Esen was once a peaceful and prosper world full of beasts and humans who lived in harmony. However long ago, a great rift opened the way for monsters to invade Esen. The beasts that inhabited Esen were no match for the great monsters that had suddenly appeared. The rift soon closed and left humanity to defend themselves against the monsters. Humanity's greatest power was the power to adapt, and that power would save them once again. Hunters, humans with abnormal strength and spirit began to awaken within those who had reached the age of 21. Almost as if a gift from the Gods had been bestowed upon them. Those who were blessed and reborn as hunters got a status window and an innate skill. Innate skills gave the hunters tremendous powers that varied from person to person. Some could crack boulders like an egg and some could use their spirit to blast away their opponents. With these powers, the hunters killed the monsters in order to make a living. Now the cities of Esen are reliant on hunters for their economy to stay stable. They provided materials and knowledge, while the government provided money and equipment. In Edin, city quit far off from the rest but still quite large, talk of a different profession based off of killing stirred. The name Alonne often floated around in rumors and gossip. They were a folktale. A mythic assasin that would make anyone who saw him vanish. Never to be seen again. Alonne had just completed a job and was taking in the view of the full moon on top of a building, when suddenly a blue window pops up in front of his eyes, transforming into a beast and gaining his long awaited innate skill. [Evolution]