4 Revenge

As soon as the teacher was out of the building, the window they had been using to escape collapsed and darkness enveloped the two sisters.

The flames seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.

Morral and Brightise instinctively turned towards the only source of light in the room: a man standing by the front door.

He was no ordinary man. His hair and hands were alight with fire, and his eyes gleamed like burning charcoals.

Brightise had heard that such creatures existed, but she had never seen one up close. They were supposed to live in the Land of Fire, hundreds of kilometers away from Paldagor. The last time a Fire Demon had attacked their village, Brightise had been a baby.

Morral suppressed a scream as the demon turned his terrifying eyes on her.

"Do you know what I do to the humans who mess with my plans?" he asked her in a deep voice that echoed around the room.

Morral shook her head nervously.

The demon gave her a smile that seemed to freeze the blood in her veins.

"I burn them with my own hands," he told her before he launched himself at the two of them.

Morral dashed away, thinking that he was aiming for her, but the demon had other plans.

He moved in a swift circle around Brightise, bending down to touch the wooden floor with his hand. Brightise suddenly found herself surrounded by flames.

"No!" Morral screamed.

The Fire Demon looked at her with a sardonic smile. "What will it be, little savior?" he asked her in a mocking tone.

Morral took a deep breath before she stepped in his direction.

Now it was Brightise's turn to scream. "No! Don't listen to him!"

The Fire Demon ignored her screams and stretched his burning hands out towards Morral. "Come on now..."

Trembling, Morral closed her eyes tight and walked forward.

When she was close enough, the demon reached tenderly for her blond hair.

"No!" Brightise yelled to no avail.

Time stopped as the Fire Demon's fingers brushed through Morral's long locks.

To everyone's shock, nothing happened.

The demon's black eyes turned into slits as he looked at Morral in shock. His expression soon changed to wonder.

Morral took advantage of his surprise to kick him in the gut. The demon howled in pain, the flames surrounding Brightise dimming as he clutched his stomach.

Before Morral could reach her though, the Fire Demon straightened up again. With a wave of his hand, the circle of fire around Brightise rose up to the ceiling, until Brightise couldn't see her sister or the demon anymore.

She heard Morral scream behind the wall of flames, but by the time the fire disappeared, both she and the demon were gone.

He had taken her with him.

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