

After Kenny was done with the book, he was motivated, he couldn't wait to become 15 and start his cultivation but he was just too young, it was too far away, so he could only focus on now

He knew he couldn't start his cultivation but that didn't mean he couldn't start getting down the basics, like the techniques and skills, movement skills and so on

So when he was 3 years old, he started training his body rigorously, he made the most of his time and built up his body strength

The guards and his parents were stupefied, he was scolded many time and when his father told him that he was too young and just play around, he said that he wanted to be like his father, a strong big man when he grew up

Hearing this, his father was so proud he gave him a potion to drink

At first he was a bit suspicious about it, but because it was his father he didn't think much and drank it

He was energized and all his previous fatigue was gone, he looked at his father with a grateful look and his father told him "your mother will be sad if you work so hard all the time so ask the maids for this potion whenever you need" smugly and left

Kenny was even more motivated he finally understand the advantage his family had over the other common people and resumed his training

His family house was divided into 3 buildings, 1 huge courtyard and a huge backyard where the guards practice and train

The 3 buildings were the main building where the family stayed, it was grand and big, the other 2 buildings were the guest building and the building to house servants and guards

Kenny's training consisted of running in the morning, his stamina was important after all and basic exercises to get used to the body and tone it

He asked his dad to teach him movement skills and sword skills but he was rejected as he was too young but after some negotiations his dad promised to teach him when he was 5, if someone else heard this they would question his father's intelligence as most kids wouldn't even know anything about cultivation then

So Kenny only focused on building his knowledge about the world and increase his stamina and body till then

But this was good as he slowly built up his knowledge and got to know about the inner affairs of his country

Of course he would learn about it, one day he was going to own this country as well

So in the country of Mohenjodaro, it was run on monarchy and the king was kind hearted man called Edward Wellington he was a charming old mad known for his intellect and shrewdness

The palace was situated in the centre of the country and the surrounding land was the capital, the capital was always bustling and was the centre of trade as well

The land outside the capital were all managed by respective nobles who were small nobles and mid Nobles managing their own land with population respective to their title, they had to pay an annual sum as requested by the capital

Thankfully the Williams family didn't have to manage any land and stay in the capital managing the royal guards and the army, or that's what the people thought but the truth was if the royal family gave the Williams family their own land to manage, they wound be too strong and would be a threat to the country

And so, the royal family decided to keep the family close and in constant surveillance but Kenny didn't care about a small land, because taking over the country using an army was harder than just taking over from the inside

As for his training he never slacked off and always gave it his all, his stamina was on par with an energetic teen by the time he was 5 and his knowledge had expanded a lot one of the reasons was his mother Sarah Williams, who was a beautiful women with silky blonde hair and green eyes who was also considered a scholar of the Barton family, a mid sized noble family

Twice a week she would hold classes for Kenny and teach him maths, history and other basic subjects with full interest and was always surprised about the depth of comprehension her son had

The week after Kenny turned 5, his father john Williams called for him to the backyard, while Kenny was walking, he saw his father from afar, looking dignified, he had black hair and black eyes with a tinge of brown just like Kenny's but his eyes were warmer and showed a caring expression

When he got closer, he heard his father tell him "from today I'll teach you the Vayu breeze movement technique"

Next chapter