
Ashes Of Heaven: Book One

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AMRahi This is a somewhat satiric xianxia story, mainly focusing on mystery solving, absurd humorous situations, and cultivation politics. [ Synopsis ] The universe gives some of us gifts that we may utilize to achieve our goals, reach the highest peak of our vision, holding an edge over every competitor. The universe also takes away taken-for-granted abilities from some of us, restricting us at every step we take forward, bombarding us with obstacles, and rendering us incapable of touching our aspirations in life. How would YOU lead your life, had you fallen among the latter minority? Across the vast Macrocosms of Man, the world of cultivation continues to demonstrate its brutality, its hazards, and its never-ending cycles of conflicts. One day, we find ourselves becoming conscious of the truth of our world....and that's where our story begins. As someone meant to be a weakling, you need to think of sources of power other than pure cultivation- and that's what our protagonist, Han Xuhan excels in.

MentalDemonkiller · Fantasy
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304 Chs

Chapter 191: A Bad Evening

The race between his cultivation level and meridians' damage was a difficult topic to mull over. With great focus, that was exactly what Han Xuhan was doing right now.

From Kong Ye, he had gotten a very rough outlook on the damage his meridians were suffering each time he went through a typical cultivation session. It did not appear to be substantial at a first glance, but the damage rate was an uphill curve, which meant that once it went past a certain point, his meridians would uncontrollably burst into tubular fragments within one or two sessions.

His half-hour-long calculation showed him that the worst-case scenario awaited him...just as usual.

The race between his highest possible cultivation speed and least possible meridian deterioration rate would have a winner by a very close margin, and that winner would be the latter one.

The bigger issue was that Kong Ye had still not shown him any cultivation technique that could improve the condition of his meridians despite his earlier promise.

Han Xuhan did not have any resentment towards him for that, though. Because, at least Kong Ye seemed to have tried to find a cure, whilst everyone else, including Xuan Zi himself, had flat-out told him that there is no way to cure this condition of his. His meridians simply were not formed for long-term cultivation.

The best result he could hope for was to stop cultivating completely and make do with his accomplishments so far. That way, he would be able to continue being a legitimate cultivator, at least. As long as he didn't try to pursue the higher layers of Physique Transformation realm, his general ability to manipulate and use qi would remain intact for many years.

The sect would probably not treat him too harshly even if he chose that path. That model disciple badge, coupled with Xuan Zi's approval would buy him a decent position among the mortal workers of the sect.

But Han Xuhan had grown addicted to the feeling of having power, the feeling of experimenting with magical concepts, techniques, adventures, and most importantly, the experience of 'leveling up'.

This had not gone unnoticed by himself, of course. He had even uncovered the main influence behind this addiction recently.

It was the concept of reincarnation.

In his past life, he had never taken this concept seriously. He had treated that life as an ultimate experience and cherished everything the world had offered him, all the while keeping away from any sort of risk and dangerous activities. He had never protested against powerful politicians when they passed absurd policies, he had never criticized the government despite disliking their conduct, he had never even dared to put up a fight when he had been robbed and assaulted.

All in all, he had been a total wuss in his previous life because he had loved living a bit too much.

But after finding out that he might be born again after death, all the repressed frustration, anger, longing, and craziness had slowly began to spread across his heart.

Death? It was but a stretch of pain. He'd be alive and kicking once more even if he died. What was there to fear?

This was obviously not a healthy mental development. Han Xuhan knew that. This development was being fuelled by his demonic enlightenment under Shangguang Ce's tribulation.

But the memories of his past life had fully integrated themselves with his current self. The old Han Xuhan, and the dead Han Xuhan, both had ceased to exist. The person occupying this body was mutating into something much more, but he had also lost that vital fear of death.

So, what he was afraid of most now was falling back into that mediocre routine, that sense of being powerless and alone in a world full of mighty beings.

The current Han Xuhan was neither a reckless adrenaline junkie nor a timid mortal in denial of his reality...the current Han Xuhan was an explorer at heart.

Handicaps would not stop him. Fear of death would only make him more cautious. But the destruction of his meridians would be synonymous with paralyzing him fully. How would he explore the magnificent world out there, then?

He was very much unwilling to see this scenario come true.

"Must I choose...that?" His fingers struck a name written on a paper filled with calculations.

Seconds ticked by, the night deepened, the moon moved. His quill moved as well, slowly, uncertainly.

"Tun Shi Tian."

The minion who had been guarding Xiao Wu's backyard flew in hurriedly through the window.

"Yes, master?"

"Do you remember that cave I was sitting in last night?"


"Go put this paper in that cave. Place it somewhere that would make it visible to anyone walking by."

•••••• •••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••

The waves of fierce passion that had overflowed in his heart upon finally cultivating after so long had died down fast.

Sure, he could continue to cultivate without too many issues for a while, maybe even break through to the later stages of the Physique transformation realm.

But what would that achieve?

He would end up as a cripple long before reaching the peak of the physique transformation realm. He might have had a chance to ascend higher had the odds been a bit better, had the damage to his meridians not been so severe.

The bodily enhancement by the heavenly power which the tribulation at the peak of the physique transformation realm brought was said to be powerful enough to remove all impurities and disabilities of a body.

Maybe it would have been able to fix his meridians as well. But now he didn't even have the chance to reach that stage.

"Underling, where's Xiao Wu? It's been hours since sunset and I still can't smell the aroma of a decent dinner." From the other room, Mu Ran's frustrated voice floated in. He must have completed his cultivation session.

Han Xuhan answered, "he went to talk to that counselor lady. I told him to buy some extra food from the kitchen on his way back."

Cursing in disgust, Mu Ran said, "the food from the kitchen is unpalatable."

"Boss, we're short in terms of any kind of supply right now. Gotta make do with what we have."

Silence fell. But not long after, Mu Ran spoke again, this time in a conspiratory tone.

"Hey, Xuhan, how about we go fishing?"

Han Xuhan's annoyance was overflowing. With a deep breath, he lied through his teeth.

"Whoa! How come I never thought of that? I don't think any disciple on this island has thought of that spectacular idea either! Awesome plan, boss! Let's goooo!"

Han Xuhan rushed out of the hut and waited for Mu Ran to come out. Seeing him appear, he immediately said, "Boss, where is your equipment?"

"....???" Mu Ran looked nonplussed. "What equipment? You need equipment to catch fish?"

"Exactly how were you planning to catch fish then?" Han Xuhan said.

"We'd find a way to reach the surface of the ocean. Then we will look for the fishes swimming close to the surface. Then I'd use my astral heatwave technique-"

"Boss. That technique of yours affects everything around you."

"I know that, underling. So what?"

"Everything would include...me as well. Once we both go down there and you use your technique, you'd be busy feasting on roasted fish while some other fish would be feasting on my unconscious body."

"....I see!" Mu Ran looked enlightened. "So what do we do?"

"Simple! YOU go down and fish in the ocean, while I make preparations here to roast your harvest! Besides, brother Wu's food needs to be cooked as well. Would you like to help out with the cooking?"

Mu Ran hollered. "Ahahaha! How can a real man sit at home and cook?! Underling, men must be the providers! Watch me bring a shark for dinner!"

Mu Ran left like a summer breeze, gone in seconds. Han Xuhan sighed in relief and went back inside the room he was living in for now.

"Bad evening! Hoped to find you unwell," said a person sitting on his bed.