
mc powers

Bloodline enhancements-magic capacity, reflexes, strength, magical control, agility, weapon mastery

blood line abilities- pyromancer, all speak , magic sight, metamorphic, short range teleportation(cannot be blocked by normal means), danger sense

bloodline talents-enchantment, alchemy, arithmencey,

Pieces of eden

Thor's hammer -lightning and thunder control

apple of Eden- unbreakable mind

spear of leonidas -grants Physical Empowerment, Vitality Regeneration, harnessing Poison, harnessing Fire, imbuing projectiles with Power, limited Invisibility, minor speed enhancement, and echolocation.

the sword of damocles- gives projecting energy blasts without using the users own magic, physical empowerment,

grant charisma and morale, place energy traps and encasing the user in an impenetrable energy field for a short time.

shroud of eden - grants miraculous healing powers and enhanced strength

Koh-I-Noor Diamond- allows Alex to absorb pieces of Eden or give them away at the cost of losing thier power for himself. project Tangible-illusions, cast energy bolts, sense near pieces of Eden, cast shields

Magic skills- proficient in most battle magics and capable of many silent and wand less spells. Magic power is near Dumbledore after awakening dragon.

Dragon power

Dragon form- near impenetrable scales, resistant to magic, poison, elemental damage, and curses. Able to project draconic blasts from chest that can harm nay enemy. Draconic presence makes weak fae submit .Use of artifacts is weakened. stronger urge to mate and collect silver.

Draconian form- access to artifacts and enhancement of magic and physique. weakened draconic presence. less resistances than full dragon form. less overwhelmingly urge to mate and collect silver.

Human form- Can stop emitting draconic presence and urges. Weaker physical aspects than draco draconian form.

Inherited items-

lethifold -has density changing, shadow travel, make user into ghost form, self healing, and can act on own like Dr strange cloak and shape changing, split off pieces of itself to make lesser copies

Ravenclaw key- Ravenclaw family subspace with research stations or every kind. basically any material he would ever need.

Merlin's grimoire- Compendium of merlin's knowledge and all added knowledge. Recorded the entire library of Alexandria before it was lost. has a nasty drawn mouth.

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