
Ashes Of Heaven: Book One

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AMRahi This is a somewhat satiric xianxia story, mainly focusing on mystery solving, absurd humorous situations, and cultivation politics. [ Synopsis ] The universe gives some of us gifts that we may utilize to achieve our goals, reach the highest peak of our vision, holding an edge over every competitor. The universe also takes away taken-for-granted abilities from some of us, restricting us at every step we take forward, bombarding us with obstacles, and rendering us incapable of touching our aspirations in life. How would YOU lead your life, had you fallen among the latter minority? Across the vast Macrocosms of Man, the world of cultivation continues to demonstrate its brutality, its hazards, and its never-ending cycles of conflicts. One day, we find ourselves becoming conscious of the truth of our world....and that's where our story begins. As someone meant to be a weakling, you need to think of sources of power other than pure cultivation- and that's what our protagonist, Han Xuhan excels in.

MentalDemonkiller · Fantasy
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304 Chs

C290: Forbidden Scripture

"This is a shocking matter, if true. We have to let everyone know and figure out how to avoid being injured!" Chen Su said, her face pale. The countenance of the other eight members of the defense team wasn't positive either. Han Xuhan had explained his theory to them with airtight logic. Even Zhang Dahai, suspicious by nature, looked convinced.


"Avoid being injured? I don't think it would be that simple," Liu Yue said in a thoughtful tone. "Brother Xuhan's explanation makes sense, but some parts of it could be explained in a different manner. For example, if having an armor part increases your chance of getting injured inside the void zone, then why would the Formless Sword Sect look for these armors? Clearly, they know more than us what really is happening inside."


Han Xuhan had his own guesses in the face of this question. But he couldn't explain it to anybody without revealing that the foundation of his guess was based on cultivation stories he read on Earth.

After all, why would anyone look for a treasure with associated dangers, if not to seek out even more precious opportunities?

The armor parts were nice and all, but what if these things had a specific utility inside the void zone? A specific function for facing dangerous...trials and traps.

That would fit perfectly with the phenomena of armor-wearers getting injured inside the void zone! That would fit with the logic of memory-wiping every armor-wearer so that they couldn't come outside to prepare for the hurdles and traps better the next time.

How many times had he seen this trope play out in his previous life? Every cultivation novel had half a dozen such subplots!

The entire arrangement reeked of a scheme. Whether this scheme had the aim of rewarding its targets or not... remained to be seen. Judging by Formless Sword Sect's movement, it seemed that they were leaning toward the former possibility.


"Should we tell the Elders? Let the Sect Master know?" Chen Su said.


"They should be informed immediately, of course," Liu Yue replied. "Brother Xuhan can do that. I was referring to the disciple body. Maybe publicizing it isn't a good idea."


"So you want to keep everyone in the dark about it?" Shen Miao said to Liu Yue, frowning.


"No, no, no," Liu Yue quickly made his intentions clear. "I'm proposing that we should let everyone know that wearing the armors during invasion attempts is likely to lead to injuries. But we shouldn't dissuade anybody from doing it either. Let the bold ones take the risk. Maybe they'll eventually discover enough clues through their voyages to piece together what's really happening in this void zone. At worst, we can even hoard the armor parts and make a deal with the Formless Sword Sect!"


Han Xuhan was instantly impressed. He raised his hand up in support of Liu Yue's plan!


"I like that! Even more business opportunities! We must not let it slip past our hands! Let's urge everyone in the assembly tomorrow to loot the armor-parts alongside their other missions! We will have to make our plan more secretive than Formless Sword Sect, though. The looting of the armors must be discreet! That's the only way we can monopolize the market and push Formless Sword Sect into a corner before negotiations begin!"


Quite a few people in the team gave him strange glances, including Chen Su and Zhang Dahai, but Han Xuhan didn't give a damn.


"It's settled, then. I'll go ask the Sect Master to break the news officially in tomorrow's assembly. He can just add the task of collecting armors to his list of secondary missions for the invasion teams."


Bidding them goodbye, Han Xuhan left the Healing Hall with quick steps. The sky was cloudy again, blocking the visage of the stars. He was extra cautious in his trek, no longer feeling safe inside the sect upon learning that the numerous spatial gateways surrounding the island led to unknown dangers. He shuddered every time he recalled how boldly he had equipped himself with armors from the void before jumping into the spatial fissures like a blind fool.


Xuan Zi raised an eyebrow as Han Xuhan entered his chamber without bothering about greetings and pleasantries. It hadn't even been twelve hours since their last meeting here.


"Sect Master, more news, and not the good kind."


While he explained the situation and their decisions step by step, Xuan Zi seemed to retreat into a contemplative silence. Xuhan waited a long time after the conclusion, unsure of what verdict the sect master would reach in these rapidly shifting circumstances.


"Disciple Xuhan, you said you've been injured inside the void zone as well, correct?"


Taken aback by the sudden question, Han Xuhan nodded hesitantly. "I suspect as much, Sect Master. Nothing else can explain these phenomena."


Xuan Zi scanned him from head to toe with a calculative gaze, further confusing Xuhan.

"What's the state of your cultivation now? Is everything working like before?"


"...Yes, sort of. I mean, I don't possess a cultivation base myself, but when I fuse with my minions, I can use their dao towers without a hitch."


"So how do you plan to proceed with your cultivation from hereon?"


"I will continue with the path of the Skeletal Monarch Technique, since it complements my biggest weakness, the lack of proper meridians. Master Kong Ye also insists that I should learn a dao foundation stabilizing technique that he created himself."


Xuan Zi looked intrigued at the mention of Kong Ye's technique. "Tell me about this dao foundation stabilizer. What's it called? Type and basis?"


Scratching his head, Han Xuhan did his best to explain the gist of the Astral Column Manual. By the end of it, Xuan Zi was grinning with a rather mischievous look in his eyes.


"Kong Ye...Cheeky, real cheeky. But I like it. He really puts a lot of trust in you, disciple Xuhan. The source from which this manual was derived is no ordinary technique. Cherish this opportunity."


"But what does any of this have to do with the armor-parts?" Han Xuhan asked. Xuan Zi looked rather shifty as he flicked his fingers and made the qi inside the room fall into a chaotic storm.


"Disciple, the dangers inside the void zone might be abhorred by your fellow cultivators, but you don't need to be so wary. In fact, it might even be an opportunity for you. If you had a bit of cultivation, I would recommend entering the void zone frequently."


Eyes narrowing into slits, Han Xuhan was just about to ask why, but by then the qi inside the room became placid once more, and Xuan Zi gave him a pointed look that implied that the conversation was over.


Sighing, he brought the purple medallion out of his pocket and held it up, attracting Xuan Zi's attention.

"Sect master, is this medallion really just a tracker?"


"Why do you ask, disciple?" Xuan Zi's face betrayed no hint of the answer. Han Xuhan explained what happened that evening when Suyan Chongqing had raided his belongings.


"Well, this Miss Suyan certainly has an eye for precious things. And you need not be concerned with what this medallion really is, Xuhan. It was obviously not made with your needs in mind. Tracking the carrier just happens to be one of its functions. Do you want to keep it or not?"


"I'll keep it, I'll keep it," Xuhan said hastily. Since it was a valuable object, of course he wouldn't mind holding on to it. The medallion was clearly an indication of how much value Xuan Zi put on him.


"If that is all, you may leave," Xuan Zi said, sounding rather annoyed at this point. But one look at Xuhan's awkward face made him pause in his movements.

"Still got something to ask?"


"Yeah... Sect master, I would like to know about certain phenomena related to one's spiritual body. An explanation would be much appreciated."


With a vague gesture, Xuan Zi dragged over a kettle and two teacups from a corner of the room using telekinesis.

"Let's talk."

Sitting down, Han Xuhan began his query.

"From what I have learned about spiritual bodies of cultivators at the Physique Transformation realm, it can be summarized that colors are the most simple expressions of our spiritual self. At least, that's what low level cultivators like me would see while observing a spiritual body of another low level cultivator."

"Correct so far," Xuan Zi commented.

"So what are the possible reasons behind the appearance of deep black holes on a spiritual body?" Han Xuhan asked.

"....Well, well, well, good disciple, it seems you've stumbled upon a forbidden cultivation technique," Xuan Zi said with a sigh. "Take a sip of tea, this is going to be a long story."