
secret technique

California, January 2005

"Okay, what the fuck is going on?" Alex wondered "Why the hell am I in a desert"

That was the biggest question the 26-year-old man who had spent millennia trapped within endless darkness had on his mind. It wasn't that Alex was completely surprised.

He was more than resigned to what was happening. having spent a thousand years in the darkness and a few more years summoning monsters that constantly came back to him when they were killed, left him resigned to most surprises.

He turned his eyes down to him and saw once more the girl lying beside him on the desert sand. He recognized her from the many fights his monsters had against her.

{Hope Mikaelson-- unconscious-- Hostile}

Upon realizing the girl's name and the alignment she had with him only left Alex even more uncomfortable with the situation.

Alex had as his only way out of the darkness to see through the eyes of the monsters, the outside world, He didn't control them like dolls. because he knew that this would take away the potential of the monsters. He could be everything in life, but never someone who would destroy someone's potential. So he left it up to his monsters to win or be defeated.

Hope killed most of her monsters except Nemesis who remained hidden most of the time, until now, Alex had no idea where she was.

For, the goddess had somehow managed to block his sight from her eyes. A pity, as she was without a doubt, apart from dragons, the strongest monster inside him.

Wasting no time, he knelt in front of the girl.

"Hey, are you okay?" Alex asked

He touched her shoulder, rocking her to wake the girl up. Her touch on her made Alex feel slightly uncomfortable. But he ended up ignoring the discomfort so he could continue to get the girl's attention.

"Ummm?-- Who are you?" Hope asked sleepily, but then her eyes widened.

She jumped back away from Alex some distance away. She had good flexibility which gave her the ability to stand up after a startled jump without twisting her feet.

Alex looked at the girl in awe of her physical ability. he could feel that she was powerful from afar and her instincts told him to stay away from her. Alex took a deep breath, taking the courage and putting his evil mobster smile on his face.

"Gee Hope, I'm hurt! You should have known about my existence" Alex said with a cruel laugh "I'm sure my dear Seylah must have talked about me"

Alex's voice was full of boldness. he wanted to provoke Hope and unbeknownst to him, he had a black aura coming out of his body that made all the animals in the place feel uncomfortable with his presence

The birds that flew through the desert did not sing, The rodents hid in their burrows in the sand. The reptiles sensed danger in the distance by staying as far away from that area of ​​the desert as possible.

Everything was going against the possibility of Alex being a normal person. even if he didn't know it yet. He hadn't been inside Malivore this whole time. he was Malivore!

"Malivore!" Hope screamed

Her eyes widened and she went on the defensive preparing to fight the monster that destroyed everything she had.


Sitting in front of a table was Hope and next to her was Alaric. The two appeared serious and looked worried, they were looking in only one direction. In front of them was a woman with a bloodstain on her stomach who was lying against a wall.

"Let me help you!" Hope spoke softly

She went to the woman calmly. Alaric didn't give an answer he just waved at her who cut her wrist with a razor making her blood flow

Alaric kept alert looking around with concern and his crossbow was trembling slightly in his hand. Showing nervousness.

Years of training and combat experience that he had had not allowed him to despair, but it was obvious that the situation was dire. He can see from a distance that it was a group that entered the house and attacked Seylah.

Just thinking about the fact that his students were in the house a short time ago made Alaric clench his fists on the gun angrily making her shiver. Why his students could have been victims of the attack that happened in the house if they had left the house a little later.

"No, I'm fine, I'm tired I want to go back to him" Seylah replied

She with what little strength she had pushed Hope's arm away from her mouth leaving the girl confused. She couldn't understand what kind of person would willingly die

"He?" Hope asked

"Yes, the being you call Malivore" Seylah replied with a slight smile.

"why, do you want to go back to that monster?" Hope asked gritting her teeth.

"He's not a monster-- He's a great man-- I'm sure he would make a good father to Landon--"

Seylah spoke in a weak voice "Although he pretended to be someone else when he first met me, I soon discovered the truth about him! A shy fool, unfortunately, he doesn't accept me in his world anymore, so I have no reason to live anymore"

Those were Seylah's last words before her eyes lost the glow of life and her heart stopped beating leaving Hope and Alaric all alone in the house with a dead body.

"Why?" Hope complained, "Why, did she choose death?"

Alaric didn't say anything, but he understood Hope's sadness, at the same time he understood Seylah. All-day he wanted to end his own life and go with his wife in peace. It was one of the good things about knowing the supernatural was that you knew about the afterlife world and how it works.

The fact that he was still alive had given his daughter's dependence on him. they were rebellious and sometimes did things on their own, but there was one thing about Alaric's daughters that they never lost. It was the lack of ability to deal with their problems on their own.

Things were always leftover for them the moment his daughters did something. It went wrong and Alaric had to clean up the mess. He sometimes felt exhausted with his daughters' dependence on him, but there was nothing he could do, he was their father, so it was only natural that he would take care of their problems as their mother was absent.

Now knowing that people would sometimes rather die than be without something they loved was one thing, now. explaining this to a young woman at the height of her progressive agenda questioning all things that exist and denying many social values ​​already fixed in humanity for millennia was another thing.

"Sometimes, Hope, death is the salvation of some" Alaric said hesitantly "She has the illusion that Malivore is a good thing. and loves him to the point of dying for him, She is a fanatic Hope is better than she be dead"

end of flashback

"What do you want?" Hope asked angrily

Hope remained on full alert, trying to keep her distance from Alex as much as possible. This shouldn't be happening, she should have destroyed Malivore and not let him go unless Clark lied to her

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you!" Alex spoke calmly

He had a completely relaxed posture even though his instincts were on alert for every move Hope made so that he could retaliate promptly. He knew exactly that Hope was a powerful monster capable of killing him with ease.

"As if I believe you" Hope scoffed

She put her hand on her waist angrily preparing to move, only drawing Alex's attention to her, making him think she had no choice in front of him.

Alex remained on the defensive, he is a simple human who only had the chance to get control of the monsters inside Malivore didn't stand a chance against a monster like Hope

so he made his decision, he had to use that secret technique which would be the last resort he would have in a fight, it would only work against a stunned enemy like Hope was now

"Hahahahah" Alex laughed realizing Hope's intention "You're right, I was lying, I was just gathering energy to make my final blow against you"

'final blow? I knew he was up to something' Hope thought worriedly.

She widened her eyes and jumped back with her full attention on Alex, her spells already on the tip of her tongue, ready to send Alex flying in case he attacks Hope.

Even though she doesn't know what Alex's Attack power was that made her even tenser. Hope was completely lost, just the fact that she had to be in front of Alex was already a huge defeat for her. Fine, she sacrificed knowing that she would go to hell to eliminate the monster in front of her, in the end, she just let him go

Hope who was so lost in thought missed Alex's suspicious drive. she was so devastated that her sacrifice was in vain that she was only paying attention to him when she felt a strong urge to vomit hit her.

Hope looked up and saw a large black mist leaving Alex and heading for Hope, the mist came like a gale hitting Hope nearly knocking her backwards. Her breathing started to become more difficult to maintain as the fog was hurting her.

"Chase family secret technique" Alex shouted with all his might

"Damn, 'I will die?' " Hope screamed

She started chanting defence spells, but the intimidating fog coming out of Alex was leaving her completely blank-minded, almost losing all the spells in her mind.

"Nigerundayo" Alex yelled

"what the fuck was that?" Hope wondered seeing the man disappearing into the distance as he ran madly

She didn't understand what happened! Hope got caught up in Alex's secret technique.

Next chapter