'm scared what are we going to do lisa said.nothing we wait until we hear the sound.what you find out the wait for a sign.that's weird, there should have been a sign. stay here, don't leave me she starts to cry.shush they smell fear. who's they? just be quiet.she sits quietly but starts to hear noises who's there, is that you boy i don't know your name. so it swishes around her and the lights turns off. she stumbles around for a flashlight she finds one she turn it on looks around the room.she hear she hears someone moving. Little boy was that you? she walked toward the corners then something move again who's that. i'm not playing you need to stop she went to the corner where she heard it. the door open lisa, run. but it was to late.they already snatched her.