
A Secret Hidden Within a Floating City

Nestled within the floating city of Setia was a building of modest height, roughly 244-stories. A rather ordinary looking building by all accounts. Windows covered the exterior, bridges and walkways poured in and out of the sides connected to the neighboring buildings, and an undefinable bottom that sank into the clouds. Much like all cities in the sky, there was no ground level. Instead the city was held together with a complex webbing of cables and magnetic levitation. However, this building, in particular, had one aspect that was quite unusual for Setia—a tiny tent coveting a telescope and some notebooks. They were placed on top of the building by two students, Ash and Leekoqåtii, who were both attending the Junipa School of Astronomy. As part of their final thesis experiment, they were determined to find a habitable solar system that could potentially support life.

It was the last day of the project, and Ash and Leekoqåtii were both in the tent gazing off into space, imagining a world unlike their own. The tent had several openings along the sides, allowing for a clear view of the sky. Leekoqåtii was usually aloof, kept to herself, and maintained no friendships. Except when staring out into space, her eyes lit up with a sense of wonder and her words could not be controlled. Being a fan of space travel and the attractiveness of its potential, Ash found himself drawn to Leekoqåtii's imagination.

They would often fantasize about the plausibility of life beyond their planet. Leekoqåtii would insist it was possible. Ash enjoyed the idea and how it tickled his brain, but often reverted to needing proof saying it would be up to Leekoqåtii to show him. Leekoqåtii would laugh it off, knowing he would never leave the comforts of life in Setia; he was a victim of hedonism.

On this day, she was seated with her legs crossed, notebook in hand, capturing the last of the measurements needed for their final project. Ash stretched across the floor comfortably with his hands behind his head and legs crossed. "I could watch the stars forever and never tire of it. The vastness, the mysteriousness, there would never be enough time to take it all in. They are all beautiful, and yet far beyond my reach. The best I can hope for is to lay here and bask in the beauty." His eyes moved toward Leekoqåtii as he spoke. He found himself captivated yet again by her large hazel eyes.

"EJ.372 looks to be most promising," she said. "Wouldn't you agree?" Ash was silent, still lost in her eyes. She realized he was not paying attention to what she was saying and playfully asked, "Ash, are you listening?" She gently touched his leg.

"Yes, yes, of course," he responded as if awoken from a dream.

"What was it I just said?" She asked with a coy smile and a bat of her eyelashes, knowing he would not be able to answer. The moonlight danced off her skin with a graceful shimmer.

"You were talking about…" A half-smile came over his face while he looked around, like he could find an answer somewhere.

Leekoqåtii turned her attention back to her notebook. Ash then noticed a loose eyelash resting on her left cheek. It was barely exposed from underneath one of the large braids of auburn hair that dangled over her ears and framed her face like an acorn both in shape and shade. He sat up and moved closer to her. He reached his hand to the loose hair.

Leekoqåtii looked up from her notebook, and her eyes widened at seeing his hand move toward her cheek. As his hand was about to make contact, she swiftly intercepted it.

"What are you doing?" she asked, gripping his hand tightly.

Ash looked from her cheeks to his fingers turning white and back to her. "You have a loose eyelash, on your cheek," he said cautiously.

She slowly put his hand down, and with her other hand, she wiped at her cheek. "I can get it myself."

He rubbed his fingers to get the blood circulating in them again. "Okay. I just thought that—"

"EJ.372. I was talking about the solar system we're studying, EJ.372," she interrupted, pointing to her notes.

He squeezed his eyes shut and sighed, "Right. Yes." He had tried many times to tell her how he felt about her. How his heart fluttered every time she looked at him or how his chest swelled with pride with each new discovery of a solar system they could use for their thesis. Whenever he believed he found the moment, she would cut him off and bring him back to their task.

"Let's finish this up before it gets too late," she said while standing up. Looking through her notes, she used her left hand to move one of her large braids back over her shoulder.

Ash's russet hair fell into his face as he stood up. He took a deep breath and pulled his hair back behind his ears. If Leekoqåtii wasn't going to give him an opportunity, he would just have to take it.

"I think it should come as no surprise, but I like you," he said. "I really do. And not just in a puppy-love sort of way. But in a—"

She interrupted, "there can never be an us. I've told you this already."

"I don't get you Lee, it's like one minute you're flirting with me and the next you're upset at me. What am I doing wrong?"

"It doesn't matter. After school, I'm out of here and when I leave, that's it, we'll never see each other again."

It doesn't have to be that way. There's plenty to do here in Setia. It's the greatest city in the world, where else could you possibly want to go?"

"It's complicated."

He wanted to reach out and touch her, but his fingers still throbbed from the last time he tried. He clenched his fist by his side to keep his hand from reaching for her again.

She looked up into his olive eyes, took a deep breath, and then focused back on the ground where her other belongings lay. "I have everything I need to finish my part of the thesis. I'll send it over tonight, and you can add in all of your equations to support the claims we've made. That should be everything."

She gathered her things, picked up her bag, and walked out of the tent. Ash stood in silence, unsure of what just happened. She wasn't even willing to try. How could she know they wouldn't work if they didn't take a chance?

Later that night, she sent over her portion of work as promised, and he combined it with his.

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