Tokaku Azuma, the protagonist in the anime Riddle Story of Devil, recently lost her first love, Haru Ichinose. Haru lost to stage four brain cancer. A funeral was held to honor her death. Of course, Tokaku visited Haru's funeral. Throughout the funeral ritual, she cried, blaming herself for leaving Japan in order to expand her weapon industry business at Italy. After the funeral, the girl with blue long ponytail was approached by a pastor and he comforted her. He even gave her a hooded robe, the robe he was going to hand to Haru when she was still alive, and asked her to wear it tonight. That night, Tokaku wore the robe. Then, suddenly, she heard Haru's soft, gentle voice calling her to a mirror. Once she touched the mirror, she passed out. When she woke up, surprisingly, Tokaku woke up to find herself in a hall crowded with robed men.