
Rising Dwarfs and Wary Thorns

(Tyrion Lannister POV, Casterly Rock)

I learned from Ser Benedict Broom that my father was traveling to King's Landing with a large host. It was both exciting to think of the glory father would earn from saving his friend which earned me a weird look from Ser Benedict. While I knew I would likely never wield a weapon or be deadly like Jaime, I couldn't help but imagine myself leading armies like Father and earning glory.

I wasn't allowed to see Father off, yet I was sure he would be victorious and would lay low to our enemies. It was only sennight later that I realized that something was off, the solemn mood that took over the castle was merely the first sign, and Cersei's reaction to me was the second when I tried to ask her what had happened.

"Demons like you dare to speak to me! It should have been you, not him." Cersei shouted at me.

Confusion and hurt gathered within me as I could not understand why she was speaking to me like that, sure she never liked me but now I could feel the hatred within her eyes as she stared at me.

"I… I just wanted to know about Father and Jaime." I whimpered.

"Leave you wretched creature and don't you dare speak to me again?" This time she raised her hand ready to strike me.

I closed my eyes as she approached, but the blow never came. When my eyes opened, I could see an arm holding her back, it was Aunt Genna and She looked furious!

"You dare to strike a child, Your brother no less !" Aunt Genna growled coldly, for the first time I saw genuine anger in her, gibe was kind yet stern Aunt.

"This demon…"

I could only stand wide-eyed as Aunt Genna slapped Cersei. Seemingly dazed by Aunt Genna's strike.

"You… You can't do this to me, Father will..!" Cersei let out a shrill scream, only to shrink at the look on my Aunts face.

"Do nothing, nor will he care if he was still here with us today?" Aunt Genna said coldly before taking gently grabbing my arms, she began to guide me away from the corridor.

Cersei continued to scream threats at us both, yet there was a look of defeat, though I could still feel the hatred.

"Come Tyrion, it's time to teach your duties."

"Duties?" That was my confused response.

"Aye, your duties as Lord of Casterly Rock…"

(Olenna Tyrell POV, Highgarden)

Oleanna still found herself trying to wrap her head around what had occurred these past few weeks, even though it had been quite a while since the damn Battle. It certainly didn't help that Highgarden was now filled with tension as if waiting for the executioner's axe to drop.

Her Oaf of a son was being his usual foppish self as if they weren't at the imminent risk of a Civil War, one more dangerous to House Tyrell than the previous one.

While she marveled at the stupidity of her son, she was also grateful that Willas seemed to have inherited most of his intelligence from his mother, though some of the maces did show when it came to obsession with those animals.

"What do you think of our current situation, Willas?" she asked eagerly.

"Like a bowstring about to snap," Willas said, his mind as troubled as her own, despite his young age.

"Take a look at this" She handed a lengthy parchment filled with critical information.

Willas nodded in understanding and began reading through the parchment.

She, on the other hand, was looking towards her son who was busy talking off poor Alerie's ears about grand plans and such other rot.

'No doubt helped by the arbor gold Paxter sent.' I thought.

"Lord Erlend agreed to Vale's proposition and has already been confirmed as Lord Paramount within the Eyrie?" Willas interrupted her thoughts.

I nodded to her Willas's query, quite surprised that those peacocks would bend over and willingly take it from the Mudd King because make no mistake he was a King, just not officially anyways.

A large part of that came from the influence the Mudds had on Braavos, It wouldn't be a surprise if its first inhabitants had asked the Mudds to be their rulers at the time, yet with the ferocity that the Valyrians chased them, they couldn't afford to accept and stay in one place too long, lest they doom both their House and the settlement.

Seeing my confirmation, Willas went back to reading the rather lengthy parchment.

House Tyrell despite its precarious situation, was the strongest it had ever been, Largely due to the Dance. With the southern territories all under their firm control. The issue came from Houses that lay North and West of Highgarden, while the western Houses would be largely preoccupied with the raids of the Ironborn.

Unfortunately, the same could be said about Hightower and Redwyne, who were their strongest supporters and thus couldn't directly come to their aid immediately, as that would leave their lands at risk.

The Florents themselves were at risk, thus why they couldn't immediately rile up the reach against her House.

Simply put, with the Targaryen's nearly destroyed, largely thanks to their foolishness, whatever legitimacy they provided House Tyrell and its hold over the reach no longer mattered, something the northern lords and Florents would make sure to use when they eventually rose.

Considering all this, even her Oaf of a son realized that besieging Storm's End was pointless, and hence why he and the rest of the troops had returned to the reach. Most places outside of Highgarden had become far too dangerous for a Tyrell these days.

Even if they were to try their luck in a preemptive strike against their enemies, they'd be ill-received by almost everyone. Seven knows what Stannis would do, once he manages to reorganize the Stormlands.

The Reach houses might have the largest and best-maintained army compared to the rest of the kingdoms, but its clear division made that advantage useless and with no exact figure to rally behind, there was only so much she could do.

In such a situation, the Mudds were looking to the most politically stable entity to get close to, which was rather ironic considering their history of being exiled and chased either by assassination or eager claimants seeking legitimacy.

There were also other reasons why she considered allying with them, they had a reliable veteran army behind them, a blood claim to two Westerosi kingdoms, one which they were practically handed over, and a proven and respected Head.

It didn't help that many Maesters liked to sing their praises, Seven knows she heard more than enough about them during her early days, either of the part they played in keeping the freehold dead or their impressive achievements throughout their exile.

"Do you think Lord Erlend would be agreeable to a match with Aunt Jenna?" said Willas, an inquisitive look on his face.

"It's a good idea, I suppose an alliance between us would be possible?" I pondered.

"Perhaps, it wouldn't hurt to look into it."

As Mace regaled a bored Alerie tales of his 'valor' and skill, I was both worried and elated in equal measure. While there was some pity in me for the unfortunate souls that witnessed either Trident or the Capital's burning. It has presented House Tyrell an opportunity to truly rise not in just the Reach, but rather the whole continent.

The key to that rise lay undoubtedly with young Erlend Mudd.

"Willas, be a dear and go call your aunt for me, it's time she contributes to the family."

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