

<p><em>Esmeray is beautiful, fascinating, and the embodiment of purity.</em><br/><em>A deity with ravishing looks but a heart filled with innocence. Pure as the colour white itself— untainted, and bright without a single bad bone in her body.</em><br/><br/><br/><em>Hell's most powerful demon, Asmodeus, the demon of lust and the seventh Prince of hell. </em><br/><em>Lust, pain, fear, and power are the only words in his vocabulary.</em><br/><em>Loathes weakness, immediately getting rid of it when crossed paths with.</em><br/><em>He loves to seek pleasure from others' suffering and enjoys foisting pain and instilling fear in the weak. A massive sadist.</em><br/><em>Sex and power are his strongest links, with a body and face that looks like it had been sculpted by the Greek gods themselves and an aura so omnipotent, he is untouchable.</em><br/><br/><br/><em>What happens when the domineering prince of hell and the innocent angel are put in a situation that forces them to mate?</em><br/><br/><em>Will Asmodeus tarnish the angels' innocence or will he allow her to brighten his gloaming selfish heart?</em><br/><br/><em>Will the Angel slip through the confines of his caged dark heart or will she allow his darkness to engulf her?</em><br/><br/><strong><em>"I will never accept such a weak being as an angel as my mate"</em></strong><br/><br/><strong>Narrator's POV </strong><br/><br/>In the skies above was heaven, where God ruled and watched everything that he created.<br/><br/>As each angel served its purpose, one little angel was running around heaven, with big bright blue eyes, long silky gold hair, and pale white skin, she was immaculately fetching. Everything about her was chaste and enchanting.<br/><br/>Esmeray the little angel, even though she was 12,000 years old, in the human world could be your typical 18-year-old girl.<br/><br/>She had a heart of gold and was loved by everyone. Even though she was the youngest, she never once felt special as she thought everyone was equal in God's eyes regardless of their rank, power, or age.<br/><br/>In hell is Lucifer, the king of all demons. He has 7 sons, also known as the 7 princes of hell.<br/><br/>But one of his sons stood out the most, Asmodeus the demon of lust. He is the most powerful of all demons. Ruthless at most, kills with no mercy, and is a total womanizer.<br/><br/>If there was one thing he could not tolerate it was weakness, he abhorred it the most.<br/><br/>His father, Lucifer, is afraid of him and knows that he is not as powerful as his son but would never admit to it. The prince of hell kills and torments for fun and sleeps with women for pleasure.<br/><br/> <strong>~Somewhere In Heaven~</strong><br/><br/>God and other high-ranking angels were having a meeting, <br/><br/>"We need to put that demon Asmodeus down because if we don't, he will continue to create havoc on Earth and the spiritual realms" Gabriel spoke.<br/><br/>"I have found a solution and that is to give him a weakness," God said.<br/><br/>"And what weakness would that be?" Asked Rafael an incredulous look on his. <br/><br/>"We will give him a mate and not just any mate but an angel as his mate. I have already spoken to Lucifer, and he has agreed to it.<br/><br/>I know what you all are thinking, that it is unbalanced, but it would be better for the universe which is at stake of Asmodeus's wrath" God explained as he looked at the angels, seemingly waiting for their reactions.<br/><br/>"It's risky, but we should take that risk. Almighty, who do you suggest should be his mate" Michael said, as the other angels stared at him, waiting for an answer.<br/><br/>"<strong>Esmeray</strong>"<br/><br/> <strong>~In Hell~</strong><br/><br/>Lucifer mind linked Asmodeus and told him to meet him in the throne room. <br/><br/>He teleported to the throne room with a bored expression on his face.<br/><br/>"What did you call me for?" He asked, already getting bored.<br/><br/>"I had a meeting with God," Lucifer said.<br/><br/>"And how does that concern me?"<br/><br/>"We decided to give you a mate," Lucifer said calmly.<br/><br/>"You're kidding, right?"<br/><br/>"No"<br/><br/>"You of all people should know I'm not the kind to have a mate, I have no time for commitment and I can never love. It's a waste of time" He said, his voice raising with annoyance.<br/><br/>"This is to balance the universe"<br/><br/>"Ha, since when do you care about the universe, you, yourself tried to destroy so what's with the sudden change of heart?" Asmodeus asked, infuriated.<br/><br/>"That's not the point you are getting a mate and that's final. I will tell God to send her here tomorrow" Lucifer said, trying to end the discussion.<br/><br/>"You're just-wait what the fuck did you just say, angel?!"<br/><br/>"yes?"<br/><br/>"Fuck! Listen here you old fuck, I don't know what's going on in that head of yours, but I will not accept this"<br/><br/>"And why's that?"<br/><br/>"I will never accept such a weak being as an angel as my mate," he said, his voice dripping with malice. <br/><br/> <strong>~In Heaven~</strong><br/><br/>Esmeray was lying on her bed when her brother called for her. In a few minutes, Esmeray appeared in front of him.<br/><br/>"Yes brother Uriel, did you call for me?" she asked, innocently. <br/><br/>"Yes I did, you will be getting a mate"<br/><br/>"Wait what?!" She squealed.<br/><br/>"y-yes b-but…" He hesitated.<br/><br/>"What's wrong?" she asked sensing the worry in his voice. <br/><br/>"Uhm nothing, I just wanted to tell you this and also, when you go there tomorrow you should take care of yourself. I'm sure the demon will love you" He brushed off whatever he intended to say masking his fear for his beloved little sister. <br/><br/>"Demon? My mate is a demon?! I thought that was unbalanced" she asked, a little perplexed.<br/><br/>"It is, but Father Almighty said it will help balance the universe even more"<br/><br/><em>More like, it will keep him from going unhinged</em><br/><em>. </em><br/>"If you say so, then I'm fine with it. I promise you that I will love my mate regardless of his being and I know he will love me too and yes, I will take care of him and myself so don't worry" she softly spoke, assurance laced in her voice.<br/><br/><em>'Oh my sweet little sister I hope you'll be okay' he thought. </em><br/><br/>They wished each other goodnight and went to bed. Esmeray was so excited, she had heard and seen of others getting mates and how much they love and stay with each other forever, and now she finally had the chance to have her mate.<br/><br/>She couldn't wait and especially since he was a demon she was beaming with happiness.<br/><br/>But little did she know that the demon she was mated to was not at all the kind, she thought of.<br/></p>

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