
*Sigh* Here We Go

Seething in rage I vowed to kill Frieza and tear his limbs and have him begging me for mercy but just as my anger, hate and grief were about to reach their peak a string of system notifications saying [Intense negative emotions detected] [Gamer's Mind activated] [Host's mental condition stabilized]. Gamer's Mind doused my anger and hate but I still couldn't help but loathe Frieza to the core. I didn't care much about the other Saiyans but my parents died by Frieza's hands and he will die by mine.

After traveling for what must've been a day I couldn't help my curiosity and asked the pod how long it will take to reach our destination and according to the pod it will take us about 3 months to reach planet Aranda so I decided to train my ki manipulation during the journey. Let's try the nen training from HunterXHunter but Ren may hurt the space pod so I'll just have to try nen like the nen practitioners of the manipulator category and try making numbers from my ki and move to more complex structures from there.

[Two Months Later]

Trying me best to make a pyramid from my ki I suddenly had a thought which made me curse myself to no end, the thought being I can just change the fucking route of the space pod and head to Earth. Two months wasted for no reason at all. With my curses over I said "Reroute to Earth" and in response as I expected I received [Affirmative, rerouting to planet Earth, Sector 901Z, System 9. ETA 5 months] with this dealt with I now have to spend another 5 fucking months inside a confined space.

[5 months later]

I had just finished creating a perfect reuleax triangle when the space pod broke my concentration by saying [Destination planet Earth, Sector 901Z, System 9 reached. ETA 30 seconds. Requesting permission to deploy anti-gravity pads] to which I replied "Permission granted" thinking that it's something to prevent the pod from crashing and soon I was proven wrong as a pad launched from the head of the space pod directly beneath it and as the spaced pod reached 3 meters above the anti-gravity pad it suddenly came to a halt throwing me and Kakarot out of the pod.

Since I never got the opportunity to get out of confinement I didn't know how to fly and Kakarot was out like a log so both of us were unceremoniously dropped to the ground. The fall didn't hurt me in the slightest but Kakrot ended up hitting his head on a nearby boulder which probably means he'll lose his Saiyan personality and actually turn out to be like his canon counterpart, without my intervention that is. Waiting for Kakarot to wake up I immediately started rolling on the ground and jumping like crazy because this is the first time I have set foot on land in this entire new life of mine.

Ok while jumping is fun and all it gets boring after a while so I think I should probably test my strength. Locating a decent sized boulder a bit away from my pod I head to it. Taking a deep breath and clenching my fists I take a basic boxing stance and when I feel like I've gathered enough strength I let out a loud "HA!!!!!" as I extended my arm and to my complete and utter surprise manged totally obliterate the boulder and the shockwave from my punch alone managed to topple 6 trees. 'I.....uh what just happened?'. Why do I have so much power when I never stepped a foot out of my incubation and space pod till now.

'System show me my power level' I called out in my mind and a panel appeared in my mind saying [Power level: 421]. At first I was bewildered but then it occured to me that all the ki training I did passively made my body stronger. But looking back at it a power level of 421 is kinda trash. Spiralling into the line of thoughts of how my power level is so insignificant compared to the future threats coming Kakarot's and by extension my way I almost let out a yelp of surprise as Kakarot rose from his space pod induced coma like a certain famous wrestler from my previous world.

Groggily looking up at me Kakarot asked me "Where am I?" to which I could only reply "I have no idea" because that was the truth. I don't know where on Earth I landed. Then Kakarot asked me "Who are you?" Which confirmed my suspicions that Kakarot actually lost his memories and now he is going be like his innocent canon counterpart "I'm your brother Cain, Kakarot" hearing my reply Kakarot muttered my name and then asked another question "My name is Kakarot?" sighing at Kakarot's onslaught of questions I answered "Yes your name is Kakarot given to you by our parents Bardock and Gine" well more like it was given to him by Gine but details, details.

"Where are our parents?" Kakarot asked in an innocent voice but that immediately made me somber and I replied "They perished together with planet Vegeta and the rest of it's inhabitants". Thankfully before Kakarot could ask me another question an old man appeared in our field of vision. Even I was surprised because I didn't notice him coming because he concealed his power level so well that I mistook him for a random animal and didn't pay much attention to him.

The old man coughed seeing as both me and Kakarot were looking straight at him and asked us "What are you two kids doing out here in the wild with no supervision?" and when he looked at Kakarot's and my swishing tails and the space pod a bit further away a trace of surprise flashes across his face. He concealed it well and if it weren't for me looking at him carefully I would've missed it. While I didn't do or say anything Kakarot asked him "Who are you old man?" to which the old man replied "My name is Son Gohan and I heard a commotion when taking a stroll and came to check what the ruckus is about. Now to answer my question what are you two kids doing out in this mountain all alone?" Before either me or Kakarot could answer out stomachs growled at the same time and hearing this Gohan laughed in a serene manner as he said "Looks like you boys are hungry. Let's get you some food and then you can answer my question. Follow me, I'll take you to my house". Nodding I motioned Kakarot to follow Gohan and I did the same. While I know Gohan is a nice person and doesn't have any ill intentions it would be suspicious if I opened up to him immediately. After walking for a while we reached a house deep inside the woods and seeing this Gohan said "Come on in and I'll whip up some food for you".