6 Heaven's Empire.

Sleeping soundly Akin continued dreaming, more and more of those realistic dreams came and went. After an unknown amount of times living each, he didn't only got alla and every of Habib's memories but also his feelings, if he were to awake now, the doubt about his real personality would overwhelm him. But as those dreams finished another set of images came to his mind, they were displaying some sort of magic for him, accompanied the images was a chant, he did't knew the language in was it was being singed but he could understand it, afterward everything went black and some knowledge entered his mind.

Time didn't stop its tracks, and Akin didn't showed any trace of waking up soon, his mind was in a dark space and the chant hadn't stopped yet. It was a rare sensation, even when he didn't knew what this black space was, or why he didn't had a body, he was aware of its existence and his mind was calm, very calm. He recalled everything and he could easily determinated his own memories from those he recently adquired. While Akin was differencing his existence from that of Habib, the new existence attached to his old one, in his Soul Realm changes were occurring fast.

Akin soul expanded more and more, and it looked like if it was about to dissipated of blow out, but neither happened. His souls expanded to the point of filling a great part of his Soul Realm, it looked now more like some kind of gelatina. In the middle of this space a little light ingited, it was flickering and looked very dim, and if you looked at it ,it was truly like a star in the night sky. Just that it was a very tiny star.

When Akin ended reassuring his own self, there was this little flickering light in the distance and the before empty space was now filled with something, even if it wasn't visible, Akin could feel it. If before he was standing, just standing, because there was nothing else beside the darkness, now he was floating, and all the space around give him a sense of belonging, as it was a part of himself. Then he floated to the little light, and caressed it, it was like a little fire but instead of burning him it felt more like a special warm, if the space around felt like belonging to him, then that little light was definetively a part of him.

After and unkown amount of time Akin woke up, he still layed in the ground, looking at the sky, his mind was processing a lot of things, and his gaze was fixed on a little star in the sky. He didn't noticed it before but now he could feelit clear that star was in some sense related to him. Akin sighed, lifting his right hand he looked to the bracelet in his hand another bead had darkened since he fell unconscious for the last time. He might have ignored before and just made random guesses but now it was clear,very clear.

He was possesed and the bracelet had to help him again, he wasn't sure how the bracelet did it but that seemed the case. The second point was the deal of soul related knowledge he had obtained, he read about the matter before as Ashtarte had a great deal of books related to the topic but back then, all seemed so difussal and magical to him, of course he was a human in a world without spiritual energy of any kind and all-related knowledge to soul was non-existent.But now he experienced a lot and first handed, and with the new adquired knowledge he connected some dots and gained a truly insight in the topic.

Heaven's Empire, this was what he received, a techinique for cultivating one's soul. The technique aim was to build your own heaven, then an empire based in this heaven with your soul as emperor or empress and only ruler and your follower souls as its inhabitants. It was a little detrimental for the followers, as their life was at beck and call from the ruler but it gift them a huge benefit too, as no follower would really die as long as the empire existed. Moreover as you were building you own heaven, with its own sky and its own earth, technically you could use any element as long as it existed in your empire. Sadly you couldn't use any of your followers power or talents other than their faith.

It was a great technique but it requested for large amounts of soul power in order to make some advance and the amount needed to use any technique from an element you didn't affinity with, were incredible crazy as well. This was Ashtarte technique, at least what she use to cultivate her soul, Akin was sure because when he was reviewing the technique there was two magics he recognized, one was Heaven's Vault, this was the blue sphere that the bracelet had used to protect him, the other was Star Cloak ,this was basically what Ashtarte used as clothes.

The light he saw when he was sleeping was one of the star that will compound his Star Palace, once he had build it and he had his Star Throne he could call himself a ruler and start building his empire. At that time, he would cast the 'magics' from this technique using cosmic power and not soul power, making the process a lot more convenient. Once he had followers then he could alternate between using cosmic power or faith as source to cast magic.

Even though the knowledge was there, Akin still didn't understand a lot of things, and it wasn't for less, he was just like a frog which just came out of the well. Words like destiny had almost any meaning for him and when he knew what faith was, he hadn't any idea of how could it be gathered or used to cast magic.Futhermore being able to command fire and thunder seemed distant, but as he understand the basics he knew this was an oportunity to make himself stronger, really stronger and obtain revenge too. Sarcastically as the destiny he didn't understand was, this opportunity was provided by who was also the cause he wanted revenge.

Setting his mind, he stand up, he needed to go searching for more of those white specks again, or should he call them soul remmants. These were a while back his way to survival, now they were the beginning of his path to power.

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