3 Episode 2

After two day we arrive in Arvad, the city is beautiful, the buildings were well arranged and spaced for ventilation, the Arvadians were traders, they trade in all kinds of luxury goods and raw material, they have also create a niche for themselves in transporting their goods from overseas market and to the Near East.

In my course of walking round the city, i notice a girl whom i've seeing before in Sidon following me, but i brush it aside that she might be another "tourist" like me in Arvad.

The sky is beginning to look dark, as the cloud is forming and getting ready for a downpour. The cloud has begin to open its door and little drops of rain is beginning to grace the ground, looking for where to hide my head, I notice a bar and decide to go in, minutes later the girl followed, I then decides to watch the girl's movement, after some minutes, I walk up to the bartender to ask for some rum, and engage the man in some chit-chat, first I told him that I'm a tourist and I'm here to enjoy the "Arvadian grace", ask him where I can lodge and enjoy the night, he told me where to go and also told me that if I need a place to relax I can come to his bar anytime, I thanked him and take my rum to my seat.

Almost through with my rum and the rain is still pouring heavily. I was totally thinking about my journey and how I haven't seen or heard anything from Apollo or from any god, I don't know where to go or what it is that I'm looking for. I was so into my thinking mode that I did not realize that the girl I noticed following me before is now sitting before me, I was jolt back to reality when I heard my name being called, back to reality I was surprise seeing the girl calling my name because I have told no one my name, immediately, I voice out who are you? Why are you following me? How did you know my name? all this questions I roll out without even waiting for answers, she reply me with "Atlas, if you want to live and fulfill your destiny and raise Atlantis, just shut up and follow me cause you are drawing attention to us", its after she said this that I notice that people close to us are now looking at where we sit, "its time we leave this place" she said, to where? I ask, without answering me, she drag my hand up and I follow her, still thinking and asking myself who she is and how did she know my name.

When we get out of the bar, the rain as stop and people are back outside, the small children playing on the wet ground and the adults moving up and down on the wet muddy ground, the weather smell nice and I want to just stand and take in enough of the fresh air I'm perceiving but the girl who I'm yet to know her name or who she is keeps dragging me after her.

We walk for a while without saying anything to each other, I was thinking about a lot of things in my mind, that I did not know when we get to "her place", the place look unkempt and doesn't look like anybody have stay or lived there recently, the place reeks of rats, dead and alive, standing there alone makes me want to vomit everything I have eaten or drank, was about to say something when I notice that the girl was taking something out of her bag that look like a wand, she said some words that I couldn't make what it is and like magic.....no its magic, because the whole place transform into the most beautiful room I have ever seen, the room was of mix color, four colors to be specific, the ceiling was painted purple like the Arvadian Noble families, the floor was decorated with shining marbles of yellow, purple, white and green, the seats were well decorated, I was still observing the room, when I heard a boom on the door and that destroy half of the room I was still trying to get up and ask what is that when I heard the girl call my name and said "Atlas get up, we have to run, they know you're here", I was about to ask who know I'm here, when I saw her entering into something that looks like a hole in the ground, I followed immediately trying to escape who or what knows I'm here.
