
[The Auction Stage]

"Enough, it's time we move onto the next part,"

I experienced an extraordinary sensation as an overwhelming force seized my body, tugging at me with an unimaginable might.

In an instant, I felt my physical form disintegrate into countless minuscule particles, hurtling through space at a velocity that surpassed the very concept of light speed.

The teleportation process was unlike anything I had ever encountered before.

After what seemed like an eternity yet disorienting travel, the teleportation came to an end, and I found myself reassembling back into my solid form.

However, the abrupt transition left me feeling profoundly uneasy, as if my insides were in turmoil, threatening to be expelled from my stomach. I felt as if I was going to puke.

"Was that really necessary?" After whipping my drooling mouth.

"Then, should I say that you prefer a million-year journey on foot?"

"With you? No, I'm good," I followed his floating figure.

Having completed the teleportation, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar realm, distinct from any of the places I had encountered before.

The ethereal allure of the purple sky persisted, stretching endlessly in all directions. As I gazed upwards, I was mesmerized by the profusion of stars that decorated the night, enveloping me in what felt like the very heart of a starstream.

However, my attention was quickly diverted as I surveyed my surroundings more closely. To my astonishment, it became apparent that I stood within an immense, open-air auction hall, lacking any visible roof or boundaries.

The atmosphere was charged with an otherworldly energy, as if this place defied the conventional laws of reality.

Numerous glimpses of dark figures encircled me. They seemed almost spectral in nature, shrouded by some mysterious, impenetrable barrier that concealed their faces and bodies from view.

The concealment added an air of intrigue, making it impossible for me to discern their identities or intentions.

"Those figures are the other players that had completed their Trial,"

"How many players were invited to this game?"

"About 357,"

"Now, it's time for the Auction Stage,"

"What is that?"

"As previously mentioned, this particular stage requires no direct action from you. It was a stage, where the Astrals themselves engaged in fervent clashes amongst each other. They were put to the test as they vied for the privilege of sponsoring and claiming a player as their possession," He answered.

"Within this stage now, you hold a distinct role, akin to that of a mere pawn in their grand celestial games. The Astrals, will manipulate players like their own avatar,"

"They act as cosmic investors, seeking to maximize their gains in this celestial venture. Your performance in the game becomes the pivot on which their fortunes hinge,"

"Excellence becomes a double-edged sword. The better you perform, the larger the profits they reap from their chosen investment – you. Your success translates into their triumph, and they revel in the fruits of your achievements. Conversely, underperformance carries dire consequences for the Astrals. When their chosen player faces defeat or failure, they, too, bear the brunt of the consequences, facing punishment for their misguided support,"

"With that being said, the Astrals choose the player hinges solely upon the results of your stats showcased after the trial,"

"The Astrals keenly observe and evaluate every participant's stats and rankings. These metrics offer a glimpse into the players' abilities and potential,"

"However, this intentional lack of information with only numerical value is a deliberate rule set by the Astrals themselves, designed to add a layer of mystery and excitement to the selection process. By concealing vital details of the action of the player during the trial, they ensure that the game's outcomes remain unpredictable, fueling their intrigue and investment in the players' progress,"

"What? You can't judge a someone base on stats alone,"

"Yes, there is a reason for that, also for the contenders, they must rely on their wits, skill, and instincts to shine in the trial, hoping that their evaluation stats and ranking accurately convey their potential,"

"Did you finally understand the picture of this game?"

"Yeah, to a certain point. Much like the same way the e-sports world operates. The Astrals' approach mirrors that of talent recruitment. They invest their resources, though in a cosmic context, in selecting promising players who they believe possess the potential to bring about significant benefits. In this celestial game, the Astrals' judgement plays a pivotal role. If their discernment proves accurate, and they back a player who excels and surpasses expectations, the rewards they reap are substantial. Success could yield profound gains," I said.

"However, there exists an inherent gamble in this cosmic venture. If their assessments falter, and they choose a player who fails to perform as expected, then a different narrative unfolds. The Astrals might find themselves facing the consequences of an ill-fated investment, navigating the repercussions of backing the wrong contender,"

"In essence, the Astrals' role mirrors that of shrewd investors, navigating the delicate balance between risk and reward. Just as the e-sports world embraces uncertainty when recruiting and nurturing young talents, the Astrals too must accept the unpredictability of their selections within this celestial game,"

"So, the interplay of fate, skill, and judgement intertwines to weave a captivating game. Every decision carries the potential to shape destinies, both for the players and the Astrals themselves…"

As the realization of the celestial game's parallels dawned upon me, a genuine smile spread across my face, evolving into an amused grin.

The notion that the Astrals' selection process mirrored the world of e-sports added a fascinating layer of familiarity to the cosmic spectacle I had found myself embroiled in.

The resemblance to the competitive nature of e-sports resonated with me, and I couldn't help but appreciate the intriguing intricacies of this otherworldly contest.

It was as if I had stepped into a colossal arena where celestial beings engaged in a grand and thrilling tournament, much like the esports events I had watched in the Earth.

Garen added.

"Undoubtedly, in this cosmic game, the better the player stats and rankings are, the more esteemed and sought-after they become in the eyes of the Astrals,"

"Yet, the game's design incorporates a profound twist that adds an element of helplessness to the players' predicament. Players must embrace uncertainty, as they have no say in which entity will invest in their destiny,"

"This lack of autonomy creates a sense of vulnerability and suspense among the players. While they strive to impress and gain favour with the Astrals, the ultimate decision lies beyond their grasp. They won't know who might ultimately support or possess them,"

"So what benefit would I gain from having a good backer? And how would I identify them as one?"

"Having a backer from The Astral grants you a unique advantage: access to their blessings, which can significantly aid you in the game."

"That had been said, your backer could not interfere with your progress in the game other than giving their blessing to you. After that, you have to proceed the game with your own skills,"

"Tch. It feels as though I'm placing my luck in their hands, just as they are placing their luck in mine through this mutual gamble,"

"I said this before, this is a stupid game," I groaned.

"Rest assured, once this concludes, you'll have the opportunity to select your rewards for completing the trial. Additionally, you can choose the skills you wish to acquire and enhance, utilizing the extra stat points you've earned,"

"That's finally something good to hear,"

[Your value has been set!]


{ Player, Reynold Dixon }

{ Player Ranking : 7th }

[ Market Value : 19,000 ALC ]

[ Stats ]

Strength : 4

Agility : 3

Endurance : 3

Vitality : 3

Intelligent : 16

Perception : 13

Willpower : 4


"Now that I look at it again, my stats were very hopeless. If I were The Astral, I wouldn't have chosen this underwhelming character and might have discarded them without a second thought,"

"Are you aware that you were insulting yourself?"

"I'm still depressed and not happy with your judgement over my stats,"

"But I'm not the one who judges you–"

"Enough, I'm not in the mood to talk right now," Well, I don't have anyone else to blame so just take it for now.

"Now, The First Auction will begin!"

"Starting From The Top Of The Ranks!"

Out of the blue, at the far end of the hall, a brilliant blue light illuminated the seat of one of the players. The radiant glow captivated everyone's attention, casting a mysterious and enchanting aura over the scene.

[The Rock Hard Golem has placed a bid of 66,000 ALC!]

[The Queen Of The Eternal Flame has placed a bid of 75,000 ALC!]

[The Slave Of The Abyss has placed a bid of 80,000 ALC!]

[The Warrior Of The Sun has placed a bid of 89,000 ALC!]

I was transfixed by the chaotic scene unfolding in a split second before me. The auction hall was alive with frenzied bidding as The Astral battled for the most coveted players.


I could feel my jaw drop. The bids flew back and forth like verbal daggers. It was a fierce, high-stakes contest with no clear winner in sight. It was an intense fight.

'Damn, these Astrals were really going crazy over that first place bastard!'

[The Ruler Of The Endless Dream has placed a bid of 200,000 ACL!]

The bidding had reached its culmination, coming to a halt at last. No more bids emerged, enveloping the entire hall in a hushed silence. After a brief moment, the auctioneer announced the final bid, signalling the end of the intense competition. The victorious bidder emerged triumphant from the midst of the event.

Then, after a long silence, as if on cue, applause erupted, a chorus of approval for the victor and the electric atmosphere they had created. I couldn't help but be amazed at the scene. I also clapped along with the crowds.

"Now, we will be moving to the second in the ranks!"

Now, which player would you throw and gamble your money? I hope that i did well in explaining the auction stage. This was also hard for me to write and put it into words, haha. Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter.

Shyrlocreators' thoughts
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