
Isabella's Plan

Mike looked at Rebecca who had just entered his room and went back to his breakfast which was an energy bar that he was used to by now but then, he saw another person enter the room a second later. 

"Isabella? I was expecting you guys a little early."

"Well, a certain someone's sister was a bit too defensive about her sister's actions so we had to postpone it for an extra week. Also, we had a lot of slime kings to deal with so we didn't exactly have that much free time.", she said and walked over to him while she glanced at Letty before ignoring her completely. 

"So, why are you here?", Mike inquired 

Isabella gave him her signature shrug, "Just an experiment and we need someone who has enough SP with them. Rebecca suggested you so here I am.

"Well, I gave all of my SP to Jack so I got nothing with me. Ask my roomie, she'll have quite a sum of SP saved up.", he said as he looked at Letty who raised her eyebrow in response.

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