33 Sup? Author's Note.

I've been busy. Obviously!

I'm content that I've stopped writing after the completion of a volume, and not in the middle of nowhere lol. I get that things were getting heated up, and I had a decent outline planned out and everything.

To all the avid readers, I apologize for taking a sudden break, but I won't be writing another novel till I complete this one. As for the release of further chapters, I'm clueless as well :(

Won't be making any false promises, and I myself have forgotten most of the content from the first volume. So, I'll re-read it when I get time, and try and get back in the game.

Hmmm, If you enjoyed the fic, then maybe let it gather dust in your favourites lol. If I'm free, and ready to rumble, atleast the notifications would give you the signal of my return. *Insert Bat Signal GIF*
