
Assassin Vendetta: The Beginning

In the sprawling metropolis of New Eden, Alex Mercer, is one of the world's deadliest assassins. He operates within an underground network of contract killers, taking down high-profile targets with precision and anonymity. However, he's not just an assassin; he's a myth, a legend whispered about in the darkest corners of the criminal world. One fateful night, Alex receives a contract like no other. The target: his own wife, Emily, whom he thought had died in a tragic accident years ago. The revelation that she is alive and marked for death sends shockwaves through his world. The orders are clear: kill her or be killed. Refusing to believe that Emily has become a target, Alex defies the contract and goes rogue, setting out to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces that threaten her life. As he delves deeper into a treacherous underworld of secrets and betrayal, he discovers that Emily has unwittingly become entangled in a web of conspiracy involving powerful figures who will stop at nothing to protect their interests. ------------- Update Daily at 7.00 PST Add My Pen IG: MyLawdude, Will upload some of the character illustration there Support My Other Novel on WPC Oct 2023 "Wolfhearted Love" Thank You

MyLawDude · Action
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66 Chs


The Whispering Key was a striking and enigmatic artifact, carefully designed to conceal its formidable abilities within an unassuming appearance. Its physical characteristics made it appear like an ordinary item at first glance, contributing to its mystique and danger:

The key had a sleek, minimalist design. Crafted from polished gunmetal-gray alloy, it bore no extravagant embellishments or ornamentation. Its surface was smooth to the touch, devoid of any engravings or markings.

On closer inspection, the key revealed a series of tiny, intricate notches along its body. These notches, strategically placed, served as both a disguise and a means of activating its capabilities.

Certainly, in a world without magic, the Whispering Key could be a highly dangerous and classified item that was stolen from the government. Let's further enhance its intrigue:

The Whispering Key, an exceedingly perilous and top-secret government relic, had been unlawfully seized by a covert faction within the assassin world. Its powers, although not magical, were deemed a significant threat by the government due to their potential for widespread espionage and subterfuge:

The Whispering Key possessed unparalleled decryption capabilities. It could break into highly classified government communications, unraveling encrypted messages and exposing confidential operations. With its unmatched lock-picking precision, the key infiltrated government facilities, impervious vaults, and fortified installations. This made it an essential tool for covert operatives seeking access to restricted areas. The key's unique interface allowed it to interface with secure government databases, extracting critical intelligence without leaving a digital footprint. This covert data retrieval posed a severe threat to national security.

When faced with security personnel, the Whispering Key emitted a silent, disabling pulse that incapacitated guards temporarily, leaving no trace of violence. This made it a prized asset for those who preferred stealth over confrontation.

The Whispering Key was more than a mere artifact; it was a symbol of power and control in a world where information was the ultimate weapon. Its theft from the government had sent shockwaves through intelligence agencies worldwide, triggering a relentless pursuit to recover the perilous item and neutralize its potential threat.

I see, let's adjust the scene to reflect this twist:


"Well, the key is original," Yoris remarked as she held the Whispering Key, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. She carefully handed the code to Semus, who accepted it with a nod, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of anticipation and triumph.

"Miss, let me keep it," Hans, one of Semus's associates, suggested eagerly, his hand reaching out as if he couldn't wait to take possession of the precious artifact.

"No need, Hans," Yoris replied, her gaze steady and unwavering as she retained possession of the key. She understood the gravity of the situation and wasn't willing to let her guard down, even for a moment.

In the bathroom, the real Yoris began to regain consciousness. Her memory was foggy, and the last thing she remembered was being overpowered by someone who bore a striking resemblance to herself. Confusion swirled in her mind as she struggled to piece together what had transpired.

"What happened?" she wondered aloud, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination. She knew that something had gone terribly wrong, and she needed to make things right.

Suddenly, a rush of realization hit her like a tidal wave. "The meeting!" The urgency of the situation flooded her thoughts, and her heart raced as she remembered the importance of the impending exchange. Without hesitation, she attempted to get to her feet, her thoughts consumed by the artifact and the crucial code.

"No, no, no! The artifact, the code!" Yoris exclaimed urgently, her voice echoing in the bathroom. Her muscles ached as she forced herself to stand, determination pushing her forward. She knew that time was of the essence, and she needed to return to the meeting place quickly.

As Yoris rushed out of the bathroom, the corridors of the hotel seemed to stretch endlessly before her. She couldn't afford any further delays. The fate of the Whispering Key and the safety of her family depended on her swift return to the meeting room.

Meanwhile, back in the meeting room, Semus and his associates exchanged wary glances. The tension in the air was palpable, and they couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The artifact was in their possession, but the code was the missing piece of the puzzle, and it held the power to unlock a world of secrets.

Hans, who had been eager to take custody of the artifact, now wore a concerned expression. "Miss Yoris should have returned by now," he muttered, his eyes darting toward the door with unease.

Semus nodded, his fingers drumming anxiously on the table. "Indeed, something is not right. Keep your guard up, everyone. We can't afford any surprises."

Unbeknownst to them, the shadows of intrigue and uncertainty loomed larger with each passing moment, and the Whispering Key held the answers to mysteries that extended far beyond their current predicament.As elite assassins wielded the Whispering Key, its presence in the underworld intensified the global power struggle, while its danger made it both a coveted prize and a lurking menace.

Certainly, let's continue the scene:


"Well, let's end the meeting here, shall we?" the fake Yoris, who was actually Zelda in disguise, declared with a disarming smile.

"As you command, miss," Hans replied obediently, his eyes briefly meeting Semus's.

Semus nodded in agreement, his expression still laced with a sense of unease. "Good to see you, Mr. Ramos."

"Good to see you too, Ms. Ramos," Yoris replied politely, though her mind was racing with thoughts of the artifact and the code.

As Mr. Ramos exited the meeting room and headed for the elevator, Zelda and Hans discreetly made their way toward another elevator. They had to maintain the illusion just a little longer, long enough to secure their escape.

However, just as Zelda was about to step into the elevator, a distant roar echoed through the hallway. It was a chilling, primal sound that sent shivers down her spine.

the real Yoris Comes, "Hans, Stop Them, She is fake,"

"WHATT", Hans exclaimed

Hans, standing beside her, acted on instinct. "Stop her! She's fake!" he shouted, his voice filled with urgency. He had suddenly sensed something amiss—an absurd aura emanating from this Yoris. Moreover, strange occurrences had transpired in the bathroom before the meeting, leaving him baffled and suspicious.

Hans attempted to block Zelda's path as she attempted to enter the elevator, but before he could react further, he was met with a swift and powerful kick. It was clear that the fake Yoris possessed extraordinary abilities.

In that moment, Hans realized the shocking truth. The woman standing before him, who had convincingly posed as Yoris, was not only an assassin but also an elite one at that. Her agility and strength were beyond anything he had encountered before.

Certainly, let's describe the intense battle between the two assassins, Zelda and Hans, and then Yoris's successful escape to the elevator while Hans orders his army to block the exit:


The elevator doors closed behind Zelda and Hans, sealing them in a small, confined space. The tension in the air was palpable, as both assassins knew that only one of them would emerge victorious from this deadly confrontation.

Zelda, the imposter who had masterfully assumed Yoris's identity, was a force to be reckoned with. Her every move exuded confidence and grace, a testament to her elite assassin training. She positioned herself with precision, ready to strike at any moment.

Hans, on the other hand, was a seasoned assassin with years of experience. He had faced formidable opponents before, but Zelda's power and agility were unlike anything he had encountered. He couldn't afford to underestimate her.

The battle began with blinding speed. Zelda launched herself at Hans with a lightning-fast kick, aiming for his midsection. Hans, quick to react, narrowly evaded the strike, but the force of the blow left a dent in the elevator wall.

"Shadow Skill- Ironclad Aegis Strike - "Sentinel's Wrath". Hans Command."Impact Wave": Upon striking the opponent, a shockwave is released, emanating from the point of impact. The shockwave can disrupt the balance of multiple adversaries, knocking them off their feet and creating an opening for the bodyguard's charge to escape or counterattack.

"Shadow Skill- Aetherial Enchantment - "Zephyr Dance"", Zelda Says

'Aerokinetic Strikes (basic) ': Zelda's attacks are imbued with the power of the wind, making her strikes swift and precise. The wind enhances her striking speed, allowing her to deliver multiple blows in rapid succession.

Zelda didn't relent. She followed up with a flurry of strikes and kicks, each one executed with flawless technique. Hans defended himself skillfully, blocking and parrying her attacks. The confined space of the elevator intensified the struggle, making every move critical.

As the battle raged on, Zelda reached the elevator lobby just in time to see the doors of another elevator slide open. Without hesitation, she entered it and pressed the button to descend.

Meanwhile, Hans, realizing that he couldn't overpower Zelda within the cramped confines of the elevator, made a strategic decision. He activated his communicator and issued a rapid command to his team stationed outside.

"Block the exit! Don't let her escape!" Hans's voice crackled over the radio.

His highly trained team sprang into action. They swiftly moved to block the main exit from the building, creating a formidable barricade. The agents, armed and prepared, formed a human wall, ready to intercept anyone attempting to leave.

Back in the elevator, Zelda's movements were growing more calmly,as a high level assasin She made a split-second decision to disengage from the fight, delivering a powerful roundhouse kick to create an opening and then diving through the closing elevator doors.

As the doors closed behind Zelda, she narrowly avoided Hans's pursuit. The elevator began its descent just as Hans and his team arrived at the lobby. They were met with the sight of Zelda disappearing below, the Whispering Key still in her possession.

The battle between the assassins had shifted the balance of power, leaving Yoris with one final, daunting challenge—to retrieve the artifact and outwit the formidable security team blocking her exit from the building.