Ruth, a young virgin on Earth, meets an unexpected fate when a plane crash transports him to a mysterious new world. To his surprise, he is welcomed by goblins who declare him their master. In this lawless realm of war and magic, Ruth must navigate a chaotic existence where survival and prosperity hinge on one's ability to fight. As he grapples with the challenges of this unfamiliar world, Ruth discovers the power within himself and the importance of mastering the art of both combat and cunning. In a realm with no rules , Ruth becomes the master of the monsters and sentients alike, bending them to his will and exploiting them as he sees fit. Unfazed by the challenges of the tumultuous world, he relentlessly battles through, pushing forward on his journey ,Ruth must find his place amidst the chaos to forge a destiny of his own. Ruth's indomitable spirit and strategic prowess lead him through the chaos until the culmination of his odyssey, marked by an astral domination that echoes his unwavering ascent to power. #free character illustrations at #the same is available at discord : #will have lots of seggs and gore . the gore can be a part of the story and some parts just can't be skipped. #also contains a bit of netori but no NTR. # this is my first time writing a novel , some things can be a bit messed up , am trying my best to fix them up as the story moves on