
ash and dawn

Author: Jake_Zick
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Chapter 1chapter 1

may was going to stay with ash for a week since lizzie died may's plane was about to land ash called his uncle and told him to tell the hospital that if they were to die to call him since they were in the hospital and he would tell may the news they said ok he said I have to go her plane was landing his uncle said can I toke to my daughter he said yes here she comes he told her to toke to her dad well he goes to get her stuff from baggage claim

she gave him the ticket and he gave her the phone she talked to her parents than met ash at baggage claim then they went to his house he only had one bed so he let her sleep in the bed and he slept on the floor may had a nightmare so

she went to wake up ash and asked him if she could sleep with him because she had a nightmare and was scared he said yes let's go back to the bed and they went to sleep in the morning ash looked at his phone and saw that he had a missed call from his uncle's phone and called it back and may woke up and asked how he was talking to she heard him say that he would tell me the news he hung up the phone and said I have some news to tell you she said I know my parents are ok he said no they are dead and she started to cry into his shirt he said let it out and she cried 2hours later he heard someone at the door he told her that he would be right back then he went and let dawn and lana in he took dawn to the said and asked her to come to London with him and may for her parents funeral she said I can not go with because I have to watch lana he said she can come to she said ok than l can go with you ok we leave in a week ok then they went back to sit down with may and she and dawn put their heads on his shoulders and they went to sleep

he gave lana the remote control to the TV and said you can watch any TV show you won't  then took dawn and may to the bed and let them sleep then he went back to the livingroom and watch TV with lana and she started to feel like she was going to go to sleep so she put her head on his lap and went to sleep 5hours later dawn and may woke up and say that they were in the bed and they went to find

ash he was watching TV he said to be quiet they saw that lana was sleeping with her pants off he told dawn that she said that she always sleeps like this than dawn said no she doesn't and that she only did it when she loves someone he said that there is one way to find out  if she loves me kiss me and we see how she reacts to it she said ok I will kiss you lana woke up and they kissed  she did nothing but watch he said that she doesn't love me but I do have something to give you then he went to get her a ring then he went back to the house and got on one knee and asked her to be his  girlfriend she said yes I will be your girlfriend he put the ring on her finger and then he kissed her 1 week later they were on the plane and hogie gilligan was flying the plane a flight attendant asked if anyone had flight experiences ash said that he did then he went with the flight attendant

the co pilot was not feeling well and he had to help fly the plain he talked to hogie gilligan then he got a phone call from his friend at the hospital were they came from he said that dawn's parents were in a fire and they did not make it he said that he would let her know then he hung up the phone and told hogie that dawn's parents were killed in a fire and they died he said is she on the plainash said yes her and her sister are on the plain hogie asked if he won't him to call them to the cockpit he said yes I do and can you call my cousin in to hogie said shair can hogie asked if he won't me to tell them he said no dawn is my girlfriend so

I well tell them hogie called them to the cockpit and ash told them that their parents were in a fire last night and they did not make it dawn grabbed on to may and started to cry and lana went to ash and started to cry into his shirt dawn and may went back to their sets and lana stayed with ash for awhile 1hour later hogie said that in 10 minutes they well have to land the plainash took lana back to her sister and said that they will be landing in 10 minutes and to buccal up they did he went back to the cockpit and helped hogie land the plane they got off the plain and lana got on ash's back dawn got

ash's backpack that had all of their things in it they went to the hotel andash checked them in they had adjoining room dawn and may went to the other room to take a nap 30 minutes later lana said that she was bored of coloring soash asked if she wanted to watch a movie she said that her sister said that I would not understand the language on the TV he said that's way I brought these for you and she saw the DVD's in his hand and she said thank you for bringing me the movies she sat on the bed and watched the movies 3hours later dawn and may woke up to the smell of a London dinner cooking then went into ash's room and saw that ash was cooking and that lana was watching TV and dawn said that she does understand the language then

ash said no I brought her some movies I had at my house and dawn kissed him and said thank you for looking out for my sister you are the greatest boyfriend in the world they eat dinner and then they went to get ready for bed and saw that they forgot to pack pj so they  had to sleep in the nude they went to bed 1 hour later lana walked into ash's room and saw that he was talking on the phone he saw her and told the person he was talking to to wait a minute and he asked her what she wanted she asked if she could sleep with him because she had a nightmare and was scared and she was shaking he said yes you can sleep with me so she got into the bed with him he said you go to sleep

I have to finish my toke with Lillie  about some ideas for your parents funeral she said ok then went to bed 4:00 she woke up and saw that he was still talking on his phone with Lillie dawn and may woke up and went into ash's room and saw that he was on the phone and told lana to come her and she did they asked how he was talking to she said it was Lillie  because he is planning the funeral for our parents than dawn and may and lana got dress for the day thenash said thanks for all the help I needed it and see you tomorrow then she said I do not have the money to get their he said that it was already been paid for then she said thank you for paying for my ticket  and when does  the plain love in two hours he hung up the phone  and said I will be staying here so here is some money for you to spend at the gift shop in the lobby 4 hours later Lillie called and said that she will be at the hotel  in 5 minutes then he said I'm going on a walk than lana asked if she could go with him he said shair you can they went down to the lobby and saw Lillie's cab pull up outside they went to help her with her stuff out of the cab then ash told the woman at the disk that she was going to stay with me in my room ready because she has no money to spend on a room the woman said that is ok

then they went to the room and surprised dawn and may the next day they got ready to go to the funeral and they all went to the funeral may saw her parents than she started to cry ash said come here she did thenash said that he went out last night and got her something to remember your parents and he gave her the locket that he had got for her and she opened the locket and saw a picture of her parents in the locket then she said thank you for the locketash got a call from Wallab he said that Lillie's parents were in a car crash last night he said ok I well tell her the news he asked his cousin to go get Lillie and dawn and lana I have to tell them something she did when she lives he got another call from Wallab he said that they just died he said ok I well tell them the bad news his cousin got back he told them to sit down and they did he said i have good news and bad news he said bad news first  Lillie i'm sorry but your parents were in a car crash and they did not make it now for the good news you do not have to worry about it I well be paying for it and planning it to she ran up to him and said thank you I will pay you back one day and may I have already paid for this funeral then she ran up to him and said thank you for paying for the funeral and I will pay you back one day and dawn and lana I will be paying for your parents funeral to they ran up to him and  said thank you we will pay you back one day then may took ash back to the funeral and she told  everyone that the funeral was paid for by him and pointed to ash they were about to leave wene may's mother's sister walked up to them and said thank

you for paying for the funeral he said that it was no problem for him to pay for the funeral because she is my girlfriend and it was the right thing to do  besides I have 2 more funerals that I said that I would pay for he said this young lady's parents just died from a car crash and I heard it from a friend of the family so I told her that I was going to pay for the funeral then he said there mom and dad were killed by a fire I heard about it from a friend of the family  so I told them that I was going to pay for the funeral now i am telling them all that they can move in to my house with me they all hugged him and said thank you for letting us stay with you at your house and I will try to find a husbands for them in a weeks time or I will marry all of them myself  they all hugged him and said thank you then they went back to the hotel and they went to bed Lillie had a nightmare so she went into ash's room with no  clothes on and she was he was talking on the phone then he said to the person on the phone to hang on a minute then he asked Lillie what she wanted she asked if she could sleep with him because she had a nightmare and was scared he said yes she could sleep with him and she got into bed and asked him if what he said at the funeral was true he said it was all true you can call all of your family members tomorrow and tell them the news and that it will be paid for by me she said ok then he went back to taking on the phone then he said that he was going to bed and they hung up and he went to bed in the morning he and Lillie talked to her family and told them about the funeral and that he said that it was no problem for him to pay for the funeral because she is my girlfriend and it was the right thing to do and he said that I could stay with him at his house they said when is the funeralash said that it would be in 4 weeks they said ok then ash and dawn and lana called their family members and they told them the news and that it would be paid for by a long time friend and it is already being planned by him to do you want to talk to him they said yes they all thanked him for paying for the funeral then he said that it was no problem for him to pay for the

funeral because dawn is my girlfriend and it was the right thing to do then  he said that the funeral was in 2 weeks and they said ok then they went to bed in the morning they all packed up their things and they went back to ash's house 2week later it was the day of the funeral they went and saw dawn's  and lana's parents  than they started to cry soash took them to the other room and said I know you guys are missing your parents so here is something for you to remember them and give them the lockets he had for them the funeral was over and they went back to ash's house and went to bed 2 weeks later it was the day of the funeral and they went to see Lillie's parents and she started to cry so he took her to the other room and said that I knew that you are missing  your parents so here is something for you to remember them and give her a locket and then she opened it and saw a picture of her mom and dad in it then she kissed him the funeral was over and they went back to ash's house and lived happily ever after

It's been two months since Ash and dawn confessed their feelings for each other, and things have been going great between them.

When the rest of the island found out, they were happy for the two, and congratulated them. 

Ash was currently out in the field on a training mission, along with Rod and Brody. Dawn was at HQ observing the training while Speedy and Bea directed the cadets on what to do.

"Alright cadets, now try it out on your own until you think you've mastered it." Speedy told them.

"You got it, Speedy!" The three replied, before ending communication.

"Is there anything I could do, Speedy?" dawn asked.

"Hmmm... not really. I don't really have anything for you right now, dawn." Speedy replied. "But if you want, you could-" he was cut off when the screen began to ring. It wasn't the alarm, just a regular call.

"I wonder who that could be." Speedy wondered as Bea answered the call

"Hello? Is this Top Wing Academy?" asked a female that appeared on the screen.

"Mom?" dawn asked, a little confused as she approached the screen.

"Oh! It is!"  Dawn's mother, happily exclaimed. "Hi dawn, dear! Hello Speedy, hello Bea." she greeted the three.

"Hello Priscilla. Nice to see you. Can we... help you with something?" Speedy asked, wondering why his student's parents were calling all of a sudden.

"Oh, no Speedy. I just wanted to talk to my little dawn." Priscilla replied.

"Mom... I'm not little anymore." dawn whined.

"I know, sweetie. But you're still my little dawn." Priscilla stated.

dawn sighed. "I'll accept that. So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Um... is it possible for us to talk in private?" Priscilla asked.

"Uuhh..." dawn looked to Speedy and Bea for answers.

"I'll transfer the call to the video screen at your bed, dawn." Speedy stated, as he pressed icons on his tablet.

"Wait... we have those?" dawn asked.

Speedy chuckled. "Better get going. The screen will pop up once I press the transfer button." he told her

With that said, dawn quickly made her way to her sleeping quarter. Once she was gone from the room, Priscilla let out a distressed sign, which caught Speedy and Bea's attention.

"Everything ok, Priscilla?" Bea asked.

"I hope so, once I'm done talking to dawn." Priscilla replied.

"Ok Speedy! I'm in the room!" dawn yelled out.

"I'm sure whatever it is, you two will work it out." Speedy told her about pressing the 'transfer call' button Thanks, Speedy." Priscilla replied, before she disappeared from the screen.

"Priscilla looked really upset. I hope whatever it is isn't too bad." Bea stated. Speedy nodded in agreement

Dawn saw a small screen slowly pop up next to her photo of her and Anyu. Soon after, her mother's face came into view.

"Hello again, mother." Dawn greeted her mother again. "So, what did you want to talk about?" she asked.

"First of all, how are you dear? And how's life at the academy?" Priscilla asked.

"I'm doing great! And it's super cool! Speedy, Bea, my friends, the islanders... they're all really cool!" dawn happily replied.

"I'm glad to hear that sweetie. But remember, you have a family. You have to come visit us from time to time." Priscilla told her.

dawn giggled. "Yea, I know. I'll have to ask Speedy for some time off for me to visit. By the way, where's dad?" she asked.

Priscilla expression and tone soon changed. "He's... around."

"Mom? Is everything ok?" dawn asked, noticing the change.

Priscilla sighed. "Actually dawn ... I need to talk to you about your father."

"Why? Did something happen?! Is he ok?!" dawn asked worriedly.

"Calm down, dawn . Your father's fine. It's... actually something that he did... well... almost did... that I need to tell you." Priscilla stated, looking at her daughter nervously.

"What is it?" dawn asked, curiously.

First, you need to promise me you won't get too upset about what I'm about to tell you, sweetie." Priscilla stated.

That depends..." dawn replied, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Priscilla sighed, knowing that her daughter would get upset.

" dawn ," she started, "Your father... almost... promised you to someone and Dawn's eyes widened when she heard that. It took her a few seconds to recover from the shock..

Priscilla knew she heard, but wanted confirmation. "He almost promised you to someone." she repeated. then asked as calmly as possible. "With who?""I believe his name was, Bobbin?" Priscilla replied, a bit unsure.

Bobbin?" dawn asked. "You mean blobby Bobbin?!" her anger started to show.

"Um, yes. I think that's what your brother said you kids called him." Priscilla replied.

dawn growled in anger before letting out a loud and long scream.

Back at hq ash asked where is dawn they heard the scream ash went to check on her but the other ones were stopped they said she might be in trouble he said at HQ no way They said why didn't you stop him then Speedy said for "One. I wouldn't have been able to if I tried. Two. It's about time dawn introduced him to her family." Speedy simply stated with a smile.Priscilla said nothing and allowed her daughter to let out her anger.

She let out another scream in frustration till she heard a knock on the door.

" dawn ? It's me! Is everything ok? I heard you scream. Can I come in?" Ash asked on the other side of the door. dawn gasped. "He's already back from training?" she thought. She soon turned her attention to the screen and whispered to her mother, who had a confused look when she heard the new voice.

"Don't move and don't say anything." Dawn whispered to her mother.

Priscilla wasn't sure what was going on, but nodded and stayed still.

Dawn let out a heavy sigh to calm herself a bit more, before answering.

Yea, I'm ok, ash. You can come in." She replied.

Once he got the ok, dawn opened the door and quickly flew over to her and sat on her bed next to her.

Are you alright, dawn? I heard you squawk. What happened?" Ash asked worriedly.

I'm ok, ash. Really." Dawn said with a smile to reassure him.

" dawn , that scream sounded like your angry scream. What happened?" Ash pushed on. dawn sighed.

"Ok, ok. I'm not ok. I was just talking to my mother and she told me something that made me really angry." She started, 

Ash tilted his head, wordlessly asking 'what was it'? 

"She told me that my father almost promised me to someone."  She continued.

Ash's eyes widened, and he felt his heart sink a little upon hearing that. But he let her continue.

"And if that wasn't bad enough, he almost promised me to the WORST person dawn yelled, her anger coming back full swing. "Woah dawn , calm down." Ash said, gently grabbing her cheeks to try to get her to calm down. He'd never seen her this angry before. 

He began to gently caress her cheeks with his thumbs in order to calm her down, a technique that usually worked. Dawn closed her eyes at his gentle caress, then inhaled and exhaled before placing one of her hands over his which rested on her cheeks, telling him that she had calmed down. Ash gave a satisfied smile at this. Dawn opened her eyes and looked up at ash. "Ash kissed her forehead, telling her that everything was ok. She smiled and looked up at him."Thanks, ash. I could really use some comforting right now." Dawn told him.ash chuckled and re-positioned himself to sit behind her. She sat between his legs as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, pulling her closer to his chest and nuzzled his head on the side of hers, at which she happily nuzzled back.Better?" he asked."Much." she replied.ash saw dawn's mom on the screen ash spoke up, excuse me, dawn , Ms. Priscilla?" Ash started, to get their attention. "S-sorry to interrupt, but s-should I leave? B-because this seems to be a family matter and... I feel like I'm intruding." he stated. dawn and Priscilla giggled, which confused ash you  are family, ash." dawn told him, as she wrapped her arms around his which were still wrapped around her and nuzzled under his beak."I am?" he asked, blushing at dawn show of affection.

"Yes, you are, dear. You became family the moment dawn said 'yes' to you." Priscilla stated and smiled. Ash sighed, "I'm sorry, dawn. I guess I'm just a bit nervous. I didn't expect to be meeting your parents so soon. I know I would have to meet them eventually, but I hadn't prepared myself for it yet. I've always worried about if they would accept me as your chosen partner since I'm a different species." he explained, tightening his hold , but not too tight."To tell you the truth, ash, I've been worried about that too. I was worried about whether or not my family would accept you and if yours would accept me. At least I know my mom's ok with it. We just need to know what my dad thinks. And of course, I'm worried about if yours will accept me or not." dawn admitted.ash gave a gentle smile. "I can assure you, Penny, my family will accept you. That is something I'm not worried about." he told her."How are you so sure?" she asked."Let's just say, my family has a history of going off with other colors." he told her. "Really?" she asked in surprise.Yup." he replied, nuzzling the side of her head. "So you have nothing to worry about on my end."

dawn giggled as he nuzzled her. She leaned into him to nuzzle back.

"I love you, dawn ." ash whispered to her lovingly.

"I love you too, ash." Dawn replied lovingly as well.

Unbeknownst to the two love birds, while they were having their moment, dawn parents had returned and were watching the interaction between the two with interest.

"Now, how can we say 'no' to that?" Priscilla spoke up to get the two's attention.

Ash and dawn were startled and quickly turned their attention back to the screen and saw both of dawn 's parents looking at them with a smile. Ash and dawn blushed and gave a nervous laugh at being caught again.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment, sweetie. But I had to get your attention." Priscilla told them.

"I-it's ok, mom." Dawn replied, still blushing. "H-how much did you see?" she asked.

"We saw... and heard plenty, sweetie." Priscilla replied.

"Enough to get my approval, sweetheart." Phil stated.

"Really? You mean, you're ok with me choosing ash as my partner?" Dawn asked her father.

Of course! It's your life, sweetheart. Your choice." He replied with a smile, 

"So, dawn ... who's your friend?" Phil asked with a smile."Oh, right. Dad, this is ash, my boyfriend. Ash, this is my dad, Phil." Dawn introduced them to each other.

"H-hello there, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ash greeted with a wave.

"Hello ash. Nice to meet the person who made my daughter all happy." Phil said teasingly, which made ash a little nervous and uncomfortable.Phil chuckled. "I'm just teasing, ash. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, but it is nice to meet you. Now, I don't need to ask or tell you to take care and protect  my dawn , because I've already seen and heard for myself how much you care about her."

Ash nodded.

So, what did you give her?" Phil asked.

Ash smiled, knowing what he was asking. " dawn ," he simply said, looking down at her.

Dawn giggled and showed her parents the necklace and bracelet she was wearing.

"Oh my! Dawn they're beautiful. *gasps* Are those kelp-icer pendants?!" Priscilla awed.

"Wow! That must have cost you a fortune, ash." Phil exclaimed.

"Actually," Ash started, blushing and rubbing the back of his head, "I made them myself." he told them.

Dawn parents eyes widened. 

Really!? You made them yourself?" Priscilla asked.

"Yup. He did. And that's what makes them extra super special. Besides, I would have said yes to him anyway, even if he didn't give me a courting gift." dawn said, nuzzling him under his beak. Ash chuckled and nuzzled her back, not worried that her parents were watching.

Phil and Priscilla smiled at the two.

"We can see that you two truly do love each other. Not only did we hear you both say it, but your actions speak volumes. Ash, the way you came into the room when you heard dawn 's scream and was able to calm her down, and stayed with her, proved to me just how loyal you are to her. And dawn , you eased his worry of meeting us and being accepted. That is indeed, true love. Being there for each other and supporting each other." Priscilla explained.

"Anyway, I think it's time we made our leave. It was nice meeting you ash."

"Same here." Ash replied with a smile.

"And, dawn ? We hope to get a visit from you soon, sweetheart. And make sure you bring ash with you." Phil told her. dawn giggled. "I will dad. Bye now. Love you.""Love you, too, dawn . Bye. Bye ash. See you soon." Phil and Priscilla said, before ending the call. The small screen went back down once the call ended."Well, that went better than expected." Ash stated, still holding on to dawn dawn giggled and kissed his cheek, making him blush and chuckle. They asked speedy if they could have 2weeks off is they could go and visit their family they said yes

Ash!" Dawn exclaimed as Ash walked into Dawn's house. She ran up and gave him a big smooch on the lips. Ash stared at Dawn, and mentally apologized for not trusting himself right away. In the last week, he had gone through so much with his past companions just to find that Dawn was the one for him.

"Hey, I missed you" Ash returned. "I'm already super psyched to be here!". Johanna walked up to Ash and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hello, Ash" she said. "It's so great to have you here.".

"Thank you for allowing me to stay here. It's been a long week, and I've realized how much you daughter means to me. I can't live without her, so I needed to tell her that.".

"Oh, trust me, I know, Ash. She's been telling me about you two all day. I'm extremely happy to have you by my daughter's side.". Johanna smiled and sat back down on the couch.

Ash went upstairs to pack some essentials into Dawn's room, like clothes, condoms, lube; all the important things people need in life. Dawn slipped into the room, and hugged Ash from behind.

"Fuck, I'm so horny right now, baby." Dawn snickered. She rubbed her hand along Ash's pants near his penis.

"We can't do this right now." Ash replied. "I just got here and I want to make a good impression for your mother.". Dawn winked and left Ash to finish unpacking. He had a Pokeball in his backpack that he completely forgot about. It was Pikachu's. He stared at the ball. Memories flashed in his brain. The first day Ash received Pikachu, and the day that Pikachu died were the first things that popped into his head. Then, he remembered that Dawn saved Pikachu from Team Rocket. He immediately felt more grateful for having Dawn in his life. Ash knew that Dawn was for him one hundred percent.

Ash ran downstairs to find Dawn sipping on some tea. She handed Ash a cup with some tea as well. Johanna was stirring some MooMoo milk into her cup. There were small drips of it left.

"Oh, darn." Johanna stressed. "I need more milk. Dawn, can you go and grab some in Sandgem Town, please?".

"Of course, I'll be right back!" Dawn said as she left the house.

There was a silence for about ten seconds until Johanna spoke up.

"So, Ash. How does my daughter's pussy?". Ash almost choked on his tea when she spoke those words.

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about." He replied.

"Well, I spoke to Dawn and she said that you two practically fuck every day.". Ash was shocked to hear that Dawn told her mom about their sexual activity. "Is this true?".

"I mean, yeah, but we've only had sex a few times. She said that I'm good at it, but I don't think it's true.". Johanna smirked. She stood up and took Ash's hand. She guided him to the living room and stopped by the couch.

"Show me.". Ash was confused.

"What do you mean?".

"Show me what you can do, little boy.". Ash got the sense that Johanna wanted to fuck him, and he liked it. Ash jumped at Johanna and rapidly kissed her lips. She locked on and did the same. She felt up his dick and pulled down his pants with one hand. Ash, on the mean hand, grabbed Johanna's D-sized breasts through her blue V-neck. Ash lifted up her shirt to reveal Johanna's white bra that barely fit her tits. Then, he shot down her pants and, again, more white underwear. Ash slipped his hand into Johanna's panties, and stuck a couple of fingers in her aged vagina. She moaned. She remembered the sexual feeling that Dawn's father brought to her when the were together. Johanna took off Ash's clothes, which left him nude. She also took everything off except her bra. Down and dirty, Johanna slurped on Ash's cock. She used her tongue to excite the underneath section of Ash's meat. He loved it so much that he took Johanna's face and forcefully shoved it in her mouth, while her made a gagging sound. Ash held her head as deep down on his dick as possible, and she stayed there for a whole minute. She let go to breathe and precum as well as saliva covered her face.

"Wow, you're good my boy!" Johanna said as she jerked Ash off. "Turn around.". Ash did so and bent slightly over. Johanna spit on Ash's butthole and slid a finger in it. Ash didn't moan but felt the pleasure. Johanna reached Ash's dick back in between his legs, and started to suck him off again. Ash felt so much pleasure that he spread his cheeks to aloe more leeway. Johanna stopped sucking his dick and plunged her tongue into his butt while jerking him off. She went in and out, which Ash adored so much. Johanna moaned as she rammed his bum with her flavored tongue. Ash was close to cumming, so he turned around and shot his load at her face. She licked it all off and pushed Ash back on the couch.

Johanna sat on Ash's dick and loved it. She bounced up and down rapidly, as if she did so when she was younger. Her bra was still on, but she was saving it for her favorite part of sex: the anal penetration. Just like Dawn, Johanna loved anal sex. Dawn's father would come home from his day job every day and fuck Johanna's big, round bum. She remembered this and got off Ash. She turned around and took off her bra. As Johanna turned around to reveal her large breasts, he became rock hard. Johanna's boobs sagged slightly, but they were big and beautiful. Johanna sat on Ash's six incher reverse cowgirl style, and stuck it in her seasoned anus. She let out a satisfying moan, and rapidly bounced on Ash's happy cock. The sound of thighs clashing took up the overall sound of the household. Johanna held her legs together and Ash held them in place as he pumped upwards into her asshole.

They shared multiple positions as they came together during every new one they took part in. Joanna also gaped, got fisted, had an many orgasms, and deeply fell in love with Ash's hard cock. The last position they tried was the exact same one that Ash and Dawn did when Ash decided that Dawn was the one for him. Johanna told Ash to save that position for last because that was the same position that she and Dawn's father shared to get Johanna pregnant with Dawn. Ash slowly entered Johanna's gaping butthole. They stared into each other's eyes, knowing what they wanted to know. Ash wondered if Johanna and Dawn were alike in sexual aspects, and Johanna wanted Ash to show her that he was the right fit for Dawn. He definitely was right for Dawn in her mind.

"Fuck me, Ash!" Johanna screamed. "Fuck me like how Dawn's dad did when he got me pregnant wit her!". Ash said nothing and plowed her MILF asshole. Lips collided. Hands locked. Skin clapped. Private parts danced. Breasts jumped. All of this could sum up what was happening.

"I'm gonna cum, Johanna!" Ash yelled out.

"Please cum inside my ass, Ash!" Johanna screamed as she reached her erotic limits. "For your new mommy, please! Marry my daughter! Love and make her happy!".

"I will! Your asshole is as sweet as hers! Fuck me harder!". They went full force and they both shared their love.

It was dinner time that night, and Ash, as well as Dawn and her mother, shared a wonderful meal. Dawn smiled as she saw the plate of food in front of her. Ash and Johanna smiled at each other, knowing that it was soon time to pop the big question: Ash asking Dawn to marry him.

They all ate dinner that night, and were stuffed afterwards. Johanna fell asleep on the couch, while Ash and Dawn relocated upstairs in Dawn's bedroom. The two lovers were making out in bed, after many days of sexual hunger for one another's bodies. Ash was on top of Dawn, shirtless, only in his boxers, with Dawn in her bra only. Ash had sucked on Dawn's neck, forming small but noticeable hickeys. He also had one hand fondling in Dawn's sweet vagina. Dawn had her arms wrapped around Ash's back, rubbing it up and down. She breathed heavily, in sexual awe. Ash let out deep breathes as he did his best to get Dawn horny. Ash looked her in the eyes and stuck a few fingers in Dawn's pussy. She moaned lightly. He rotated his fingers in and out of the slim hole.

This went on for twenty minutes, and it was almost midnight. Johanna had woken up five minutes ago, and realized that she was tired and wanted to go to her bed, but first, she wanted some tea to help her relax. She turned on the kettle, and put a teabag in her cup. Johanna loved tea; her favorite flavor was called Day's Dawn, which had a fresh, sweet taste to it, just like how Dawn's pussy tasted. Oh yeah, Ash is now eating the shit out of Dawn's pussy. Sorry.

Dawn's moans got loud once she climaxed, so Ash tried to make the feast last as long as he could. Dawn held Ash's head into her vagina. They were now completely naked, with no sheets or blankets on the bed, and a small lamp on beside them. Johanna wanted to get into her housecoat, so she went upstairs quietly. She heard moans coming from Dawn's room, and saw that the door was cracked open slightly. She peeked in to see what the action looked like, and saw her daughter in sexual heaven. Johanna knew she was happy, so she changed into her housecoat and went downstairs to make her tea. She made it to the kitchen and saw that the kettle had finished heating up. Johanna grabbed the bottle of MooMoo milk, and sugar. She poured the hot water in, and bobbed the teabag to allow the flavor to spread. As this happened, she felt tense, and in pain. She grabbed her chest and fell to the floor, unconscious.

Right before this happened, Ash and Dawn were ready for sex. Dawn was on her back, with her cheeks spread, ready for more bum sex. Ash's tip entered her stretched hole, and Dawn let out a moderate moan. Ash dove in for a deep kiss as he plowed her anal insides. They rocked back and forth for a minute, and Dawn wanted to take it doggystyle. She got on her knees with her butt facing Ash, and her cheeks spread. Ash was about fuck her ass until they heard a loud thump come from downstairs.

"What was that?" asked Ash.

"Oh my God, it might be my Mom!" said Dawn as she quickly put on her pajamas.

"She probably just dropped something, I'm sure it's fine. Plus, I want to fuck so hard, so come back.".

"No, Ash, I need to see what it is." Said Dawn as she went through the door. Ash got up and grabbed Dawn by the arm.

"Come on, Dawn, we haven't fucked in days, and I love you.".

"I love you too, but I need to check on my Mom. Now is not the time.". Dawn scurried down the stairs to see that her mother wasn't on the couch. She looked around until she stepped into the kitchen and gasped.

"Ash, please come here, oh my God!" yelled Dawn as she started cry. Ash ran downstairs in his night clothes to see Dawn crouched beside her unconscious mother.

"Oh my God, I'll call the ambulance, try to wake her up!". Ash grabbed his phone and dialed the number to the ambulance. As her talked in the background, Dawn tried to shake her mother into consciousness, give her CPR, and tried to give her mouth-to-mouth air. Nothing was working.

Within minutes, and ambulance arrived, got Johanna on a stretcher, and into in ambulance headed to Jubilife Hospital. Ash and Dawn flew on Noivern to Jubilife City to meet the paramedics there. They waited outside of the doctor's room for an hour, pacing, and holding each other in their own arms.

The doctor had come of the room, and gave the lovers the news that Johanna was gone, and that her cancer had spread through her heart and lungs. ash said can i try something that some times worked the doctor said yes ash went in and put his hsnds together snd said Arceus please give me the power to bring her back for one hour and it worked He went out and told dawn that her mom will be alive for at least another hour But after that he does not know if he could do it again so yeah best to go in and say your last good byes but after the hours up I will try again and see if I can do it again but I do not know if it will work a second time So dawn when and and talked to her mom an hour later he tried it again but it did not work Dawn was devastated and fell to the ground. Ash held her and rubbed her back, both in tears.

There wasn't much sexuality involved for a while. Dawn needed a week alone, and Ash stayed at Barry's house down the street during that time. Dawn was one of those people who had a mother that did everything for her, and supported her throughout her entire life thus far. She was completely devastated, and she felt like she couldn't live without her mother. A week and two days had passed, and Ash returned to Dawn's house.

"Dawn, I'm back!" Ash shouted. No one answered. As Ash reached the main hallway, she smelled marijuana coming from upstairs. He was confused and walked into the kitchen. The place was a mess. Moldy bread, sour MooMoo milk, and left-out peanut butter took up the kitchen. Ash covered his nose as the smell was potent. He went upstairs into Dawn's room to find her face planted on a large glass bong with weed being cooked inside of it. She exhaled the smoke and Ash coughed.

"Dawn, what the hell are you doing?" Ash asked.

"Hey man, you're a fucking loser" Dawn responded, as she was stoned out of her mind.

"Dawn, why are you smoking pot? It's highly illegal in Sinnoh. You might be charged.".

"Nah man I'm all good. Hey do you wanna fuck me? I'm soooo horny right now.".

"No, Dawn, I don't. I need to talk to you for a bit.". Ash noticed that Dawn had cuts on her arms and neck, then spotted a knife on her night table. It was covered in blood.

"Dawn? Did you cut yourself?".

"Oh, that? Yeah, I was feeling sad, so I made myself feel better.".

"We need to get you to the hospital right now.". Ash knew that this wasn't something that Dawn would ever do, but it surprised him that her mother's death would send her into this deep depression.

They arrived at the hospital, and Dawn was no longer high. She went on a few anti-depressant pills and took them twice per day. A month had passed, and Dawn recovered completely. Ash knew that it would soon be time to ask Dawn for her hand in marriage. So, he planned to pop the question on New Year's Eve, which was Dawn's birthday.

It was December 31st in Sinnoh, and Ash had completely moved in with Dawn at her house. Johanna's room was their new room, and Dawn's old room had Ash's clothing and other items. The smell of pancakes and bacon took up the house early that morning. Ash was preparing a huge birthday breakfast for Dawn. She was turning eighteen that day and she was super excited.

Dawn woke up and rubbed her eyes, and noticed that Ash had already gotten up. It was early, about nine o'clock, which was unusual for Ash since he loved to sleep in most of the time. Dawn was in her pajamas and she scurried downstairs to find out what that amazing smell was. She saw Ash flipping pancakes and turning over bacon.

"Good morning, birthday girl!" Ash said as he looked up.

"Good morning, baby!" Dawn replied. She kissed Ash's lips and gave him a big hug. Ash wrapped his hands around Dawn's butt and rubbed it slowly. Dawn knew this but didn't care.

"It's your special day, and I want to celebrate every second of it with you." Ash said as he gazed into Dawn's deep blue eyes. Dawn smiled and rested her head on Ash's shoulders.

Dawn ate her special breakfast and got dressed. She planned to go to Jubilife City before midnight, so she could watch the fireworks pop off to ring in the new year. Ash and Dawn walked to Sandgem Town at about three o'clock to a small coffee shop to relax before the festivities. They sat in the coffee shop quietly, checking their cell phones. They were both on their social media apps and they took a couple of pictures to share with their friends.

Ash's plan was to get on top of Jubilife's tallest building, the radio tower, where the organizers for the New Year's party were televising the event. He wanted to ask Dawn during the last ten seconds of the year, and have her answer at midnight. Ash had already gotten in touch with the organizers and they allowed him to do it.

A few hours had past and it was about eight o'clock. Ash and Dawn walked around Jubilife for a few hours exploring their stores and restaurants. Ash was remembered by the people in Sinnoh from his top four finish in a Pokémon League tournament that happened years ago. He had been stopped by many young fans for autographs. Dawn was okay with it until some female fans came up to Ash and got touchy with him. They were right around an ice cream shop, near a dark alleyway.

"Oh my gosh I love you Ash!" said a female fan who grabbed Ash's arm.

"You're so hot Ash!" yelled another who grabbed his legs.

"Hey!" yelled Dawn. "He's mine! Fuck off!". The fangirls ran away with disgusted looks on their faces.

"You didn't have to be so harsh, Dawn." said Ash.

"Ash, they were trying to steal you from me! I can't let that happen!". Ash exhaled.

"Yeah, you're right. We should head towards the radio tower, it's starting to get busy.". Just before Ash finished his sentence, Dawn tackled Ash into the alleyway and kissed him rapidly. Ash tried to stop Dawn, but she wouldn't let up. She was on top of him and locked his arms onto the ground.

"Dawn, we can't do this here." Ash said, out of breath.

"I'm so horny, though." Dawn replied. "I want you to fuck me hard tonight, but I'm getting restless.".

"I promise, once we get to our hotel room we can go nuts.". Dawn stood up and nodded. They got up and walked towards the radio tower. It had reached about eleven o'clock once Ash and Dawn got into the building after squeezing through the thousands of people surrounding the radio tower. They took an elevator up to a nice lounge that many high-end business people hung out at. Ash and Dawn walked inside. Ash was signaled to go towards the organizer's board room, but Ash had to distract Dawn.

"Hey, babe, you think you can get us a drink? I gotta pee.". Dawn smiled and nodded. She walked away towards the drink table. Ash scurried into the board room. Ash came out of the board room, with his whole plan in place. Dawn, however, was nowhere to be seen. Ash looked around, but couldn't find her at all. He decided to head up to the roof of the building, and prepare for his plan anyways.

No one, except for Ash was up on the roof. It was cold, and Ash had a thin jacket on him. He shivered as he looked around for Dawn. Ash checked his phone to see that it was already eleven fifty-eight. He was so confused at why Dawn was nowhere to be seen. Then, the door that lead to the roof opened, and the organizer held it open.

"Hey, have you seen Dawn?" Ash said before he froze. He couldn't believe his eyes. He saw Dawn walk out in a wedding dress and a bouquet of lovely flowers in her hands. She walked up to Ash and smiled. They locked eyes, and hands without saying any words. A priest walked up and said all the shit that a priest says during a wedding; that's not what we care about, except for the part where he says, "Dawn Berlitz, do take Ash Ketchum as your wedded husband?".

"I do." said Dawn as she smiled.

"And Ash Ketchum, do you take Dawn Berlitz as your lovely wedded wife?".

"I do.".

"Now, you may kiss the bride.". As Ash and Dawn leaned in for their ceremonial kiss, the people of Jubilife counted down the final seconds of the New Year's countdown.

"Three! Two! One!" they screamed. Ash's and Dawn's lips collided at midnight, and everyone cheered in joy. Fireworks went off. Blood rushed through the lover's bodies.

They fell back on their hotel bed. Naked, in love an hungry for hardcore, love-making.

"Babe," Ash spoke as he leaned up over Dawn. "You are my happiness. You have changed me into a better man. It hasn't been too long since we've been together, but I feel like I've been with you forever. Ever since Pikachu died, you've been my shoulder to cry on, my best friend, and my penis pleaser.". Dawn laughed and teared up. "But, most importantly, you have been my life. Thank you, and I love you, with everything that I offer.". Dawn started to cry. She wiped her tears and looked at Ash in the eyes.

"Ash, you… you are my hero." Dawn spoke. "I never thought that I would find a guy like you, who cares and loves for me so much. I definitely don't deserve what you give to me, but you deserve what I give to you. You are my rock, my sunshine, my love. I wouldn't be alive if you weren't there for me in my darkest times. Not only that, but my butthole would've never felt so good either.". Ash chuckled and a tear dropped from his face onto Dawn's breast. Ash sucked it off and allowed Dawn to continue with what she wanted to say. "I can't live without you. I'm so happy to say that you're my fiancé. I love you. I want to be with you forever. I want this night to be the best night of our lives. So, are you ready to impregnate me?". Ash smiled and nodded. They kissed deeply, and went into love-making mode.

We are just moments away from reading about the sexual portion of Ash and Dawn's wedding night. Before you read ahead, I would like to mention that I truly appreciate the feedback and support that this story has received. It's my first time writing one of these lemon-typed stories, and it seems to be doing great so far. This is the final chapter of this story; I might add a small conclusion later on, but for now, this is the last chapter that I am creating for this story. Thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoy Chapter 18! Much love, and peace!

Ash and Dawn were seconds away from going into love-making mode. They had a crazy night; it was Dawn's birthday, and the two lovebirds got married in front of thousands. They were making out and touching their partner's erotic areas. Dawn stroked Ash's thick cock, while Ash dipped his fingers in Dawn's wet pussy and moist asshole. Ash looked at Dawn and nodded. She nodded as well. Ash guided his shaft into Dawn's vagina. He gained speed quickly, and the fun began. Loud moaning took up the entire hotel room hallway. The bed thumped in sync of each hump. The lamp beside the bed rattled and blinked on and off. But, the lovers did not care. This was the most real sex they've ever had.

After minutes of plunging his hard cock into Dawn, Ash pulled his dick out and Dawn wrapped her lips around the head. She bobbed hard and fast, and Ash grabbed Dawn's head and pumped forward. He held her head at his stomach for five whole minutes without moving. Ash also managed to shove his testicles in her mouth as well. Dawn fingered Ash's butthole to make him completely hardened. She drew her head back quickly to regain air. As she panted, she stroked Ash's rock-hard penis. She winked and pushed him onto the bed. Ash laid on his back and Dawn squatted over top on him.

"Put it in my ass!" Dawn demanded. Ash quickly inserted his dick into Dawn's already-stretched bum hole. She let out a deep moan, which meant that she liked it and wanted more. Ash humped her butt like a mad man. Her butt cheeks and Ash's thighs collided, creating a loud skin-slapping sound that turned the lovers on completely. Dawn grabbed her cheeks and spread them to the sides to allow Ash's cock to please her anal insides.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Keep fucking me, baby! Ahh! It feels so fucking good!" yelled Dawn. Ash said nothing and humped at a lightning pace. His thighs moved faster than ever. Dawn's skin bounced so rapidly that it started to turn red. Dawn had reached her climax and delayed her erotic scream until Ash sent one final hump into her ass.

"Ahhhh God that feels so good!" Dawn let out as she pulled her head back. Ash panted and turned Dawn around. Now in reverse-cowgirl, Dawn allowed her hips to move up and down on Ash's happy meat stick. Ash raised his legs up and humped upwards into Dawn. Their skin clapped loudly and forcefully. Ash pushed Dawn's legs together to create their classic armadillo sex position, and he pounded her hard. After minutes of hard sex, Ash pulled Dawn backwards and she spread her cheeks apart to reveal a gigantic gaping anal opening. Ash knew she loved to gape, and he stuck his fist inside her bum. She loved it and bounced up and down on his hand. Seconds later, Ash pulled his hand out and it reveal an even bigger gape than before.

Dawn got up and turned Ash around. He slightly bent over, because he knew what Dawn was going to do. She plunged her tongue into Ash's butt and jerked his dick from behind. This was a magical feeling for Ash and he loved every second of it. They kissed again, and again, and again.

It was four in the morning, and the two lovers went nuts; they recreated every single sex position they've ever shared. Now, it was time for the finale. Ash and Dawn got into their final position. Dawn laid on her back, legs in the air, while Ash planted his hips on Dawn's thighs. Ash brushed his cock along Dawn's already-destroyed pussy. They were both breathless. They gazed into each other's eyes. They both nodded as they knew what time it was. Ash inserted his cock and they both let out a smooth moan. They locked hands and the ride had started. Ash was already close to cumming, so he started off slow and picked up pace.

"Wait, Ash!" Dawn said. He stopped. "Put it in my ass and then put it back in my pussy at the last second.". Ash understood. Dawn liked anal sex more than vaginal sex. The penis was slid into the anal opening, and they reached the final stretch. Hard pounding, sweat-covered lovers shared their love with each other on their special night.

"Dawn! I'm close!" Ash moaned.

"Stick your cock in my pussy!" Dawn responded. He did so and they were seconds away from impregnating Dawn.

"Yes, Ash! Cum inside me, please! Let's make out child special, fuck me hard!". All that Ash could think is that he had the greatest wife on Earth. The pleasant smile on her face, her wet hair, glistening eyes and tits, wet pussy, and big heart are the things Ash saw as he was about to shoot his DNA into his partner.

"Here it comes!" Ash yelled. They kissed hard, with locked eyes and hands.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" they both screamed as Ash's semen implanted in Dawn's womb. They whited out.

Years had passed. About five, actually. The Ketchum family had expanded to four members: Ash and Dawn, and their two children Joey and Sam. Happily living in Sinnoh, Ash and Dawn had finally accomplished their dreams together. Daily sex, as well as living happily and healthy with two beautiful children is what made their lives great again. But, this was only the beginning.

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