

After eating till his body could not absorb any more energy, allowing food to accumulate in its physical form in his stomach until that too was bursting, Ves went to sleep.

This action greatly shocked the couple seated at his side, however, hearing his loud snoring, they calmed down.

While he was sleeping, the couple ordered the male servant to wash Ves' body, bring him clean clothes, and change the mattress, sheets, and everything in the room. They were ordered to burn everything form the room and scatter the ashes in someone else's territory.

When Ves woke up once again, he could think clearly, and could even move around.

He sat up straight in his bed, only to realise that it was already the next morning, and the storm from last night had passed. The two people from last night were still waiting, and had already gone to sleep on the sofa.

To his right, the maid from yesterday was already awake and prepared for Ves. He ignored her and went straight towards a mirror across the room.

Opening up the buttons to his night gown, Ves was surprised at his looks. Unlike yesterday, Ves seemed to know a little more common sense, and knew that this body was almost perfect from any angle.

His messy golden hair that reached till his shoulders perfectly contrasted the round, yet manly facial features, and his deep blue eyes. All his muscles were perfectly formed, and together with his looks, formed almost the perfect body.

However, looking closely at his body through his 'special' eyes, Ves saw nothing abnormal, except the fact that he could see at a molecular level, as well as at a spiritual level.

Suddenly, Ves thought of something and used his 'eyes' to look at his mind. Then, suddenly, a sharp pain pierced his mind through his eyes, which originated from looking at his mind.


Groaning softly, Ves pulled through the pain and went through the insight he just gained.

'I am 15 year old Ves Amaranth, 2nd son to the current head of the house, Viscount Aron Amaranth, and the heir to the title of Viscount. I have a younger sister, as well as a younger brother, 7 and 13 respectively, while my elder brother died of some unknown disease 2 years back.'

'Half a year ago, I could the same disease, and my state has been worsening ever since, until yesterday.'

'I now know the local language as well, and now know what my parents and personal maid, Annie had said last night.'

Up till this point, Ves was fine when going through his mind using his rather 'unique' eyes.

However, something suddenly came up from deep within his mind.

'But 'I' am not Ves. 'I' am-'

With those words, the searing headache had begun, preventing him from hearing the rest of the words of the being in his mind.

Thinking this far, Ves decided not to use his 'eyes' on his mind for the time being.

Instead he turned his focus to naming his special eyes. This was one of Ves' hobbies. He liked to name things that didn't quite have names.

A few moment of contemplation later, Ves decided to call them the 'Eyes of Truth', and decided to keep them as his personal secret.

He then turned his attention to the two who were sleeping on the couch. Ves walked closer to try and wake them up, however, as soon as he reached 1 meter from them, his father, Viscount Aron Amaranth, and his mother, Susie Amaranth both flinched and stood up instinctively, their guard fully up.

Looking around for a second, the two noticed the completely chocked Ves fallen helplessly on his butt in front of them, after which they lowered their guard, and put amiable smiles on their faces.

"Ves, you are finally awake!" Exclaimed Ves' mother, Susie.

"Haha, he is my son after all!" Retorted Ves' father, Aron.

"Yes." Ves nodded before standing up and embracing them in a hug. A hug which encapsulated all the pent up feelings he had felt during the time when his body didn't want to listen to him, when he was plagued by the same illness which killed his elder brother.

The touching moment lasted for nearly 2 minutes, before which the three begrudgingly separated to prevent Susie from entering into another burst of tears.

"Shall we have breakfast?" asked Aron.

"Sure" nodded Ves as he stood up and got the maids and servants to change his clothes.

"Good, come in 15 minutes, Sarah and Carl will also be there." Stated Aron as he escorted Susie out of Ves' room so that he can change.

Next chapter