
Demon Hunters Part 2

"Life...most people believe that they will live forever but not everyone can live for eternity. Life can be cut short in a blink of an eye. Demons lurk in the human world and now pose as humans and I'm the only one who can send the demons back to hell." - Christiana

It was nightfall in Lake City and a group of girls was having a sleepover. The girls were playing Truth or Dare and one dare was something that the girls would regret doing.

Sunny: "I can't believe you prank-called your crush Millie."

Millie: "I should've chosen truth instead."

Amy: "Even if you chose truth it would've been embarrassing regardless."

Millie: "Alright Stella Truth or Dare."

Stella: "Dare."

Millie: "I dare you to say Bloody Mary three times in the bathroom mirror in the dark."

All the girls were shocked at what the dare was and scared of what would happen to them.

Sunny: "Are you crazy don't you know what happens if you call Blood Mary?!"

Millie: "Yeah but my older brother called her and nothing happened to him he told me it was just a silly rumor."

Stella: "Can all of you come with me?"

All: "Okay."

The preteens went into the bathroom and turn off the lights and lit the candles; they closed their eyes and called upon Mary.

All: "Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary..."

Millie: "See my brother was right she's not rea---"

Just when she was talking Bloody Mary came out of the mirror and cut Millie's head off her body with her own hand killing the girl instantly.

All: "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"

Just as the girls try to run but Mary was on their trail. She snapped Sunny's neck and then ripped Stella and Amy's organs and intestines out of their bodies. Afterward, she spread the blood of the girls on the wall and went back inside the mirror world

Nate: "Hey Millie I'm-- Oh My God!! She's...She's dead!" He grabs his mobile phone and dialed 911.

911 Hotline: "911 what is your emergency?"

Nate: "Hello yes my sister and her friends are all dead their blood is everywhere!"

911 Hotline: "Okay sir tell me your location."

Nate: "Oh yes... I'm at 22351 Crossing Road."

911 Hotline: "Okay an ambulance is on its way."

Nate: "O-O-O-kay..." He hangs up the phone. "How did this happen? My baby sister...She was my only family.."

The ambulance and the police made their way to Nate's house then one of the police officers questioned Nate about the current incident.

Police Officer Charlotte: "Do you know what happened?"

Nate: "I don't know I just left for about 30 minutes then when I came back, they were all dead.."

Police Officer Trenton: "It must be the sleepover curse."

Police Detective Nancy: "Oh, stop it, Clerk!"

Nate: "Sleepover curse?"

Police Detective Nancy: "This isn't the first time we have seen a group of kids suddenly got murdered this has happened a lot lately and we can't seem to figure out why this is happening."

Police Officer Zack: "Like Trenton said it's a curse."

Policy Detective Nancy: "Knock it off you two there's no such thing as curses!"

Just outside of the house Christiana noticed the killings have a pattern.

Christiana: "I wonder what kind of demon is killing people who are in groups do you know?"

Meadow: "No doubt about it it's Bloody Mary."

Christiana: "I thought she was just a fairy tale."

Meadow: "Actually, she really existed like the story said she was a young girl who was buried alive and eventually died after that she wanted revenge from her parents for burying her alive which caused her to go to hell."

Christiana: "Then she started to kill."

Meadow: "Young people about your age Christiana."

Christiana: "Well now we know who she targets teenagers like me who would summon her."

Meadow: "In total darkness."

Christiana: "In front of the mirror."

Meadow: "That's just great.."

Christiana: "What is it?"

Meadow: "That pawn is here."

Christiana: "Damn... He just doesn't know when to quit...we might as well leave since we found out what is going on."

Meadow: "Fine I'm leaving but I'm not going back to the suite."

Christiana: "Where are you going?"

Meadow: "None of your business."

Christiana: "You're going to go get some food, aren't you? You should at least have a mobile phone so I would know where you're at."

Meadow: "Mobile phones are pointless to me."

Christiana: "Fine then."

Just as Meadow and Christiana were leaving Johnathan went to the house and realized he was too late.

Johnathan: "Damn... I'm too late. May you all rest in peace in heaven above..."

Police Detective Nancy: "What are you doing here? An innocent like you have no business here."

Johnathan: "I am an exorcist hunter my name is Johnathan Walker."

Police Officer Trenton: "I didn't think anyone would take this curse that seriously."

Johnathan: "This wasn't a curse that killed these girls it was a demon besides curses aren't real."

Police Detective Nancy: "Now you're talking nonsense demons aren't real."

Johnathan: "Of course they are real why else would you explain these strange deaths."

Police Detective Nancy: "Simple a psychopath killer has done this but we haven't found any suspects."

Police Officer Charlotte: "I haven't found any fingerprints."

Police Detective Nancy: "Damn it if this keeps on then we would never get a suspect. Let's just pack it up and finish this in the morning."

Johnathan: "What I'm telling you is true it's a demonic activity here."

Police Detective Nancy: "Honestly will you quit talking about a demon? There is no such thing as curses or demons."

The police finish their investigation and left then so the night became day. While at the police department Nancy was trying to figure out who is the culprit.

Police Detective Nancy: "I just don't understand why this keep happening. The only thing in common with these murders is that there is always a group of friends involved."

Police Officer Charlotte: "Maybe the two idiots are right it might be a curse."

As Nancy becomes irritated, she slams her hands on her desk.

Police Detective Nancy: "That is ridiculous there is no such thing as curses! There must be another reason I just don't know what."

Just as Nancy laid her head down believing she may have to give up on the case she was surprised by a visit from a familiar face.

Johnathan: "Detective Nancy I know who is killing those kids."

Police Detective Nancy: "Not this ridiculous demon-killing is it."

Johnathan: "Yes, it is I know it's hard to believe but it's true. A demon is what the kids are summoning and I need your help to stop it."

Police Detective Nancy: "There is no such thing as demons or curses!!!!"

Johnathan: " If you don't believe me about the demon then I'll just show you the truth."

Police Detective Nancy: "How exactly are you going to prove it?"

Johnathan: "I overheard some high school students are going to a party and no doubt about it they will summon the demon; believing that it's just a game."

Police Detective Nancy: "What does that have to do with you?"

Johnathan: "As I told you, yesterday detective, I'm an exorcist hunter; I stop supernatural beings from harming people. Therefore, I'm going to that party and stopping the demon before it kills those teenagers."

Police Detective Nancy: "How are you going to get in? To be honest you don't really look young enough to be in high school or in college."

Johnathan: "I do- I don't even look that old I'm only twenty-two years old!"

Police Detective Nancy: "Really? I thought you were thirty years old I guess I was wrong."

Johnathan (flustered and upset): "Besides the point, I'm going to disguise myself as a college student so no one suspects me."

Police Detective Nancy: "Fine...fine you actually convinced me to come with you."

Johnathan: "Really?"

Police Detective Nancy: "Yes."

Johnathan: "Why the sudden change of heart?"

Police Detective Nancy: "Because someone has to prevent any harm that will happen to those teens; plus knowing teens today would most likely have alcohol at the party."

Johnathan: (Thinking) "So that's her reason?"

After Johnathan and Nancy discussed the plan then the day was over and nightfall came; they went to the party hoping that no one at the party was killed.

Police Detective Nancy: "Alright we're in now we have to blend in if what you told me earlier is true."

Johnathan: "I know I'm right."

Police Detective Nancy: (Thinking) "I'm surprised there isn't any alcohol here I mean when I was sixteen, I used to sneak some of my mother's wine bottles to a party all the time."

Just then a girl was shouting.

Jackie: "Hey everyone! Dylan is going to summon Bloody Mary!"

Johnathan and Nancy: (Thinking) "What? Why does that name sound familiar?"

Lynna: "Do it!"

Nick: "Yeah don't be a chicken!"

Dylan: "Fine...Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary..." He looked in the mirror and turned around. "I told you guys she isn't real now you owe me 20-"

Mary pierced Dylan's heart out and squished it killing him instantly.

Nick: "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!"

Everyone at the party was so terrified they started to scream and tried to run out of the house but unfortunately, Mary started to slash some of them in half then the others had their eyes pierced and their organs ripped out of their bodies. Though Nancy wasn't harmed but is in shock to see that demons do exist.

Police Detective Nancy: "I can't believe it...d-d-demons are real...I just...I just can't believe it!"

Johnathan: "May our holy Father God give you the strength to help fight the demon inside your innocent soul."

Johnathan grabs his holy water in a bottle and sprays Mary with the holy water in her eyes.


Mary: "AAAAHHHH!!!!! IT BURNS!!! AAAHHH!!!! Just kidding!"

Johnathan: "What!? But how!?"

Mary: "Time for you to die!!!!"

Johnathan grabs his cross and is about to use it but Mary is blinded by the flash of light that was reflecting on the cross.

Mary: "AAAHHH!!! That light! You won this time but I'll be back!"

She then escapes into the mirror world she created.

Johnathan: "Damn it! I can't believe the holy water didn't work unless...unless she is not a demon at all."

Police Detective Nancy: "I still can't believe this! You were right demons really do exist and I thought they only existed in movies."

Johnathan: "I know it can be hard to believe at first but this isn't a demon we're dealing with here."

Police Detective Nancy: "What do you mean?"

Johnathan: "I mean whatever she is she's not a demon."

Police Detective Nancy: "I better call an ambulance then go back to the office and call all of those children's parents and let them know that they are dead."

She pulled out her mobile and called an ambulance.

Johnathan: "Yeah I better get going because whatever she is, she's still out there."

Police Detective Nancy: "Wait!"

Johnathan: "What is it?"

Police Detective Nancy: "How is it possible for Bloody Mary to even exist? She isn't real."

Johnathan: "We both saw her there is no doubt about it that she's real."

Police Detective Nancy: "I don't understand how-"

Johnathan: "We saw her and she wasn't affected by the holy water so now I have to go and think of another way to stop her."

Johnathan left the house just before the ambulance arrived while the other officers came in Nancy was puzzled.

Police Detective Nancy: "I don't understand...Bloody Mary isn't even real; I know for a fact she isn't real."

Nancy remembers back when she was fourteen years old when she and her friends were summoning Bloody Mary.

Young Nancy: "Come on let's summon her!"

Ashley: "No way! Don't you know what happens when you summon Bloody Mary?"

Lacy: "Yeah I'm not ready to die!"

Young Nancy: "You're both chickens!"

She made chicken noises just so she could get her friends to join in.


Young Nancy: "Ya don't have to shout ya know!!!"

They all went into the bedroom facing the mirror and they called her.

All: "Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary..."

They all opened their eyes and realized that there was nothing there.

Young Nancy: "See! I told ya'll Bloody Mary isn't real."

Lacy: "You're right I guess I got scared for nothing."

Ashley: "Yeah me too."

The girls shared a laugh then the flashback ended when Nancy realized what was really happening.

Police Detective Nancy: "I think I know what is happening."

Just when Nancy left the house Christiana was watching above on top of the roof of another house.

Christiana: "She realized it a little too late."

Meadow: "We should've come here earlier."

Christiana: "I know but we were having so much fun together that the time flew by."

Then her mobile rang and Christiana found it strange to get a phone call then decided to answer it.

Christiana: "Who the hell is this?"

Sarah: "Christiana it's me Sarah I was calling to see what you're planning to do tomorrow."

Christiana: "Nothing...Why?"

Sarah: "My parents and I are vacationing at Lake City and they are going to be out basically all night so I'm planning a sleepover and I know that you would want to join."

Christiana: "Why the hell would I want to go to your sleepover?"

Sarah: "Your boyfriend told me you've never been to a sleepover." Christiana glares angrily at Meadow. "And he told me you wouldn't mind going."

Christiana: "One more thing how did you get my number?"

Sarah: "Your boyfriend gave it to me when I bumped into him earlier today. I wasn't sure if you had a mobile but your boyfriend told me you did."

Christiana: "Is that so?" She continues to glare at Meadow angrily.

Sarah: "So are you coming?"

Christiana: "I guess I have no choice but to say yes..."

Sarah: "That's great I'll email* you the directions to my parent's vacation home."

*Email/Emailing means Text message/Texting

Christiana: "Good to know." She closes her mobile angrily and looks at Meadow. "Why the hell did you do that Meadow?"

Meadow: "Because you need to interact with girls your age."

Christiana: "I will kill you."

Meadow: "If anyone in the sleepover summons Mary then we'll get her."

Christiana: "Of course why else would I say yes and by the way you're getting a mobile."

Meadow: " Why in hell would I get a mobile?"

Christiana: "Because I said so."

Meadow: "I hate you."

Christiana: "I love you too Mem Mem."

The day ended and the next day came; Christiana wanted to take Meadow out to get him a phone.

Christiana: "Come on...we have to get you a mobile."

Meadow: "Fine..."

They went to the local phone store and the clerk walked up to them.

Phone Clerk: "Hello my name is Stacy how can I help you two."

Christiana: "My boyfriend here is looking for a phone."

Phone Clerk: "Ah yes we have a lot of new model mobiles. There is a lot that isn't flip models they even have a keyboard that slides open when you want to email somebody."

Meadow: "Why the hell would I care about that?"

Phone Clerk: "Huh?"

Christiana: "He rather have a mobile like mine."

Phone Clerk: "Oh! What kind of model is your mobile?"

Christiana: "The recent model 1843 flip mobile."

Phone Clerk: "Ah yes quite a good model let me go in the back room and get some with different colors."

The clerk went to the back to find some phones.

Meadow: "I still don't see the purpose of a mobile."

Christiana: "It makes things easier besides how else am I going to talk to you when you are away."

The clerk came back with four different colors of the mobile.

Phone Clerk: "Here you go, sir, the 1843 flip mobile with colors of red, blue, and black."

Meadow picks up the black mobile phone.

Phone Clerk: "Okay sir now I have to give you your number and activate the mobile." The clerk typed in the number then grabbed a card and she wrote down Meadow's number. "Here is your new number and your phone is now activated."

Meadow: "That's great..."

Phone Clerk: "Okay I must let you know that you will be billed once a month and you'll also have to pay for your phone. Since there is no activation fee your total is sixty currencies* and 20 silvers* for the mobile."

*Currencies mean currency/dollars and silvers mean cents

Meadow: "Can you break a hundred?"

Phone Clerk: "Yes I can. Okay, thirty-nine currencies and eight silvers are your change, and have a wonderful day."

Christiana and Meadow walk out of the store to go back to their hotel suite. Meanwhile, Police Detective Nancy decides to meet up with Johnathan at the Community Café to tell him her thoughts on the attacks.

Police Detective Nancy: "There's no doubt that the girl is being possessed."

Johnathan: "What are you talking about? That girl is not possessed she might be the real Bloody Mary."

Police Detective Nancy: "Bloody Mary is nothing but a story."

Johnathan: "She's not she's real."

Police Detective Nancy: "No she's not I know because my friends and I summoned her during middle school."

Johnathan: "What?"

Police Detective Nancy: "Yes we were just acting silly and thought it would've been fun to summon her. When we did nothing happened but I knew she wasn't real I even told my friends she wasn't real and they got scared over nothing."

Johnathan: "Is that so? How would you explain that the holy water I had didn't affect her?"

Police Detective Nancy: "Maybe because Trixie is being possessed by a powerful demon."

Johnathan: "Trixie?"

Police Detective Nancy: "Yes she's been missing for several weeks now and her family is really worried. Also, when the so-called Bloody Mary attacked those kids, I noticed how she looked like Trixie Albertan."

Nancy takes out a photograph from the file she had and shows the photograph of the girl to Johnathan.

Johnathan: "So that's the missing girl."

Police Detective Nancy: "Yes I thought she might've been a doppelganger but I got a glance at a mole on her neck and she fits the description."

Johnathan: "I see. You may be right about a powerful demon possessing her but I don't know if there is going to be another party tonight."

Police Detective Nancy: "Well...We'll have to stay at the police department and listen out for any calls about an attack."

Johnathan: "I guess we have no choice hopefully we make it before the demon escapes."

Just as Nancy and Johnathan left the café Christiana and Meadow were on the other side walking back to their hotel suite.

Meadow: "Explain again why I had to get a mobile?"

Christiana: "Because I said so."

Meadow: "Don't you have a sleepover to go to soon?"

Christiana: "Bite me."

Meadow: "You'll get over it."

The day ended and Christiana went to Sarah's vacation house just before she went in, she dialed Meadow's number on her mobile and called him.

Meadow: "What do you want?"

Christiana: "I was only seeing if you knew how to answer the phone."

Meadow: "Don't even think about leaving the house at the last minute."

Christiana: "Oh I'm not. I'll give you the signal when I need you."

Meadow: "Fine..."

Christiana: "I love you."

Meadow: "Bite me."

Christiana: "How hard?"

She chuckles and hangs up her mobile and rings the doorbell then Sarah answers the door.

Sarah: "Good! You made it Christiana!"

Christiana: "You shouldn't answer the door like that you never know what will happen."

Sarah: "I know but I had a hunch that it was you anyways come in everyone else is here."

Christiana and Sarah walked to the living room and Christiana saw some of Sarah's classmates.

Marcie: "Hey Christiana."

Celia: "How's it going?"

Ana: "It's about time..."

Sarah: "Okay now that everyone is here how about we play some games."

Celia: "What kind of games? You know there are some games we can play if we had some boys here."

Sarah: "Are you insane? My parents would kill me if I had boys here without them here."

Marcie: "She has a point."

Ana: "Can we just pick something?"

Sarah: "How about Truth or Dare?"

Marcie: "How old do you think we are twelve?"

Celia: "Hey it's better than nothing right?"

Marcie: "Okay...Okay, I'll go first. Hmm...Christiana Truth or Dare?"

Christiana: "Truth."

Marcie: "Let's see...Are you a virgin?"

Christiana: "No I'm not."

Sarah: "Wow I can't believe she just said it so calmly."

Celia: "Yeah most people would be embarrassed to answer."

Christiana: "It's nothing to be ashamed of after all my boyfriend and I love each other so much we made love so it's not a big deal."

Marcie: "Okay Christiana it's your turn."

Christiana: "I'll pass I'm not interested in other people's secrets."

Celia: "I'll take her turn! So, Ana Truth or Dare?"

Ana: "Truth."

Celia: "Is it true that you're a boyfriend stealer?"

Ana: "What?! I am not!!"

Celia: "Oh really? Well, what is this about my boyfriend Jake emailing me about you flirting with him and trying to kiss him."

Ana: "I would never do such a thing."

Celia: "His best friend even witnessed it. SO, ADMIT IT!!!!"

Ana: "I'm not admitting anything!!!"

Celia: "Fine I'll go back to you later but first Sarah Truth or Dare?"

Sarah: "Dare."

Celia: "I dare you to prank call your best guy friend."

Sarah: "Fine but I'll need your phone."

Celia: "Why mine?"

Sarah: "Because he'll know it's me if I use my phone."

Celia: "Okay..."

Sarah felt embarrassed she dialed her friend's number on Celia's mobile and pinched her nose.

Sarah: "Hello?"

Josh: "Who is this?"

Sarah: "Do you want to buy a pig?"

Josh: "What?"

Sarah: "They are only fifty percent off today."

Josh: "I'm not buying a pig!"

Sarah: "Okay how about this offer? For you the pig is free!!"

Josh: "No!! I'm not buying a pig."

Sarah: "Too bad the deal is off now goodbye."

The girls were all laughing except for Christiana.

Sarah: "Not funny."

Marcie: "Um...It's kind of funny."

Celia: "Okay now that is over with so Ana are you going to admit it."

Ana: "Fine if it'll make you happy yes, I tried to steal your boyfriend."

Celia: "I knew I was right."

Ana: "My turn. Christiana Truth or Dare?"

Christiana: "Dare."

Ana: "I dare you to call Bloody Mary."

All except for Ana and Christiana were surprised.

Sarah: "Are you crazy?"

Celia: "Why in hell would you dare her to do something like that?"

Marcie: "Yeah don't you know what happens when you call Bloody Mary."

While the girls were arguing Christiana was speed emailing Meadow.

Christiana: "Fine I'll do it."

Marcie: "Don't do it."

Sarah: "Something bad will happen to you."

Christiana: "Please Bloody Mary isn't real."

Christiana grabs her jacket and walks into the bedroom where the tall mirror is.

Ana: "What is that your blankie?"

Christiana: "No it's my jacket and it's important to me I guess you can say an old friend gave it to me."

Ana: (Thinking) "I really can't stand that girl!!"

Christiana closed the door behind her and locked the door; lit the candles then started to call Bloody Mary.

Christiana: Bloody Mary...Bloody Mary...Come out here you bitch and face me."

The candles blew out and Mary came out of the mirror.

Mary: "YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!!!!"

Mary pulls Christiana into the mirror world.

Christiana: "I see you pulled me here so there won't be any witness to your defeat."

Mary: "Don't get too high and mighty huntress. After all, once I kill you, I'll be famous. Everyone in hell will know that I, Mary defeated the defenseless huntress. *Laughs* Now any last words huntress."

Just as Mary was about to attack Christiana, she had Meadow prevent the attack.

Christiana: "Just two words...Now Meadow!"

Meadow stops the attack by using his sword to block the sharp nails and breaking them in the process.


Meadow: "Well then my huntress do you want to send her back or should I?"

Christiana: "Sure Meadow you can I mean why not? After all, I don't exactly have my sword with me."

Mary: "You traitor of demons and your very own vampire blood. How dare you serve a human?"

Meadow: "I don't serve her...She's my mistress and my slave in a way we serve each other. Besides I've been hunting demons long before I met her." He takes out his sword and attacks. "Now go back to hell where you belong and by the way, my sword will prevent you from coming back here to this world so tell your little friends, that."

Mary: "NNNOOOO!!!!!!!"

The demon escapes Trixie's body and all of them return to the human world.

Meadow: "Well then it's going to be a while before she wakes up."

Christiana: "Why is that?"

Meadow: "Since she is very young it takes a lot more time for her to wake up."

Christiana: "I see..."

Meadow: "Hm?"

Meadow watches Christiana as she decides to change into her pajamas.

Christiana: "Well then...take a photograph Meadow it'll last long."

She finished changing clothes then Meadow walked up to her and kissed her passionately afterward he left the room and the girls were wondering what was taking Christiana so long.

Sarah: "I hope nothing bad happened."

Marcie: "Yeah..."

Celia: "Me too.."

Just then the door opened and Christiana came out wearing different clothes.

Ana: "So? Did you do it?"

Christiana: "Yes I did and nothing happened."

Celia: "Really nothing happened?"

Christiana: "Yes Bloody Mary is nothing but a folktale."

Marcie: "Wow Christiana your clothes look amazing."

Sarah: "Where did you buy it?"

Christiana: "It was tailored and made by an old friend."

Celia: "Can that friend of yours make me one?"

Sarah: "And me too."

Ana: "I think it's a bit too much for a sleepover..."

Christiana: (Sarcastically) "It's the only pair of pajamas I had."

Meanwhile at the park Meadow was waiting for Trixie to wake up.

Trixie: "Huh? Where am I? What's going on here? Who are you?"

Meadow: "My name isn't important right now but you have been committing several murders though."

Trixie: "What!? I would never do such a thing...I don't even remember..."

Meadow: "You were possessed."

Trixie: "Possessed?"

Meadow: "Yes by a demon that is how but your memories will come in a few minutes."

Trixie: "I don't under-" She suddenly realized it was her but doesn't understand why. "I can't believe I would do this all of those people's blood is on my hands..*cries* I just don't get it...why did this happen to me?"

Meadow: "Did you make a deal with a demon?"

Trixie: "A deal? What are you talking about?"

Meadow: "There is a reason why this happened. The demon must have been powerful enough to possess you without you knowing or you made a deal with the demon but for a price."

Trixie: "All I know is that there was a woman who said that she would make me thin and beautiful but that's all."

Meadow: "I see the demon did make a deal with you but you didn't know about it."

Trixie: "What?"

Trixie looks scared and terrified now knowing she is responsible for the murders; Meadow's eyes change to red and he looks into Trixie's eye using his manipulating powers.

Meadow: "Now you know that you committed the murders you will report yourself to the police to admit everything thing then you will tell them your location after that you will let your arm out and let me drink your blood. The last thing you will remember before dying is that you choose to commit suicide."

Trixie: "Yes I must report myself."

She takes out her mobile phone and calls the police while she is doing that Police Detective Nancy and Johnathan are waiting for the phone to ring for someone to report another murder though Johnathan has doubts because he thinks that Christiana may have beaten him again.

Police Detective Nancy: "Why are you sulking?"

Johnathan: "Because I think we may be too late."

Police Detective Nancy: "What do you mean? No one has called."

Johnathan: "Exactly that huntress girl may have stopped the demon."

Police Detective Nancy: "Huntress? So, is that the girl like you an exorcist?"

Johnathan: "Not even the slightest when she stops a demon, she kills that person who was possessed she believes people who were possessed don't deserve to live."

Police Detective Nancy: "Oh come on..."

Johnathan: "It's true she covers it up making it seem like the person committed suicide."

Police Detective Nancy: "The way you're talking about this girl it seems to me that you like this girl."

Johnathan: "What makes you think that I like that girl?"

Police Detective Nancy: "Woman's intuition."

Johnathan: "I don't even like the girl that way."

Police Detective Nancy: "I meant you care for her like she's your little sister."

Johnathan: "Oh please I wouldn't care less about what happens to her."

Police Detective Nancy: "What a total liar...*laughs*"

Johnathan: "What are you laughing about?"

Police Detective Nancy: "Oh nothing." Then suddenly the phone rings. "Lake City Police Department Police Detective Nancy Sterns speaking."

Trixie: "My name is Trixie Albertan and I have been committing the recent murders...My family thought I was missing but really I hid my face to kill those innocent people and my location is Snowy East Park."

Police Detective Nancy: "Wait a minute Trixie I..." Just as she wanted to know more information Trixie hung up the phone. "Damn it! That's just great..."

Johnathan: "What is it?"

Police Detective Nancy: "You know the missing girl I told you about right."

Johnathan: "Yes."

Police Detective Nancy: "Well...that was her on the phone and she told me that she committed those murders."

Johnathan: "What?!"

Nancy and Johnathan got into her car and went to Snowy East Park. While they were leaving the police department Nancy was informing a couple of the officers near the area that she found Trixie. In the park, Trixie had her arm out and Meadow bites her wrist and drinks all of her blood.

Meadow: "The blood wasn't bad at least it wasn't bitter..."

Just after Meadow left the park Nancy, Johnathan, and two police officers came to the park but were too late. Trixie had already died from blood loss.

Police Officer Charlotte: "She's been missing for weeks and she suddenly reappears now...poor child..."

Police Officer Trenton: "And to think a thirteen-year-old girl would kill all of those people she must have some bad demons in her."

Police Detective Nancy: (Thinking) "They have no idea..."

Police Officer Charlotte: "Yeah and I guess she didn't want to face the music so she committed suicide. I better inform her parents and let them know we found her."

While Charlotte is calling Trixie's parents Johnathan notices vampire marks on her wrist.

Johnathan: "Look, detective."

Police Detective Nancy: "At what?"

Johnathan: "Her wrist."

Police Detective Nancy: "I know she committed suicide."

Johnathan: "No she didn't."

Police Detective Nancy: What do you mean?"

Johnathan: "It was made to look like a suicide."

Nancy took a closer look at her wrist and saw the bite marks.

Police Detective Nancy: "I see your point."

Johnathan: "It was a vampire that killed her."

Police Detective Nancy: "Vampire? Seriously?"

Johnathan: "You'll believe me about demons but not vampires."

Police Detective Nancy: "Yes it could have been a spider or mosquito bite."

Johnathan: "Believe me that's not a mosquito or spider bite."

While they were arguing Christiana and Meadow appears in front of them.

Christiana: "Well...well looks like you didn't get in my way this time."

Johnathan: "What are you two doing here? And why are you wearing that?"

Christiana: "Because A- I wanted to take a walk in the city and B- I was at a sleepover. Did that answer your questions?"

Johnathan: "Mostly..."

Police Detective Nancy: "You two shouldn't be here this is a crime scene."

Christiana: "Fine but all I wanted to do is to tell your little friend here something."

Johnathan: "What would that be?"

Christiana: "Don't be a hero...there is no room for heroes around here when there are Hunters and Huntress'."

After saying that the two disappear in a blink of an eye to the top of a building roof.

Meadow: "Was that really why you wanted to come out here?"

Christiana: "Mostly..."

Meadow: "Did you notice the way he stared at you?"

Christiana: "Yes...frustration and disappointment..."

Meadow: "Not that way..."

Christiana: "If you mean that way then I'm surprised."

Meadow: "Surprised?"

Christiana: "I didn't think you were the jealous type."

Meadow: "Don't you have a sleepover to attend to."

Christiana: "Bite me."

Meadow: "I love you too."

Christiana leaves to go back to Sarah's house meanwhile Nancy was about to leave but she had to talk to Johnathan.

Police Detective Nancy: "So who is that girl?"

Johnathan: "She is the demon huntress."

Police Detective Nancy: "Demon huntress?"

Johnathan: "Yes and the man who was with her is a hunter too."

Police Detective Nancy: "She must have stopped the demon."

Johnathan: "Yes and this is what I was worried about. She had that vampire kill the possessed innocent."

Police Detective Nancy: "Kill?"

Johnathan: "Unfortunately yes...she believes the person who was possessed is better off dead."

While explaining about Christiana as the demon huntress, Nancy made up her mind about the events she witnessed over the past few days.

Police Detective Nancy: "How about this Johnathan? I'll help you stop the demons from their killing sprees."

Johnathan: "You would do that?"

Police Detective Nancy: "Yes! After all, I am a police officer and a detective."

Johnathan: "I don't know..."

Police Detective Nancy: "Plus I can be there with a cover-up story when you always show up at the crime scenes."

Johnathan: "I'm still not sure since you never really had any experience with this kind of thing."

Police Detective Nancy: "Oh come on..." She takes out her hand. "What do you say, partner?"

Johnathan takes his hand out and shakes Nancy's hand.

Johnathan: "Okay then partner."

Now that Johnathan has gained an ally, he'll be able to stop demons in Lake City from killing all of the innocents in the city and Nancy has met the demon huntress which means that Nancy will find any information about the Huntress and why she has her partner kill the possessed innocent.

Here's chapter two and I should mention the weapons Christiana, Meadow, and Johnathan uses don't harm people only the demons inside the person and I will possibly have a short character description chapter after chapter three. I also decided that Nancy will be a new main character in demon hunters just like Johnathan but I'm thinking about having them in the main story or just let them be in only demon hunters so if you want them in the main story let me know or not.

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