
Aspiring Actor

["In the beginning, I had a simple aspiration to solve the problems of life by acting. However, later faced with difficulty I refused to accept defeat and was determined not to leave in a state of confusion. Moreover, now that I, as an individual, have shown resilience, 'why not strive for improvement?' And I have consistently emphasized that when you choose to invest in something, you should commit to giving it your utmost effort!"] These words of wisdom come from Sean Tang, widely regarded as one of the most accomplished actors of the 21st century.

GeorgeBushAK47 · Celebrities
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Job

Sean commented half-jokingly as he approached Frederick's cubicle, "I thought you'd have your own office," glancing at the glass-walled offices.

Sean had no intention of discussing social issues; his question was merely tentative. After all, he had only known Frederick for a few hours, and he wanted to get a sense of the person in front of him.

"Eventually," Frederick shrugged. "I've been in this industry for about seven or eight years. I started at ICM and eventually joined this agency. It's just a matter of time."

As he spoke, Frederick gestured towards the chair in front of him and leaned back in his chair. "Please have a seat."

Sleek and confident, yet appearing dissatisfied with the current situation? Sean thought to himself.

Frederick seemed to have anticipated the reason behind his question but answered without much concern. Although his tone was nonchalant, he exuded confidence in his observations.

"You've made a wise choice, Mr. Tang..."

"Please call me Sean."

"Well, Sean, you've made the right decision. We're different from ICM, CAA, and WMA. We're full of energy and..." In just a few minutes with a few words, Frederick enthusiastically presented a positive image of the company, showcasing his eloquence as an agent.

"Although we've only met briefly, I believe you have a lot of potential. Your performance at the bank was truly impressive. Simply put, actors convey the emotions required by the character, and you did a marvelous job there. So, I wanted to ask you, have you had any acting experience?" he inquired promptly.

"Well, if you count the stage plays I did in junior high and high school, then yes, I have some experience," Sean responded. However, Frederick seemed a little disappointed, so he quickly added, "I attended Frentas Junior High School and Fitzmaycon High School in San Francisco. Both schools have renowned drama societies. Last year, Fitzmaycon High School, where I played Tybalt Capulet, won second place in the International Drama Festival competition held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln."

He didn't want to think about his grades all the time in this life while simultaneously worrying about money and being an introvert like in his previous life. He wanted to live this life to its fullest as much as he could. So, he participated in various club activities, played as a guitarist and lead singer in a band, and even played basketball, although acting in stage plays was his greatest strength.

In any case, Sean had lived with another identity for almost twenty years, so he possessed a great talent for acting. He knew better than anyone what it was like to be someone else entirely.

This achievement finally earned Frederick's approval. "Very impressive, so... wait, last year?!" He widened his eyes in disbelief. "That means..."

"I turned 18 this April," Sean replied a bit sheepishly.

Frederick paused for a moment, then raised his hands to his mouth and laughed. "Alright, no need to ask if you've taken any acting classes... God, you're only 18. I always thought you were at least 25."

"Perhaps because I appear more mature?" Sean smiled and shrugged.

"...I'm not sure. Maybe it's your demeanor," the agent stared at him for a few seconds. "But you do have a photogenic quality."

"Huh?" Sean became a little confused.

"The camera captures you from various angles, and you look great in almost all of them. That's what we call photogenic," Frederick explained with a smile.

"Oh!" Sean found it fascinating to hear this for the first time.

"Of course, I'm speaking from experience, and I'm not exactly an expert on being in front of the camera," Frederick explained. "But your appearance is very attractive. You have a unique charm, especially your eyes."

"Well then, it seems I should be honored to be complimented by you," Sean said half-jokingly, feeling a hint of pride.

Although he wasn't particularly handsome in his previous life, in this life, because his mixed heritage gave him distinct features with his captivating black eyes, people found him pleasing to the eyes. Most people with black eyes actually have brown or dark brown eyes, but Sean's black eyes were exceptionally bright, resembling rare black gems.

He was quite popular in high school because of his looks and talent in extracurricular activities. He participated in clubs, performed stage plays at school minor and major competition events, played as a basketball guard, dated cheerleaders, and even almost won the prom king title.

"Alright, let's move on," Frederick said while chuckling and took out some forms and documents from the table, handing them to Sean. "Now that we've had a preliminary discussion, you need to fill out these forms as detailed as possible. This will help me choose the right role for you. It's also advisable to get professional photographs taken in both black and white and color."

He then presented additional documents. "This is a contract. Newcomers usually have similar contracts. If you have any questions, consult a lawyer. Additionally, if you have the time, I suggest reading books related to acting or participating in short-term acting training. It's also best to join a union, either SAG (Screen Actors Guild) or AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists), or both if possible. Union membership provides more opportunities."

Frederick paused for a moment before asking, "Do you have a cell phone?"

"No, I only have a pager," Sean patted his waist.

It's not that he didn't want to use a mobile phone, but it was only 1998, and it would still be a couple of years before mobile phones became widely popular. A Nokia 5110 mobile phone costs at least $900, and other brands were priced between $700 and $800. This expense would be a burden for ordinary families, let alone Sean, who was currently in a tight financial situation.

"Alright, I have one request then. When I call you, please respond as soon as possible," Frederick continued. "Many times, opportunities are fleeting."

"I understand, but... before that... I have a question," Sean scratched his cheek, looking a bit embarrassed. "Regarding consulting a lawyer for the contract and participating in acting training, as well as joining the guild... Do these require a fee?"

"Of course," Frederick replied, puzzled.

"Well... I'm currently on the verge of bankruptcy," Sean said, trying to maintain a calm expression while looking directly at Frederick.


At Universal Studios, a crew was preparing for a shoot. Everyone, except for the lead actors and director, was busy. Several assistant directors were waving their arms and giving loud commands.

"Hey, you two over there! Go help unload those things. We're starting the shoot in ten minutes!" one of the assistants shouted to the two young men.

"Sure, we'll go right away," one responded eagerly, while the other seemed a little displeased.

"We just helped the props department organize things. We only took a few minutes of rest, and now we're being asked to move things. Don't extras have rights too?" the other whispered.

"You just said it yourself, Sean. We're extras, and that's what extras do. You'll get used to it soon," the first one smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"So, you're used to it, Cole?" Sean asked, letting out a sigh.

"You will be too, man," Cole said. "Let's not worry about it. Let's help move these things out of the way."

The two of them started moving the props.

After disclosing his current financial situation to Frederick, Sean Tang became an extra.

"Everyone, gather around!" Following the director's voice, most of the crew members assembled, forming a circle around him.

"Although we've had these discussions many times, and some may be tired of hearing them, I want to emphasize that this is a great show, and we're a team. Everyone should demonstrate professionalism, even if you're just an extra..." the director began his speech.

He was a capable middle-aged man in his forties. Well, Sean couldn't judge whether he was good or bad since he didn't have a television in his apartment and had no interest in going to bars or other places to watch a show he was involved in as an extra. However, being able to direct five or six episodes in a row, which was unusual for a TV series, was considered commendable. But he always enjoyed giving motivational speeches, as he himself claimed that he gave one almost every day.

Sean always stood on the outermost edge, unlike Cole Vincent, an acquaintance he had made on the set after becoming an extra. Cole was three years older and always squeezed himself to the front. According to Cole, he had been in Hollywood for over two years, mostly doing odd jobs. His biggest dream was to have a role with substantial lines and then strive for more opportunities until he hit it big.

In this regard, Sean was always encouraging him. If he inherited anything from his previous life, apart from the inexplicable advantage of keen intuition for foreseeing events, it was tenacity—the resilience of a determined person.

Because of this resilience, he managed to step out of that environment step by step in his previous life. And now in this life, at his most embarrassing moment, he received a $600 check.


[Background Event]

Before meeting Frederick, he had worked as a temporary worker for a week at a grocery store. The owner, a Vietnam War veteran, had a foul mouth and never ceased to swear. Because Sean was from San Francisco, he became known as "Sissy" to the owner, who detested homosexuality. Several young people who started with Sean had quit halfway, and he couldn't retaliate against the old man. He managed to get the job after a lot of scouting, so he was even less interested in losing the job until he found another substantial work because of the bad-mouth treatment he received.

The old man gave him $600, reasoning that since the others had run away, he couldn't give them their share.

Although the old man had a foul mouth, his heart was in the right place. That's why Sean had a favorable impression of those who persevered.



Although it hadn't shaken his determination, the desperate need for a job was the most pressing issue. Eventually, he found Frederick and became an extra. It suited his requirements—stable work, decent pay, and plenty of free time to contemplate his future.

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