
Asking for Immortality in Another World

I've witnessed chaos and the fall of dynasties in the mortal realm. I've seen a wise ruler emerge, reshaping the world's landscapes. In my prime, I stood among the crowd, observing with my hands in my pockets. Later, I learned about immortals, acquired immortal techniques, and embarked on the path of immortality. Along this journey, I faced challenges and stumbled. While geniuses led the era and set trends, I remained a mere bystander in the mortal world, facing its ruthless nature. As years passed and beauty faded,and as time flew by, the world transformed. Eventually, step by step, I achieved immortality on the path of seeking. Some say immortality is but a dream, while others urge cultivators to push forward. Some claim that ten thousand years is too long, advocating for seizing the day. Yes, indeed. ——Excerpt from "Memoirs of the Immortal" by Gu Changsheng, the immortal king of Enlightened Way!

VenerableofTime · Eastern
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79 Chs

Chapter 18: The Fall of the Chu State

Chapter 18: The Fall of the Chu State

  "Brother, look!"

  Following the direction of the girl's finger, in the crevice of the steep and rugged rocks, a bright red flower was swaying in the wind.

  "This is Broken Red Flower." The boy carrying the basket looked at the Broken Red Flower in the mountains and his eyes lit up.

  Broken Red Flower is very effective for strengthening a person's Qi and blood, making it a common medicinal herb for entry-level warriors who are attuning to these vital energies.

  The price of a single plant sold in the medicine shop is about 100 big coins. Under the girl's admiring gaze, the boy quickly climbed up the steep hillside, carefully picked the Broken Red Flower, and placed it in the bamboo basket on his back.

  "Huh..." After picking the flower, the boy exhaled a long breath, wiped the sweat from his cheeks with his sleeve, and couldn't help but show a happy expression.

  He pressed a thick rock on his chest, turned around, and just when he was about to say something to the girl, his pupils shrank greatly.


  The boy instantly widened his eyes and looked behind the girl.

  There was a cheetah not far from the girl below.

  It was crawling forward little by little, without making any sound during the whole process. Obviously, it had entered the hunting state.

  The girl below was still unaware of this, and her eyes were full of admiration for him.

  In a hurry, the boy grabbed a handful of gravel from the rock with his hands and threw it hard in the direction of the cheetah. While climbing down quickly, he shouted at the girl:

  "...Run! Sister, run!"

  The cheetah was disturbed by the boy's shouting. It raised its head and roared at the boy, then looked at the girl again, with its sharp teeth slightly open.

  How could the boy let it do what it wanted? He raised his hand and threw a stone the size of a baby's fist. With a precise "bang", it hit the cheetah's head again.


  This was really unbearable, and the cheetah opened its bloody mouth at the boy.


  The girl, trembling with fear, hugged the boy who had just rolled down the hillside.

  "Run! Sister, run! Don't look back!"

  The boy's eyes were looking at the cheetah sharply, and he pushed the girl behind him.


  The girl was crying and just shaking her head, without any movement.


  The boy shouted at the girl without turning his head.

  "If you don't run, neither of us can escape today! Only if you run, I can survive!"

The boy spoke rapidly, finishing his words in one breath. But his eyes remained fixed on the cheetah, never leaving its sight for a moment.

  "Brother, you must survive, otherwise I will not live either."

  "What nonsense are you talking about? Even if I really have an accident, sister, you must live well for me! Do you hear me?!"

  The boy's spirit had been under high tension until the girl's figure disappeared completely; then, he was slightly relieved.

  With just this sigh of relief, he felt the pain spread throughout his body when he just rolled down the hillside.

  With this flaw, the boy secretly thought it was not good!

  Sure enough, the cheetah couldn't hold back any longer when the girl left. Now, it finally seized this opportunity!

  To defeat it.you have to rely on strength and power. I thought he was a tough guy, but is this all?

  A little punk!

  The boy closed his eyes. Although he felt very unwilling, the thought of his sister escaping eased his reluctance.

  However, for a long time, the expected severe pain did not come. Instead, a warm voice sounded in his ears.

  "Get up."

  The boy slowly opened his eyes and saw an adult with obvious stubble and long hair, casually tied up with a hairpin, looking at him with a smile in his eyes.

  "What? Do you think you're dead?" Gu Changsheng asked with a smile.

  The smile in his eyes was the most beautiful scenery the boy had ever seen in his life.


  The girl cried and threw herself into the boy's arms.

  The boy touched the girl's somewhat yellow hair, with a doting look in his eyes.

  He struggled to stand up, bowed to Gu Changsheng, and said sincerely: "Thank you for your help, Your kindness won't be forgotten, Ye Lan will repay you one day!"

  The girl was also suddenly enlightened after hearing this, and hurriedly saluted to Gu Changsheng and said: "Grandpa, Ye Nan feels the same!"


  Gu Changsheng: "???"

  He touched his cheek, his face full of question marks.

  He's only been hete for ten years, how can he become a grandfather?

  He always thought he was just a teenager!

  Of course, his real appearance has always been that of a teenager.

  But this also indicates that the "Gu's Old Prescription" he has been studying for so many years has started to yield results, and it's quite promising.

  At least, he deceived the boy and girl in front of him.

  Gu's old prescription = makeup technique in the previous life + herbal secret recipe.

  This time when he came out of the mountains, he naturally didn't reveal his real face. He "slightly" made some small disguises.


  "So, the Chu State has perished?"

  The sun was setting.

  Under the orange sky, the flames were roasting the two hind thighs of the cheetah and several pieces of meat taken from its body.

  Gu Changsheng sat cross-legged in front of the flames, turning the barbecue in front of him from time to time. Listening to the narration of Ye Lan, who was sitting cross-legged like him, he couldn't help but sigh.

  As early as four years ago, the Chu State had actually perished.

  The capital was broken by the rebels, and the nominal governors who were once appointed by Emperor Anping were actually princes.

  They worked without effort and were slow to respond, allowing the rebels to first break through Zhili, which was directly under the Chu State, and then the capital, triggering large-scale killing and looting.

  Afterwards, they belatedly gathered troops to fight against the rebellion and the king to fight against the thieves.

  There was another internal war in the capital, and in the end, everyone left unhappily.

  So in the past few years, the Chu Kingdom has been completely plunged into chaos and division.

  With this action, let alone serving the king, they couldn't even get the body of Emperor Anping.

  And, what Gu Changsheng didn't expect was that Emperor Anping would actually choose to die for the country!

  Such a tyrant could actually escape before the arrival of the rebels.

  But no one expected Emperor Anping to stay behind.

  Moreover, after the rebels broke through the capital, he showed remarkable courage and chose to die for the country.

The news of his sacrifice left almost everyone in the world dumbfounded.

  If it had been a wise and brave monarch, or even one who typically performed mediocrely, such a choice wouldn't have been as shocking.

But Emperor Anping was a tyrant known to everyone in the world!

So, this person, you would never see through until the last moment.