2 Seth Olsen.

Meanwhile, in another part of Asyrienn.

A tall figure leisurely walked through the streets, a cigarette in hand. He wore a suit and a Prague Fedora. His eyes were heavily shaded, mainly thanks to him staring at his feet as he walked. He has a stubble beard and a strong jawline. The man approached the one and only bar in Asyrienn, 'The Lion's Den'.

He pushed open the door, raising his hand as a sort of acknowledgement to the bartender, who also waved back in return.

"Welcome back, Seth. You want your favourite, yeah?" The bartender asked, not really waiting for a reply as he started getting some pineapple juice ready.

Seth nods to the bartender. "You got it." He replied, taking a seat and grabbing his pineapple juice. Pineapple juice was Seth's favourite drink without question, he just simply loved the fruit. He was even a fan of pineapple on pizza, something not many can relate to.

He drank the liquid, gently putting the glass on the counter once he was done. "Well, anything interesting?" Seth asked.

The bartender slightly shrugged. "Yeah, there's been a creep that I spot walking into The Lion's Den every day, ordering nothing but pineapple juice." The bartender joked "But seriously, this is Asyreinn, what do you expect to happen? It's really not the best place for a private investigator to work." The bartender asked, not really knowing what Seth was looking for.

Seth rolled his eyes at the bartender's joke. "Must be a really weird guy," Seth said, waiting for Mac to finish talking. Well, he was right. Nothing happens in Asyrienn. Seth just simply nodded in agreement. "You should know this but, most of my work is outside of Asyrienn. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to pay for this pineapple juice." He said, proceeding to pay for the pineapple juice.

"Yet you stayed here for 15 years? You could've just lived where you worked instead." Mac commented. "I don't mind you staying, though." He said, giving him a wink.

Seth raised his eyebrows. "Only 15 years, huh?" He seemed rather surprised. Time feels to be flowing slower in Asyrienn. Seth felt like it's been 30 years since he moved here. "Well, I suppose it's relaxing. I've lived 36 years, travelling and going around the continent. The places I visited were usually too loud. I just wanted a break." Seth then stood up, looking back at Mac one more time. "I'll be leaving now," He said, making his way over to the door.

As he was about to push the door open, Seth could feel burning perking up on the back of his neck. "Argh.." He placed a hand over his neck as to feel the heat, or what it even was. But to his hand, his neck felt lukewarm, like most of his skin was. He couldn't feel any heat by sensing it, but it was there, and he was so sure of it.

He didn't lift his hand until he felt that the heat was starting to gradually dissipate. He turned over to the Bartender who was washing the glasses. "Actually, Mac..." He said, walking back over to the man. "Do you see anything here?" He asked, hovering a hand over where he felt the burning.

The bartender furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Seth's neck. There was nothing there, at least not to him. "Uh... No? Did you get high off your pineapple juice? I'm sure I didn't spike it... not like last time, at least." The bartender replied.

Seth sighed. "Are you sure? I'm certain I felt a bit of a sting there. Try spraying something here, wasps aren't fun."

Mac raised his eyebrows in shock. "What?! You think I let insects inside of here? I've worked here for most of my life and I had not seen a fly go through that door. Maybe that pineapple juice really was spiked."

"Yeah, no doubt." Seth slightly waved him off. "Whatever, Mac, I'll check it out when I get home. I can't tell if you're kidding or not most of the time."

Their peaceful conversation was interrupted by the entry of a new figure. Mac and Seth eyed him, recognizing who he was after a few seconds.

It was Caesar Velis.

"Ah, Caesar! Haven't seen you in a while... actually, I've only seen you three times since I started running this bar. Twice, when your grandparents died, then two days later when your moving van got canceled or whatever happened. So, what brings you here a fourth time?" Mac asked, a bit curious too.

"The pickup van got cancelled... again." A small frown grew on his face. Though, that wasn't the exact reason for his visit. Caesar came here to try and wash away the stress he's getting from this mark.

"Honestly, just stay here. What are the chances of a van actually getting to Asyrienn? There's literally no way to get inside, aside from running over a lot of wheat... And I think most of us need that wheat.

Caesar sighed. "Staying alone isn't that fun. I figured I should go stay with my parents in Lunaris. It's a lot more lively than here."

Mac shrugged a little. "Fair point. Now, what can I serve you?"

"I tried Cognac before. I liked the taste of it so... I guess that would work."

Mac nodded, taking a look over at the shelf to get the drink. "Oh... Hm. I don't have any Cognac here... Give me a minute, I'll go take a look in the storage room."

"Take your time." Caesar replied as Mac left the bar.

All the while, Seth was just listening to the two, not wanting to involve himself in their conversation. He barely even knows Caesar. He moved on to leave the bar.

Seth paused in his tracks as he felt the burn rising again. In the same spot too. He was starting to think that Mac was lying, and there's actually something on his neck. Seth took a few steps towards Caesar. "Hey, kid, can you see anything here?" He turned around to show Caesar.

"Yeah.. I'll take a loo-" Caesar was shocked at what he saw.

The same mark on his back was present on Seth's neck.

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