
Chapter 19 Return Home

"C'mon. Its night time. You won't be able to wake up tomorrow if you don't go to bed soon." He reminder her. And although she was reluctant to go, Ty Lee realised that it was time. Maybe if she visited Ba Sing Se would she be able to see him again...


"Mom. Dad. I'm home" A young man called out the moment he walked into the manor. And a few moments after that he heard footsteps running towards him.

"KYPHER!!" A young woman in her mid 30 called out, while embracing her grown son. The woman had white-hair and was starting to look a bit frail. However her green eyes were still full with life and energy. It had been 5 years since her precious child had left, and from his short and scrawny appearance, he had grown taller than her. His muscles were dense and well built, and he no longer look like a child, but more like a young man in his 20s.

"Hey Mom" Kypher called out to his mother softly, while hugging her dearly. It had been a long time since he had felt emotions. It been too long, since he had left, and he hadn't written a single letter or visited even once. He was slightly guilty of forgetting about his worrying parents back in the Earth Kingdom capital.

"Mom, I want you to meet Shade" A black hawk-like bird appeared from his shadow, almost scaring his dear mother. However, after a few moments to catch her breath and calm her drumming heart, she begun to carefully pet the creature on the head, and Shade seemed to enjoy it.

"Mum" He called out, to grab her attention away from the black alicanto. "Mum, where is Dad?" He asked.

His mother, after hearing the question hesitated for a bit before answering, "He is talking with his brother. Apparently, your uncle is asking your father for help in some sort of project of his." This made Kypher raise an eye brow.

Why was the Grand Secretariat and leader of the Dai Li, asking his older brother for help. The two brother hadn't talked to each other in a few years now. Kypher decided to intrude in the conversation to see what was going on.

"I'm telling you Long, this is horrible idea, and I am not going to help you with it. You have your Dai Li. I am trying to live a life of peace. I am already satisfied with my current lifestyle."

"Yes but what about Kypher, would he be satisfied in living in such a place, if he could live like a king. Kyn, I am only doing this because you're my brother. You are the only person who knows about what I have done."

Hearing this Kypher opened the door, and walked in with a fake smile. "Hey dad. I'm home."

"KYPH!" His father jumped out of his seat and hugged the boy who he hadn't seen in over 5 years. Kypher hugged his father back before turning towards his uncle with a hidden malicious glare.

"Hey there Uncle Long, long time no see." He greeted his uncle with the usual joke he used. And as always Long feng reacted the same way, with a chuckle. "Hey there Kyph, I see you are still using the same old joke since you were a kid. Aren't you 12 now. You're a big boy to say such jokes." He tried to sound elated but the happiness in his voice sounded more fake than what he had hoped.

"I'm 15 uncle." Kypher responded to the man's attempt at demeaning him.

"Ah yes, 15, sorry." He tried to hide his smirk but failed miserably. "How long are you going to be for?"

"I'll be staying for a few months, before leaving." 'Enough time to steal most of your Dai Li from you.' Kypher responded with a smile.

"Well then Kyn, Kyph. I will be off. I see you two still have something to catch up." Long Feng tried to escape however Kypher wouldn't let him go that easily.

"Hey uncle, I want to talk to you about somethings I found outside. Do you have time this tomorrow?" He asked

"Ehh, Kypher, you know I am the Grand Secretariat in Ba Sing Se. I am a very busy man. So I don-" Long Feng tried to play the 'I'm busy' act but Kypher insisted

"C'mon Uncle, give me like 15 minutes of your time, tomorrow. I promise you, it will be interesting." Kypher pleaded the man. After a few more seconds of hesitation Long Feng buckled under the pressure and agreed for a meeting.

The man walked out in defeat, while Kypher was left behind with his smirking father, who realised, what Kypher was doing. The two exchanged glances before chuckling for a bit.

"Alright, let's go. You have 5 years of news to catch us up on." He grabbed Kypher by the shoulder and dragged him into the living room, where his mother was waiting.

"Well, young man. What did you do, in your 5 years of freedom?" His mother asked him with a calm voice, which he knew was not calm. He was screwed.

"Mom, So, I, Uhh. I spent a like 3 years in a library. Learning about a few topics, made a few friend there." His mother started to smirk, however Kypher caught on "It was a guy and a girl" His mother's smile widened at that "She is more of a sister to me, than anything. Anyways, I moved around a lot, I uhh, visited the fire nation." His father narrowed his eyes at this.

Kypher immediately put up his hands in the air, "I'm strong enough to protect myself." His father's glance though told him that they will find out later. Kypher just shrugged in return before continuing, "I met a few friends there. Weeeeell. I made one good friend, two acquaintances and, Uhhh..." Kypher scratched his neck while trying to figure out what his relationship with Ty Lee was. His parents, however saw the hesitation, and looked at each other before his father asked, "So, who's the lucky girl?"

This made Kypher blush almost immediately. His parents laughed at the reaction. "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" He shouted out, before hesitating almost instantly after, which made them laugh even more, "well, maybe it might be." Kypher just sighed at his parents, before muttering, "I don't know..." and walking off towards his bedroom.

Kyn wiped the tears from his face, from the laughter before the room became silent, with both parents gazing towards the seat where Kypher was just sitting.

"I should go talk to him, shouldn't I?" Kyn asked his wife, who nodded in return. Kyn finished up his glass of tea, before walking off to find his heart struck son.

"Hey, Kyph. You inside?" The man asked before walking in without waiting for an answer.

He looked towards his son, who was sitting on the bed. It was hard to remember that the kid was just 15 at times. He no longer looked like a naïve little kid, but a young adult. And he never acted like his agemates, so seeing him like this was something the couple rarely ever saw. "Listen, ok?" Kypher just nodded while still looking towards the ground.

"What's her name?"

"Ty Lee" Kypher answered after a bit

"How do you feel when you are around her?" His father asked

"I enjoy spending time with her. I relax-" His father shook his head before interrupting.

"How do you FEEL when you are around her?" His father asked again but this time while pointing at Kypher's heart. Seeing this made Kypher tense up before relaxing answering.

"Like all my troubles and worries are insignificant. I feel like I want to spend time with her just because I can be around her. Like I-" He paused before coming to a realisation. He had fallen head over heels for her.

"It seems you understood. Now where is she?" Kyn asked his son, who started scratching his cheek.

"Ehh, in the.... fire nation" His father narrowed his eyes once more, which made Kypher immediately try to stop any misunderstandings.

"She's not a fire bender." He waved his hands in front of his father, making Kyn chuckle at his son's attempt to convince him.

"Although her friends are quite an issue, well more like friend..."

His father laughed at this. "C'mon Kypher how bad can it be, Its not like she is friends with the princess, right?" He started laughing at his own joke, not realising that he hit the mark.

It took him a moment to realise that Kypher was not looking into his eyes, he seemed to be very interested in the ceiling at the moment. He also had an urge to whistle.

His father, seeing the look on his son's face asked again with horror written all over his face "Right?"

"You're kidding me..." He asked quietly.


Hey guys, Thanks for reading this far. Check out my other novel HTTYD: The White Wolf

Cya tomorrow...


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