
ch 3

/Welcome home traveler. Please commence with biological vessel design./ came a weird voice to Alex's mind followed by what seemed to be the character creation screen of a video game.

(Ok this seems familiar for some reason,) thought Alex knowing this is how many of his fav anime start.

/Correct traveler the spirits of Eden have adjusted your entrance back to your ancestral homeworld from memories of your previous one to allow for an easier transition. I am the entity known as Jupiter and have will be ensuring your successful implantation into the timeline however you see fit/ the voice responded.

"So I get to create my looks and start point. Will I have a background because I was basically a crack baby growing up with a junkie mom and I would like a better start this time around and what year will it be." Alex stated.

/ Traveller will be deposited in the desired location at the same age as the one known as Harry Potter. No matter what location you choose there will be no living immediate relatives as that will draw unwanted attention to you there are not sufficient energies to alter reality to accommodate your arrival. However, any desired background lineage can be selected from extinct lines descended from wizard blood." was the response.

"Ok so no family, but I can choose any heritages of magic as long as there are no living members of the family. In that case, let's get this party started"

With no response from Jupiter Alex began his work. He spent a very long time designing what he would look like as a fully matured adult knowing that the result would be a child version of what he chose but thought it was better to plan the long game. He eventually went with a build that was almost the same as Vergil from the devil may cry series but changed the hair from white to black and ice-blue eyes. The body was well-muscled with broad shoulders and stood at a height of six feet four inches and of course gave his one-eyed snake a decent upgrade. Nothing practical joke-sized but the length and with would of easily get him a starring role in any porn.

Next, he chose the starting age of six which put him in the year 1986. He felt that would give him enough time to prepare for Hogwarts with the golden trio. He would like to avoid that crap storm of a school all together but to stop Lord Voldytwat he had to be where the action was so to speak. He felt that since Potter survived until the battle at Hogwarts that the events should be similar to the books but there had to be some changes so best to stick close and adjust accordingly.

Alex was always a very intelligent person but never really had the motivation to do much and now he was going to use everything to his advantage. After that came heritage selection because a person cannot just poof into existence even in a magical world. The Eden database had a list of every extinct wizard line to help create his new body with the perks and abilities that came with it which made him wonder how they kept tabs on the entire magical world from behind the Veil but then thought ancient aliens with god-like powers duh.

Most names he never heard of but good thing each one had a brief description of notable witches and wizards from the line. He finally figured he could combine as many as he wanted since nobody could say otherwise and human genealogy even without magic thrown in complicated. After reading hundreds of names he finally chose.

Ambrosius line- The only known member of this line was better known as Merlin of Camelot and no descendants have ever been found. The only successful cross-breeding of draconian Fae and wizard. Key aspects include increased magic capacity, All speak language skills, pyromancer, and strong magical control.

Alexios line- The original Assassin line in all but name. Was began by a spartan warrior who was conceived from magi (what the humans like beings created by the first civilization are called) and a human mother. Enhanced agility, reflexes, and strength ,weapons mastery enhanced. A line of magically enhanced physique

Ezio Auditory line- Began by the member of the Brotherhood of assassin's magical branch was very influential in the course of human advancement during the renaissance era. Magical vision, danger sense, metamorphosis.

Shafiq- Known as one of the sacred 28 and most powerful British families for innate talents in enchantment, alchemy, and arithmancy.

Traveler line- A different breed of magi produced by the first civilization that actually was a success in integrating more than the 1 percent of first civilization genetic material that all other magi had. Integration of extra first civilization genetic material allows for full access to abilities of magi and first civilization. short-range teleportation and gains the ability to travel realities once powerful enough.

So with these bloodlines coursing through my veins, I have all powers and enhancements of the first wizards he thought. Another weird discovery was the Assassin's and Templar orders were wizard organizations began by different members of the first civilization that had been fighting over the prices of Eden as they called them throughout wizard history. The pieces of Eden were advanced magical technologies that had been brought out of Eden before the magi moved to behind the Veil and cut contact with the outside world to preserve what was left of their city and people. Alex asked for information on the current Templar and Assassin's situation but was told that the information was not currently available.

"Well guess that is something I'm going to have to find out later. The war between them could come into play if I don't keep track of it," he said to himself. He kept wondering what Fae ment. The only thing he remembered was the veela from the goblet of fire were based on some mythic fairy. He already knew the new world was different from the potter verse but was anxious wondering what surprises were awaiting him. He knew if he kept somewhat of a semblance to the original potter storyline he might be able to use his loose knowledge to his advantage.

After all that Alex decided that his self-creation was done and as soon as he had that thought one last thing that he completely forgot about popped up.

Name selection:

He had a brain fart for a moment and realized that he liked the name Alex even if he disliked the one who gave it to him. So he decided to keep it and take the last name of Shafiq because it would have authority being one of the sacred 28 but wouldn't put all eyes on him like taking merlin's name would.

/Are you satisfied with this vessel selection/ came to the robotic voice.

"yes" wandered Alex confidently.

/ Commencing physical composition. Travelers' astral form will be transported to Eden while vessel construction is underway. You will have access to knowledge and training acceptable to your physical and magical capabilities currently possessed/ Jupiter said

" Wait what do you mean I thought I would be able to just unlock the powers of Eden and use the unlimited power to accomplish my goals" Alex responded dejectedly as his instant op dreams crumbled.

/ Negative traveler must build strength and knowledge to increase access to higher levels of power due to the dangers of wielding abilities and risking losing control/ was the answer.

( well this is becoming more game-like by the second, now I have to grind and level up to unlock the kick-ass.) he thought.

"Alright ready to start training tutorial one," He said realizing he was getting more of his personality back.

/Safe trek child and may we meet again when the threat is overcome./.

After that Alex once again felt the compressing pulling sensation he dreaded.

Next chapter