
I Accompany a Princess

"So you came all this way just to buy potions?"


Aurelia who was disguised with a cloak was walking alongside me on the streets.

"So, what did you want to buy?"

"I need 3 elixirs of restoration, 2 vials of invulnerability, and 4 potions of augmenting."

3 potions of restoration, 2 for invulnerability, and 4 for augmenting…

Wait a minute, that's exactly what I bought.

Well if Aurelia wanted to buy these potions, how the hell did she end up in an alley?

"So how did you end up in that alley?"



"I… I don't really know how to get there."

She looked away and I just stood there shocked. A princess that doesn't know the geography of her own city?

"I've only ever been to the central plaza, so I don't really know my way around since I don't go around much. I like to… to stay in the castle most of the time."

So she's kind of like a shut-in. Not pretty suiting for a princess.

"If you wanted to buy potions, why didn't you just get someone to buy it for you?"

"W-well, I felt like coming out. I wanted to explore the rest of the city as my father doesn't allow me to go any further than the central plaza."

Hmm, a strict father huh? I think he'll be pretty pissed once he finds out his daughter is here on the west side of the city.

"Well then, it's best you hurry and buy those potions. Your father will be mad once he finds out about what you've done."

"I agree. However…"


"Can you lead me to the potion shop?"

A princess asking me for directions to a potion shop? Well, this is to be unexpected. Oh well, I guess I'll show her the way. Now that I think about it, I think I should buy a few extra potions just in case.


We arrived in front of the potion shop. Well, it's actually a pharmacy but I just call it a potion shop because it sells potions.

Entering, it was looking a lot more crowded than before. Most of the people in here were students from the adventurer's academy. Looks like they came to also buy potions.

"W-whoa, so many people…"

Aurelia muttered. Did I just hear a gulp?

"What? Never seen this much people lined up before?"

"No. It's never this crowded in the plaza."

That's because the plaza is where all the rich people go. And I doubt there are that many rich people in this city. They could be in other cities, who knows?

"Well then, guess you should get buying. Try not to attract attention or you'll be taking years to leave."

"Uhh… alright."

I'd separate from Aurelia, leaving her to do her thing.

I've been studying what creatures will be in the forest, and let me say, there are a lot of venomous creatures in there. So…

I guess that means I'll be buying a stack of antidotes. I'll be needing anti-frenzy, anti-hallucination, and of course, anti-venom. Maybe I should also buy some anti-allure which wards off creatures.

While I was busy buying the potions I needed, I heard chatter coming from behind.

"I-is that her highness? What is she doing here?"

"No way, her highness?"

"I can't believe she's actually in the same shop as me!"

Well that's not a good sign. What did she do to attract attention?

I looked over to see that Aurelia was being surrounded by a group of people. Even though she wore a hood, her white hair was coming down on her shoulder and it was visible. Her face was also a bit visible. Guess that's how she was found.


Aurelia had a nervous look on her face. Maybe the pressure is too much for her. I should stop this before anything bad happens.

"Hey, can't you guys see you're making her uncomfortable?"

When I said that, people seemed to move aside and now I was being stared at. But instead of talking, they all went silent. I looked one in the eye and I could sense fear coming from him. Well, it looks like that wing incident still has everyone being afraid of me.

I looked over at Aurelia who was taking deep breaths. Could she be claustrophobic?

"T-thank you…"

Aurelia would walk past me, then she whispered.

"I-I'll be waiting outside."

Then she left.

Waiting outside? Don't tell me she doesn't know her way back.

What a weird princess.

I paid the shopkeeper for the potions and left. Outside, Aurelia was waiting by the pole while clutching onto a bag of potions.

"So, mind telling me how you know how to get here but don't even know how to get back?"

"T-that's not it."

Hmm? So why was she waiting for me?

"It's a bit embarrassing but… I'm scared of the dark."

She shuffled a bit with a flushed face. I looked up at the sky and it was already dark.

Nyctophobia, the fear of the dark. I can't blame her for having such fear as I once feared the dark as well. But I eventually got over it through… torturous means…

I don't like to talk about it, but at least it did the job.

Hmm, but the streets aren't that dark, there are lamps. Well actually, there are some parts of the streets that have broken lamps so I guess I should help her.

"So you want me to walk you back to the plaza?"

"T-the castle."

This girl…

Well, at least that gives me the opportunity to see how the castle looks like upfront.

"Alright, let's go."


I felt a slight tug on my scarf. I looked at Aurelia and she was blushing lightly. Her expression was a bit cute. I guess I'll let her hold on to my scarf. Just gotta watch out just in case it gets yanked off accidentally.

Anyway, we were now walking down the streets. Along the way, there was a rustle in a very dark alley and I felt my scarf being tugged. I stopped and looked into the alley to see a pair of purple glowing eyes. Then, a black cat came out from the alley.


Then I felt my body being clung. I blushed as I looked over my shoulder, seeing Aurelia holding onto me.

D-did she just go "Kya?" That sounded really cute not gonna lie.

"Calm down, it's just a cat."

"I-it is?"

She slowly let go and I nodded. I walked over to the cat that came from the alley. The cat was really small, probably a kitten. For some reason, this cat had three tails. Not something you see on regular cats. It was limping; its left leg had a large burn mark on it.

I would start searching through my bag of potions. Let's see, I think I have something that could help with that burn. I didn't just buy potions, I also bought some ointment.

After I found ointment that helps with burns, I gently took a hold of the cat and applied ointment onto the burn. It let out a high-pitched meow in pain and then bit my right hand.

It didn't really hurt as it's not comparable to getting stabbed in the back. Though it may look small, it really packs a bite.

"It's alright, just let me finish applying it."

After I got the cat to settle down, I finished applying the ointment. Then I wrapped some bandages around the leg. After that, I let go of the cat.

"Ok… now, off you go."

The cat looked at its leg, then it looked back at me. It walked around a bit and its leg was showing no signs of any injuries.



The cat just sat there, staring at me. It would approach me and then rub up against my ankle.

"I think it likes you."

Aurelia said. She is correct, this cat does like me. After all, that's what my previous cat did when I first met it in my past life. Sadly, it died of Leukemia.

I would pick the cat up and it rubbed its head against my chest. I guess I can have a pet in this world. Now I won't be lonely anymore.


"Hmm, if I'm gonna keep this thing, it's gonna need a name. What gender is this thing?"

I was going to… well… you know, but Aurelia answered my question before I got the chance.

"It's a female."

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, female cats have three whilst a male cat has six."

So that's how you identify cats in this world? Well, I did see a cat girl have three tails instead of one. Though I do question it, I just never said anything.

"So it's gonna need a female name."

Crap, I'm not good with female names.

I'd think hard on a name to give this cat, but I couldn't think of any.

"How about Nyx?"

Aurelia suggested. Nyx… if I remember, that is the goddess of the night. Hmm, guess it suits this cat very well since it has black fur.

"Sure, that's a good name. Anyway, let's get you back to the castle."


I was now standing in front of the castle gates. Now I've been to mansions and manors on assassination missions, I've even been to some castle ruins but… this is on a whole other level.

Beyond the gates was a large castle, like a tower! If I remember, I saw a tower when I was in the plaza once. I've been assuming it was just some guard tower, but to think it was part of the castle. Well now that I see it up close, it didn't look like a guard tower but I just assumed it was.

"Umm, Seiya."


"T-thank you for today."

"No problem. Now I need to get going, it's getting dark."


Hmm? Why'd she say it like that? It's almost as if she's disappointed.

While I was deep in thought, I was suddenly interrupted by the sound of gates opening. Aurelia entered through the gates and I walked the other way.


Aurelia called me once more and I turned around.

"Good luck on the exam."

Then she was gone.

"She called me just for that huh? Hmph, it's not like I really need luck or anything."


"You heard nothing Nyx."

Tomorrows the last day until the exam, I'll have to prepare till the time comes and maybe get some healthy rest.




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