
Ashura: Reincarnated As A Parasite

Hanagaki Youji, a dojo owner and a black belt Taekwondo expert was shot on the nape by an unknown killer leading to his miserable death in the streets, but then he finds himself as some miniscule monster that can be called a parasite in a different world. With a young female human as his host, how are they going to cooperate in this life? Disclaimer: Art is not mine. All other things such as characters, plot, stories and places are mine. Like any other novels I am to make, it's connected to the Azaverse. Author: If you liked my work, then don't hesitate to vote and or comment. It's encouraging seeing people actually read my novel. Please take into mind that it's my primary source of motivation to provide you with new chapters amongst my pile of work.

Okamura_Clodwal · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Ashura's Incarnation Arc - Chapter 7: Blood And Snow

Asura wasn't at all excited about this unlike myself. I was overjoyed because I would be able to properly rest my mind if she gets a decent room and not camp outdoors.

We opened the door entertaining the sign "Room 43" and casually walked inside.

It was a neat and tidy room with modest tools like beds, wardrobes, a private bathroom and a mirror, perfect for short visits. And this is going to be our homebase for a while.

Seeing the warm and fluffy white bed from afar, Asura felt the same way as me and instantly hit the sack. We were dead tired from walking so far to the point Asura's body collapsed.

Feeling warmth after a long long time, both our faces showed nothing but relief. It was as if there was nothing left in our lives to mind.


As if Asura heard my last sentence, she got up. Making me feel like I just cracked my own backbone.

"Your highness! We don't have time to rest! I have to save my people quickly!"

Owh my god! My back! My baaaack!

「C-Calm down, Asura! Your body is tired and you don't know where they are!」

At the same time, my feet were feeling extremely sore. Where does she even get the strength to move like this when her body is on the brink of madness!?

"There's no time to think about myself."

「Yes there is! If you don't take care of your body, you'll die! If you die, who will save them!?」

Asura remained silent for a few seconds.

「Calm down, alright? Take a nice nap right now. Your body needs to rest. We'll start doing that once you wake up, understood?」


Afterall she's not the only one getting affected if she doesn't take care of her body, I'm on the list too.

I'm worried about my safety. But I'm more terrified of living a life deceiving a young girl and turning a blind eye to injustice. I'll make sure to save them no matter what.

"I'll be sleeping now, Ashura-sama."

The moment Asura closed her eyes, I immediately put her to sleep by controlling her state of consciousness. While she's asleep I'm planning to regenerate all her damaged tissues to make her fatigue disappear in atleast one and a half hour. After that, I can immediately go and make her stronger.

「Asura, wake up.」

Exactly an hour and a half passed and I fully regenerated her legs. From the looks of it, her Constitution stat increased too.



Name: Asura

Race: Ashuran

Constitution: 81

Mana: 0

Skills: [Archery Lv1], [Swordsmanship Lv1], [Spearsmanship Lv1], [Danger Sense Lv1], [Fire Resistance Lv1], [Luck Lv1]

Special Skills: [Ashura's Wrath]


I can also see Asura's status it seems. And the person herself is already waking up after I stopped sending sleep inducing chemicals into her nervous system.

"...Mhmm, how long was I asleep?"

「An hour and a half. Get up and let's get stronger to rescue our people.」

"But I just... Alright let's go, my lord."

Asura clearly wanted to refute since she still wanted to rest. Wasn't she spouting about things like selflessness earlier? Well atleast she's refreshed now.

「Clearly you look like a damn beggar with your get up. So first off, let's find a job and get you new clothes. 」

"I understand."

Asura agreed and we stepped outside the room to go down the stairs where it was crowded and packed at this time. People from all kinds of professions were in every direction.

Despite this, Asura persevered and pushed through to get out of the building. Nothing is safer than outside at this rate when the whole building was almost packed.

It took more than three minutes, but things came out pretty well right after.

「Good job getting out. Huh?」


Something had caught both our attentions. From the skies continuously rained snowflakes, painting the surroundings in white, cold embracing Asura's body.

It looks like it's winter now in this world.

The town buildings looked slightly damped as heaps of snow blanketed their surfaces. The people passing by were now wearing clothes to resist the cold, this made me feel like I'm back in Japan, except this was more like I was in the western countries.

I was doing my best to stabilize the temperature in Asura's body since she isn't moving. Why isn't she moving? Did she freeze from the cold?



A fraction of her memories sharply entered my sea of thoughts. It was the image of her parents and her siblings playing cheerfully in the snow, I'm guessing I can't see her because this is her own perspective.

I must say though, her father has some well defined muscles that looked similar to mine back in my twenties. The only difference is he's better looking than I am!

Now that I'm seeing this scene, I also couldn't help but reminisce my time with my wife and daughter every winter time. I wonder how they are now? I wish that son-in-law of mine takes care of my daughter properly or I'll make sure to reincarnate again and beat the shit out of him.

Now we're in this situation, I couldn't help but sympathize with this girl. We've both been separated from our loved ones, I can't return to mine but I'll make sure this girl atleast gets back to hers at all cost. Even if it means I'll die in this lifetime.

「Hey Asura. Snap out of it.」

"Ah... Y-Yes, your divinity?"

Looks like she's back to her senses. But her expression of longing still hasn't disappeared.

「Let's find a job. Go on.」

Asura resolutely heeded my order without questioning and begun her search. There were atleast a hundred buildings in this place so there's bound to be a chance.

We've went from door to door, however the same situation kept repeating itself.

"What the? What do you want? We don't have any bread."

"Hm? An orphan? Here, take this food. The weather is not nice so you should go back to the church."

"..." There were also some rude bastards who simply opened their doors to take a peek and shut it close loud enough to make Asura's ears ring.

「Rude fucking bastards.」

"It's okay, we'll find one somewhere."

Asura didn't give up and even after we've went through several doors that I could guess is already over half a hundred already, we haven't found a single job opportunity.

I'm also mentally getting tired trying to negate the restless attacks of the cold weather against Asura's body. But still, Asura really is persistent. Even though she's being badmouthed and humiliated, she's still standing proudly.

And finally, a ray of hope shone upon us on our next door step.

"Oh? What's this? Are you a beggar."

An old woman who looked to be in her sixties poked her head from her door and talked to Asura.

"No ma'am, I'm looking for a job. I have no money but I want to buy new clothes."

The old woman looked appraisingly at Asura for a while before giving out an order. She looked especially at Asura's eyes as if to determine what kind of person she was.

"Come in, kid."

She went back inside and the sounds of metal sounding came from the door, it looks like she was keeping the door locks on until now.

With this, Asura entered inside. Her body now covered with a blanket of snow but she didn't seem to notice this with how amazingly I handled it.

She didn't look like it since she looked very stern, but the old lady fetched a large cloth from a basket above a cabinet and started wrapping Asura's body with it.

"Warm up first before we discuss or else you'll catch a cold. Healers are rare around these parts so you have to be extra careful."

After she told us that, she left again to go inside what seemed like a kitchen. Asura was snuggling on the blanket given to her. She must've gotten slightly wet from the snow.

After a period of time, she came back with a plate of cookies and a warm cup of milk and sat right in front of us in an angel seat.

"Where are you from, kid?"

"I was kidnapped and I don't know where I lived."

"You were... K-Kidnapped?"

"Yes. I was supposed to be sold as a slave, but the people who tried to sell me off died from monsters on our way."

"Is that so? Thank goodness..."

The old lady let out a sigh of relief. After that, she questioned us alot more about how we got to this place and what our situation was. Asura and I didn't have any reason to keep her identity and goals as a secret so she carefully disclosed it to her, leaving me out.

"...I see, then the most I can do to help is give you a job, right? Fine I'll give you a job. You see I've been needing an assistant with my job recently."

"What job is it?"

"I need you to fetch ingredients for me. I'm an alchemist who makes medicine for the people of this town so I need a helping hand, you see I don't meet many people often who would take on this arduous job so I'm running out of supplies and the demand for medicine will surely go through the roof during this winter. So would you mind helping me? Ofcourse I will pay you at a reasonable price for the items you acquire."

A mission to find ingredients for her alchemy, this may come in various forms since ingredient means literally anything. I may even have to go to mines and kill monsters if it calls for it. But then again, the job sounds easy.

「Accept it, Asura.」

"I accept."

So with that, we've acquired our first ever job. The elderly woman looked satisfied as well.

"Do be careful though, gathering ingredients would also mean having to encounter monsters. Since you're from a renowned ancient warrior tribe like the Ashurans, I can trust your skill right?"

You can't trust Asura's skill just yet but you can definitely trust mine.

「Asura, say yes.」


After our discussion, Asura consumed all the food given to her. She's really gluttonous for some reason, I'm guessing it's because of a very greedy parasite which is myself who literally messes around with her body's environment and adaptation often.

After regaining strength and having some futile conversations with the lady alchemist, Asura and I went back to the inn rather satisfied. By this time, the pavement floor of the town streets were covered by layers of snow.

During our walk, we stumbled upon something eye catching. It was that usual sexual harassment rarely seen in public. I can't believe I'm seeing it immediately after I just got to this world.

"Help! Help me please!"

One woman who looks only a few years older than Asura was their target. There were three middle aged men that closely resembled fighters harassing her.

"Come on, don't be like that! We just want to play with you."

"Yeah, yeah, let's go somewhere quiet and have some fun! I'll make you feel the privileges of being a woman..."

Asura's eyes were extremely fixated on this particular occasion. And clearly, I'm feeling alot of killing intent on her.

"Your highness, let's kill them."

「You're more brutal than I thought you were.」

"I am your descendant afterall."

Sometimes I'm worried whether I'm acting too well in impersonating their God but that doesn't matter as long as she believes in my lies.

"Oi kid, don't get any closer. This is adult business."

"Hey look, this girl actually got some looks."

"Girly, you want some candy? Just do whatever this uncle tells you and I'll give you as much as you'd like."

Asura went over to them and they didn't pass the chance to take a look at her face, and it seems like she really caught their interest with her appearance. Well, I guess these bunch of pedophiles can enjoy seeing a young beauty gore them alive.

"Huh? What's that?"

「Asura, if anything happens, just try to survive. I'll handle the rest.」

Two Iron bars grew out from Asura's back and turned into long spider legs with extremely sharp edges that could easily penetrate a car from my world.

Having seen something absurd like this, the three was taken aback.

"What the hell is that?"

"M-Monster... What's a monster posing as a human doing in the city!?"

"G-Get her now!"

They seem to be fast on the uptake and cleverly knew we were a threat, so they prepared their weapons and charged right to us.

But unfortunately to them, they weren't quick enough and were lanced by the sharp spider legs right through their chest and the other on the abdomen.

Blood was dripping madly from their mouth and the place they were stabbed. The last one watched in horror as the two of them bled to death and seemed like getting their bodies dried out too.

Afterall I was absorbing their blood. Modifying the body takes stamina afterall and the amount is no joke either so I have to eat my fill somewhat.

"S-Spare me please!"

He was so frightened that he begged for his life on the floor. The blood of his mates drew closer to him, infringing the white snow with a crimson color.

"We were just joking! I'm not doing it again, so please!"

「Asura. Will you spare him or not?」

"I won't."

These unlucky bastards.

「Fine, touch him anywhere and I'll kill him for you.」

Doing as I suggested, Asura lifted this man to the air with her right hand as if to choke him alive by holding too tight to his neck.

「This will do.」

I modified her left hand and a mouth with shark-like teeth from within revealed itself. Seeing this, Asura knew exactly what to do and strongly pressed her left palm towards this individual's belly button.

"Aaaaghhhh! H-Help! M-Monster in the c-city! Help mee! Uhk..."

Grind grind grind.

The mouth I put in Asura's hand was capable of stretching out and devouring things even inside the body so that's exactly what I did.

Even after time passed after this, I still couldn't understand how we were able to kill so easily without any drawbacks

It was as if this was natural.

The work of something inhumane.