
Astral Transcendence

[!] I stopped posting this story here. I just want to test it here, guess I didn't have great luck. Anyway, I'm working on to post my finished project on Royal Road.

Shyrlo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

[ Awakening ]

A year had elapsed, and I sensed a noticeable surge in my physical strength. As I waited for time to unfold, I dedicated myself to numerous limb stretches, ensuring that my muscles reaped the rewards of my efforts.

Little did I anticipate that my body would mature to nearly the equivalent of a three-year-old.

And as the days ticked by, a revelation struck me—I hadn't succumbed to boredom's clutches despite the seemingly endless wait.

Fortunately, Garen's presence has been a saving grace. Although my interactions with him might have taken a toll on my social skills, I can't say I ever had a strong inclination toward socializing in the first place.

After our relocation to Ruonar City, Aelen secured a new occupation involving city patrols. While we may not boast great wealth, I'm confident in our ability to maintain a stable and sufficient financial standing.

Just a few days ago, I earned yet another achievement to add to my collection.


[ Title Earned ! ]

[ Graduated From Babble to Brilliance ! ]

Only 2.0% of players have achieved this.

-Congratulations, for cracking the code of consonants and vowels. Oh, you must feel very joy to transition from incoherent cooing to the fine art of communication. Took you long enough to mimic the local blather. Well, let me spare you the delusion. You're not just babbling now; you're a full-fledged linguist, a wordsmith, a maestro of meaningless mutterings turned meaningful. You've learned the lingua franca of this joint, and trust me, it's tougher than taming a dragon with a toothpick.

-And now, you're a linguistic gladiator, armed with the power to command attention, evoke laughter, or cause chaos – depending on your mood. And guess what, little chatterbox? Your achievement isn't just a pat on the back. It's a one-way ticket to the cutthroat anyone you want. You'll joust with puns, duel with double entendres, and wrestle with metaphors as if your life depended on it (which it just might).

[ Tips ! ] -But here's the deal: words are your wand, and sentences are your spells. Use them wisely.


I can't help but ponder about the mastermind behind this text system. Initially, it was irksome, but this pop-up message has a knack for entertaining players—unlike a certain Guidance, I must say. I gained +5 Essence Points from this achievement, and a bonus +5 for clinching a spot in the top 10 out of 355 players to unlock it. Undoubtedly, a satisfying triumph!

To my surprise, my mother, Viora, exhibited a great deal of confidence in me, allowing me to roam the house without constant supervision. My limbs had grown strong enough to navigate the staircase independently, and I'd managed to avoid causing her any undue trouble. Perhaps my good behavior had earned me her trust. Yet, despite my best efforts, I remained unable to locate Aelen's ring. The question lingered: where could he have hidden it?

In Aelen's absence, Garen steps in to assist me in awakening my mana core. The reality is that I can perceive its presence, albeit faintly.

I experience a subtle tingling accompanied by a fresh awareness, akin to a gentle breeze caressing the depths within me. At times, when I concentrate on this sensation, my fingertips might tingle softly, signaling the awakening of my latent mana core. Garen's description resonates with me, even though I can't see it for myself. He notes that it remains scattered but is progressing towards amalgamating into a cohesive entity.

"Raul, sweetheart, I've been searching everywhere for you! You have a knack for slipping away," Viora's voice chimed as she approached, gently lifting me from my spot.

Another habit I developed since our move was indulging in the breathtaking views from our balcony. Even though experiencing these vistas as a baby offered a limited perspective, the gap in the iron fence remained wide enough to provide a glimpse of the scenery beyond.

Tall, timber-framed houses lean in close to one another, their thatched roofs forming a patchwork quilt against the sky.

At times, within the bustling crowd, I observe knights clad in gleaming armor walking alongside mysterious figures cloaked in deep, rich hues.

Beneath the graceful rustle of towering oak trees, a group of children engaged in their spirited chasing games.

"Your curiosity seems to always lead you to the balcony," Viora commented with a smile, cradling me in her arms as she made her way downstairs.

"But for now, it's time to come indoors. Dinner is ready," she said, settling me into a baby stool next to the dining table.

"There we go. All snug and settled?" She chuckled softly, then briefly headed back to the kitchen furnace before returning to my side.

"Here some warm porridge and a touch of honey," Viora reaches for a small bowl of porridge and starts to feed me with a spoon, making sure each bite is just right.

With a tender gesture, she wiped a bit of porridge from my cheek and offered a warm smile before guiding me to my room. As I was left alone, I seized the opportunity to allow Garen to complete what needed to be done.

I sat cross-legged, eyes closed in deep concentration in my room. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves.

Reach deep within yourself and sense the fragments of your mana. Garen's voice resonated with a firm guidance. Let their energy meld with yours.

Garen directed threads of his own mana towards me, and a sensation rippled through my body. It was a blend of warmth and tingling that tensed my muscles in response.

Feel the connection, Raul. Focus.

"I am, so don't disturb my concentration," I inadvertently voiced my thoughts aloud. The truth was, neither of my parents knew yet that I could speak fluently. I worried that such an ability might raise suspicion. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead as a result of my anxiety.

My brow furrowed as I struggled to feel the remnants of other shattered mana core pieces.

Feel the connection, Raul. He urged, sensing my wavering focus. A few minutes later, I managed to detect over six pieces of the shattered core, gradually drawing them closer together. Yet, Garen's voice interjected, revealing that there were two more fragments that I needed to sense.

Good, now, envision your shattered mana as a river of light. Focus on each fragment, and with intention, let them merge, flowing together. He encourage me, pushing me to make a breakthrough this time.

My mind buzzed with effort as I willed the fragments to move closer.

Surprisingly, this time I could not only sense but also see it. The other two fragments were merely a few steps away from the core's center.

Slowly, the shards began to align, their edges blurring as they melded into a cohesive whole. The room filled with a soft, ethereal glow as the fragments intertwined, weaving a tapestry of combined energies.

The river of light surged, becoming brighter and more defined with every passing moment.

Now, Raul, infuse your intent into the core. Forge it. Command all the fragments to the center of your core.

Then, it responded eagerly, pulsing with newfound strength. The once-shattered fragments were now a vibrant, harmonious whole.

Yet, just as the energies seemed to reach a crescendo, an unexpected surge of power erupted from my mana core. The shockwave rippled outward. Garen acted swiftly, manipulated his mana and form a barrier, blocking the chaotic energy of the shockwave.

What's happening? I asked.

Rau— before Garen could explain, both of them were interrupted.

[ You have awakened your mana core ! ]

[ All of your stats will increased +1 ]

Wow, this is a significant power boost. Over the course of a year, I had only managed to increase my stats by 0.1. However, this development is a tremendous leap forward. I shared my thoughts.

A window screen appeared.


[ Super Extraordinary Title Earned ! ]

[ The Prodigious Infant Magus ]

You're the first player to achieve this.

-Congratulations, you audacious boy, for ripping apart the very fabric of reason and awakening your mana core at an age when common sense should have prevailed. There's nothing much to say but those who dare challenge you, make them know the difference of true power. Never show them mercy.

-Unlike those who wait until a more "appropriate" age, your early awakening has gifted you the advantage of time. The power it already possesses will only multiply as you pour your energy into disciplined training.


[ You have earned +300 Essence Points ! ]

I immediately checked my status. I was also shocked with the amount of Essence Points that I have earned from this achievement.


[ Player Status ]

Username: Raul Varon

[ Player Stats ]

Strength: 0.3 ⟩ 1.3

Agility: 0.2 ⟩ 1.2

Defence: 0.2 ⟩ 1.2

Vitality: 0.3 ⟩ 1.3

Intelligence: 16

Perception: 13

Willpower: 4

[ Essence Points Accumulated: +361 Pts ]

[ Skills ]

O [ Lvl. 1 Soul Harvester's Transmutation ]

O [ Lvl. 1 Cognitive Fortress ]

O [ Lvl. 1 Polyglot ]

[ Blessings ]

O [ Lvl. ∞ Talent Forge ]


As I stand there, the weight of the achievement settling upon my shoulders, a rush of emotions floods over me. My heart races in my chest, a mixture of disbelief and elation causing it to beat like a drum.

It's as if the world around me has momentarily shifted, and I was suspended in a moment of profound realization.

As my heart swelled with the magnitude of this achievement, a gentle nudge in my consciousness broke through the euphoria. My partner's voice, laced with concern, pierced through the elation, drawing my attention back to reality.

Raul, I think you need to open your eyes. He urged, his tone carrying a sense of urgency.

Reluctantly, I complied, my eyelids fluttering open to reveal the presence of Aelen, my father at the door.

Oh crap.

His expression, usually steady and composed, was etched with shock and disbelief. His eyes widened as they met mine, and a spectrum of emotions flickered across his features—surprise, concern, and perhaps a trace of pride too. Time seemed to stand still as I locked eyes with him, my heart racing as I processed his unexpected arrival.

The room felt suddenly smaller.

"Raul," my father began, his voice a mixture of astonishment and concern, "I never anticipated witnessing—especially at this age," He stuttered.

"You've awakened—You—" His words hung in the air. With measured steps, my father crossed the room towards me.

As he reached my side, he carefully lifted me into his embrace. His touch was both comforting and protective.

"Dad, I—I found this paper so I just tried to do what it's written here," my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions. With a carefully measured motion, I retrieved a piece of paper from a nearby table and held it up for him to see.

I hope this would work as a good excuse. I never thought that I was getting caught.

You told me he was away, Garen. I expressed my frustration.

I did, but he wasn't supposed to be home this early. He replied with an innocent tone.

Aelen's eyes softened at my words as he inspected the paper.

"This method," Aelen continued. "This is a theory that hasn't been confirmed yet. No scholars could have prove this—because no one at your age can manage to understand thi—"

Aelen noticed his emotional slip and noticed the shift in my expression. "Sorry, Raul," he quickly amended, "what I meant is that you've done nothing wrong." He offered a light chuckle as he pushed aside the negative thought.

"Now, how should I explain this to your mother," he sighed gently, his gaze alternating between me and the paper. A whirlwind of thoughts played out across his expression.

Garen, this is why you should lock your door when you need privacy. I sent a mental message to my partner, who had been silent.

Aelen unfolded his explanation to Viora. I was laid on their bed.

My father's voice carried a blend of reassurance and honesty as he explained the events that had transpired. I could hear the concern in his words, the genuine effort to provide my mother with a clear picture of the situation. The tone he used was one I recognized, a blend of parental authority and compassion.

Occasionally, I caught snippets of his explanations—a mention of my early mana core awakening and on how I did it.

Now, I am wondering how my mother would react to the news. I could almost imagine the concern, the questions, and perhaps even the doubts that colored her words.

As I listened from the bed, a mixture of relief and surprise washed over me as my mother's excited response reached my ears.

"Raul, a prodigy? Our own son?" I heard her exclaim, her voice tinged with both amazement and pride. "I can hardly believe it, but it makes sense. I know he's always had that spark,"

I could sense the genuine excitement in her voice, a rare kind of elation that seemed to fill the room with its infectious energy.

"I knew there was something special about him," she continued, her voice filled with buoyant pride. "It's because he takes after me," Viora chuckled, playfully elbowing Aelen's shoulder.

Aelen laughed softly, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Well, I can't argue with that," he conceded, giving Viora a playful nudge in return.

Viora lifted me into the air, and a rush of surprise coursed through me. The unexpected movement caught me off guard. "Raul," she spoke with a determined yet gentle tone, "your father and I will be here to guide and teach you everything you need to know."

Aelen's eyes softened as he joined the conversation. "That's right," he said with a warm smile. He passed me the paper. "You don't need this anymore, Raul, your mother and I can provide you with better instruction and guidance," He winked.

My eyes widened, reflecting the surprise of their words. My cheeks flushed with the intensity of the moment.

Hey Garen, isn't this something? Things are taking an unexpected turn, and it seems to be heading in a positive direction. I remarked, a hint of optimism in my words.

Well, I believe there's no doubt about what your next talent should be forged in, right? He transmitted his thoughts to me.

My "photographic memory" talent hasn't been fully developed yet. The progress stands at 94%, but once it's completed, I'm pretty certain about which talent I'll forge next.

Garen added. Remember, having a skilled mentor for the talent you want to forge can significantly boost your progress.

Don't worry, I've already made up my mind. I replied confidently.

Apologies for the erratic posting schedule. I have an upcoming exam on August 19th. Once that's done, I'll be able to share more chapters. I've got a few drafts that need editing, as the story underwent a slight change requiring some adjustments. Nonetheless, I appreciate your readership. Thank you for following my story.

Shyrlocreators' thoughts