
Midgard and Sorcerers

ok so this is what everyone was trying to tell me to do and I think it is over written but well since people were insisting I dicided to do this.

mc is 700 right now.

ps. I will try to do a smut chp when mc returns from midgard.

it's been 200 years since it was announced that I will be made the crown prince, and in this time I learned many different things on how to handle the crowd , how to rule etc by closely following Odin ,as I am not an idiot like Thor that would even after getting made crown prince would still fool around.

on my powers side of things although I made significant progress, it eventually came to a halt. even the vast asgardian library was finished by me well on the topics I was interested in that is.

but my army that has grown significantly ,from the original 50 to 500+ and that's not counting their children whom after growing would make my army go to at least 800+ and that's a rough estimate.

on my marriage side well my mother has been demanding grandchildren , to which I said no as right now is not the time for that, maybe after my coronation.

I am right now in my room relaxing on a loveseat with sif sitting on my lap and my hands roaming around her sexy body , thinking what do I do now to improve myself further as my powers have reached a bottleneck , granted they are still growing but I am not satisfied with the growth as I can feel I am still weaker then hella although not by too much but still weak and my goal is to surpass Odin in his prime not hella who is nothing compared to Odin's prime.

Sif seeing I am thinking hard on something ,gently took my cheek in her hand and asked.

Sif:" is something bothering you dear" I seeing the concern in her eyes , gave her a chaste kiss first then explained my delima ,she after hearing that smiled a little and said. " I know that , that's not what is truly bothering you as I know you enough to know you already have the solution of your problem " oh she knows me too well, and she is correct in her assumption that ,that is not the thing that is bothering me right now and that I already have the solution to this problem ,the thing that is truly bothering me is that for me to solve my problem,I would have to go to midgard and midgard is the home of my true mother gaea and I don't want to face her right now. yeah you heard me I know I am not frigga's son. I said to Sif.

Jarl:" you know me too well my love , but the thing is that I don't want to face someone right now that will be on the location of my solution" she hearing that was shocked a little as I have always faced my problems head on and have not been one to shy away from people, but she still said.

Sif:" well you would have to face them eventually so why hold yourself back as you will only be halting your progress in training" I hearing that contemplated for a short while then decided that she was right.so like the good husband I am I activated privacy wards around my room ,took her in a princess carry and went to bed for a wild night.

morning came and bringing with it the sunlight which shone on my eyes waking me up , I looked by my side to see my beautiful wife ,who was also just waking up ,I kissed her on the lips and said wake up sleepy head, she feeling me kissing her woke up and said.

Sif:" hmm more please " I grinned and leaned for another kiss after which she looked me in the eyes and repeated herself " more" I replied.

Jarl:" looks like someone is in a naughty mood huh!" and complied , after which it quickly turned into a make out session.

after our make out session ,we got ready for the day and I after breakfast told her,

Jarl:" I am going to go midgard for a few years ,to learn more magic" as I said that she looked like she expected that from our talks from last night , so she said.

Sif:" I already expected for you to say something like that right now, but why midgard? " I replied.

Jarl:" well unknown to everyone, well maybe except Odin there is a secret society of dimensional magic user their who call themselves sorcerers and I want to learn their type of magic".

after a while I am now bowing in front of the throne in which sat Odin to whom I told my intentions.

Odin:" I don't know how you know about midgard's sorcerers but yes there is a secret society of dimensional magic users their and I have been in contact with their leader who goes by her title supreme sorcerer and if you want to learn from them ,then I will send a word of your coming" I think I was a little harsh to Odin earlier on in life and that he is really trying to be a good person and a father. so I thanked him and left after getting his promise that he will contact her.

after a few days I was called to the throne room, I went their and found a bald woman talking with Odin and as I entered turned to look at me and said.

sup.sor:" greetings prince Jarl, I have heard of you many times when dealing with interspace threats on earth " I replied,

Jarl:" all the good things I suppose, as I can't stop someone to praise my handsome looks"(narcissist) she smiled a little as she heard that, then said.

s.s:" anyway his Majesty Odin here said you are interested in learning mystic arts of our sorcerers ,so I came here to take you their to learn our magic but in return you will have to protect earth or as you call it midgard from external threats 3 times"

Jarl:" well asgard already has midgard under it's wing so I will have to protect it anyway"

s.s:" no prince Jarl I am not talking about Asgard as whole , I want your personal help in dealing with threats"

Jarl:" fine but I will only protect it personally 1 time and if it doesn't harm Asgard's interest"

s.s:" hmm ok deal, now I would ask you to prepare for the journey to midgard I will come back tomorrow at the same time to pick you up" after saying that she looked towards Odin who lowered the wards to allow her to open a portal to midgard.she put on her sling rings waved her hand ,opened a portal and left.

I am right now ready to go to midgard and am waiting for s.s to come pick me up , a portal opened in front of me and out came s.s ,she greeted me then motioned for me to step into the portal.


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