
[ Rising Ascendants 2 ]

Uncle Zerec guided us through a massive silver door labelled with the number 3. As we entered, we found ourselves in the Third Guild Hall.

The hall featured a grand stage at its front, with seats that sloped downward as they extended, culminating near the expansive stage.

Divided into three sections, the seating area was separated by two sets of stairs. Our group settled into the middle section.

While making my way to the seat, I took in the sight of the nearly packed hall.

The atmosphere was palpable, charged with excitement, though I couldn't spot any familiar faces in the crowd. Still, I could empathize with the collective anticipation.

My eyes briefly met Naera's, Naera shared in the same excitement that permeated the room. As the seats filled with a diverse group of individuals, the event had started.

Just as it seemed that no one else would be arriving, a powerful amplified voice reverberated through the space, conducting a voice test.

"Test…. Alright, perfect,"

The attention of the audience shifted to a figure in a dark suit who ascended the expansive stage. As soon as he stepped into view, the previously buzzing chatter in the hall dwindled to silence.

The man possessed a head of dark hair that contrasted sharply with his striking grey eyes, capturing the gaze of all present.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members and honored guests, welcome to the illustrious Third Guild Hall, where aspirations take flight and talents ascend!" His voice was amplified with mana.

"I am deeply honored to stand before you as your host for this momentous occasion – the Rising Ascendants program,"

Instantly, the hall resounded with harmonious claps and cheers.

"This initiative is a beacon of hope for our young adventurers, a stepping stone in their journey before they embark on their educational path at the academy. It's with immense pride that I announce that this program has been generously sponsored by none other than the noble Duke Folgier Orsen himself. We are deeply grateful for his unwavering support and commitment to the growth and prosperity of our aspiring talents."

Applause resounded once more as the lights bathed the VIP seats at the back of the hall. It became apparent that the Duke himself was not in attendance, as his representative had taken his place, resulting in a slightly subdued reaction from the audience, given the notable absence of the Duke.

"Without further ado, let's delve into the program's technical intricacies. In total, we have 27 parties, each comprising 3 dedicated volunteer mentors and 5 promising ascendants."

"Over the course of the next two days, we have planned three thrilling staged events: the Treasure-N-Quest, the Hunting Prowess challenge, and the Squad Battle."

Suddenly, behind the man, a large screen displaying the recorded video clips of the previous program.

Some of the children were roaming around the city doing the quest. Then, the next clips show the children hunting the beast and wild animals.

There are also clips about them fighting among each other with magic. Lastly, the end of the program with the reward giving stage, the closing ceremony.

"Each of these staged events carries a distinct point value, and to assess your performance, we have appointed judges for each party. They will be responsible for awarding merits and noting any demerits. At the conclusion of the program, we will rank both parties and individuals based on their overall contributions during the entirety of the event."

"To ensure your preparedness, we will provide detailed briefings on each stage event to your mentors. They will have two days to train and prepare you before the event day."

Following this, the host summoned all the mentors to the front of the stage, leaving the other ascendants in their seats. As they gathered, a low hum of chatter gradually filled the hall.

However, it was evident that a sound-magic barrier had been erected, creating a clear divide between the seats and the expansive stage.

Uncle Zerec took the opportunity to remind Naera of the importance of absorbing as much knowledge as possible during this program.

Growing increasingly restless, I succumbed to the temptation of covertly breaching the sound barrier to eavesdrop on the briefing.

'What are you doing,'

'Just watch,' I replied to Garen.

I focused my magical abilities on the mana barrier before me. With unwavering determination, I began to analyze the barrier's structure, trying to feel the energy within it.

I started by gently channeling my mana into the barrier, attempting to interact with its magical composition.

Slowly, I sought to understand its resonant frequency, the key to unlocking its secrets. My goal was to subtly adjust the mana within the barrier, making it vibrate at the same frequency as the sound waves inside the room.

Simultaneously, I shaped a tube of mana, linking it from the barrier to myself, ensuring that only I could hear the conversation.

Minutes passed as I concentrated intensely, my mind immersed in the delicate dance of mana manipulation.

Sweat beaded on my forehead as I maintained my focus, striving to synchronize the barrier's frequency with the sound waves beyond it.

I thought I almost pulled it work but...

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't make it work. The mana barrier was too complex, and I realized I might not have the right skills to control mana properly. Plus, being far away from it didn't help either.

'Ah, I almost thought that I could have done it,'

Garen gave me a nudge and said, 'You'll need plenty of practice to pull that off.'

I just sighed at his words.

During the 15-minute briefing, I couldn't help but notice that every mentor's unwavering gaze was fixed upon a particular individual.

This person was an elf, adorned in attire that perfectly complemented her unique appearance.

The elf had short, pale green hair that seemed to mimic the soft hues of new leaves in spring. Her striking oceanic eyes glistened with a deep, enchanting allure.

She wore a fitted tunic of rich forest green, crafted from supple leather that allowed for agile movement. Intricate elvish designs were expertly embossed into the leather.

She had to be the one Leno and Gina had mentioned, right? Seraphina The…What was her nickname again? The Windblower? The Windwhistle?

'It's 'The Windwhisper,' Garen chimed in, the word seamlessly etching itself into my memory.

'Ah, yes,' I replied, sheepishly.

'You've got that photographic memory skill, and you still forget,' Garen teased.

'Hey! It's called 'photographic' for a reason. It's all about images, not audio recordings,' I retorted.

Finally, the briefing for the mentor was done. Leno was the first one to talk when they had returned to their seats.

"Phew, alright ascendants, once we're finished with this discussion, we'll regroup somewhere else. Raul, maybe at your place, especially since I have something to say to your father," Leno suggested.

Vanessa chimed in, "And we should also gather the other three members of our party before that."

Leno playfully teased, "Vanessa, that task seems tailor-made for you. Think you can handle it?"

Vanessa responded confidently. "No need to even ask. It's a breeze."

Gina quickly volunteered, "I'll go with Vanessa."

After the host concluded today's event, Gina and Vanessa set out on a mission to locate the other three members of our ascendant party. Once their search was successful, we all headed to my house as previously agreed upon.

"Finally, it's a wrap. How did I do?" Benwell asked, reclining in his chair.

His assistant adjusted her glasses and replied, "Benwell, you did a great job as a host."

Benwell, with a relaxed grin, teased, "That's the best compliment you could come up with?" He stretched his arms overhead, satisfied with the day's work.

"So, any important reports?" Benwell inquired.

His assistant replied, "Nothing significant, everything was covered. All the mentor volunteers attended, as did the ascendants. However, there is one report from the security staff."

Benwell leaned forward, pulling himself away from the chair, and asked, "What's the report about?"

"Apparently, while we were briefing the mentors, there was a disturbance to the sound barrier created by the security staff," his assistant explained. Benwell leaned forward, his back away from the chair, showing his keen interest.

"It malfunctioned for just a second, but our staff quickly recovered, creating another barrier with their expertise. They reported that the malfunction came from someone in the crowd, particularly the middle section. However, there was no ill intention or hostility involved."

Benwell's expression turned incredulous. "What? So, someone's trying to break the sound barrier just for fun?"

His assistant continued, "It seems like a single person was attempting to disrupt the barrier."

Benwell's face shifted from disbelief to seriousness. "Check the security footage immediately. Look for any mana fluctuations and identify that person."

His assistant hesitated. "Benwell, the security staff member, suspected it might have been one of the ascendants who did this."

Benwell's expression became a mix of surprise, concern, and uncertainty, reflecting his complex emotions.

"Bring that staff member to my room," His voice carried authority as he gave the order. He leaned forward in his chair, his posture displaying a sense of urgency and determination.

"I will do as you say immediately," she responded.

A respectful bow accompanied her words before she swiftly exited the room, leaving Benwell deep in thought.

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