
Prologue part 2 (EDITED)

"Urgnhhh that was unpleasant" I feel that my gut was turn upside down.

"Where am I " as I was looking around me I was shocked because as far as I can see everything was covered in pure white tile here and it makes the environment and scenery look beautiful and serene.

???: Hmm, young man what are you doing here?

Adam: Oh sorry, my name is Adam and for my purpose here actually I don't know because I was dump here by my parents I guess?

I replied calmly to this ball of light, as for why I don't feel confused or scared to this ball of light is because I recognize this voice.

???: Oh quite calm aren't you? so what should I do with you now?

the ball of light asks me with a playful tone which makes me feel annoyed with this ball of light maybe I should just punch this ball of light the moment it appears in front of me.

Sigh " Dad maybe you should stop fooling around and start clarifying to me what happens right now." I say with a stern expression.

"Aww, you are not fun Adam, you should play around for a bit." the ball of light start to change its appearance to a human form that stood at 1.98m with golden hair that reached up to his waist that pair with beautiful golden eyes, his skin is so smooth and glittering that shocks me.

"What??? who are you? my dad doesn't have even 1% of your beauty so don't try to scam me" I say what on my mind without filtering my words. That beautiful man's mouth keeps twitching after listening to my words.

???: " Hahhahahahah did you hear what our son talk about your honey hahaha ah no I'm dying, my stomach hurt hahaha you should see your face right now honey it's priceless."

I don't know if that laughing voice should be categories as beautiful or scary. I try to find from where that voice comes from because I'm 100% sure that voice belongs to my mom.

"Mom why don't you show yourself because I miss you so much." I tried to persuade my mom to show himself because if my father was this handsome so my mom should be 100x more beautiful than this old man right?

" I miss you too my dear baby "

After I heard that voice I feel someone hugging me from behind so I turn my head only to be mesmerized by my mom's face.

I feel like human standards shouldn't be used on my mom. my mom is the perfect embodiment of Goddess with her silver-white hair that flows to her shoulder couple with an enchanting deep blue eye, her skin is white like milk and smooth to the touch her stature is tall almost reaching 1.85m so his head actually resting on top of my head.

" Mom you look like a goddess right now, you're the most beautiful woman that I had seen so far." it's not like I'm trying to curry favor with my mom after hurting my father's self-esteem, it simply a fact.

"Ara Ara my baby sure knows how to compliment her mother." mom said while trying to hide her blushed face.

" So as far as things that I have seen now I can conclude that both of you had hidden something from me and maybe you can explain them right now mom, dad," I said while looking at my parents.

Both my mom and dad keep looking between me and themselves before summoning a luxurious table and chairs complete with a set of tea.

" Sit my son," my dad said while pointing to one of the chairs and I sat without complaining.

" You can ask anything that troubles you and we will answer all of them. " my mom said while looking at my face.

"Then 1 are both of you perhaps a God/Goddess? 2 if yes then what are you doing on earth? that place shouldn't have anything that can spark your interests. 3 I can understand your appearance if both of you are a god but why did my appearance only 'Average' right now? are Mr. DNA playing trick with me?

My dad clears his throat before replied my question." hmm for your first question the answer is yes but don't lump me and your mother with those weak God, you can say that right now I'm the strongest being in this whole multiverse because I'm a Supreme Godking a title that given to those that manage to surpass the boundary of soul, while your mom is a tier 9 dimensional being only 1 more tier before reaching Supreme like me. As for the 2 questions, you can say that both I and your mother took a vacation on earth after your mom was confirmed to be pregnant of you, for the reason why we chose earth is because earth is considered special as it carries the title of the cradle of life which I will explain later. As for the last question, your appearance and bodily structure were locked by us because it will attract too much attention I will unlock it later. "

After I absorb all the information that was tossed to me, I suddenly remember that today suppose to be my birthday and it shouldn't be a coincidence that my parent talks all about this thing now I'm sure it must have something to do with my birthday.

" So dad it must be something important that you choose to reveal everything after my 20th birthday right?" but before my dad could answer my mom talk about it.

" Of course baby, when you reach your 20th birthday it officially marks your journey in this vast multiverse, you will start your training, start to gather your experience, to sharpen your skills and abilities and to prepare yourself when its time for you to replace your father as the Supreme Godking when you're strong enough to beat him " at this point I don't even know what to say.

" Sigh, so my job right now is to train and become the strongest in the whole multiverse right? so what should I do now?" honestly this job is too troublesome, in the end, it the same as those reincarnation that transmigrated to another world with cheats like skills and system. Hmm, maybe I should wish for the same things to make my life easier. Alright, let sort this mess out quickly.

" but before you start your training maybe I should explains everything that you should aware of." said my dad.

If there is anything that you want to express please comment and I should reply soon.

mhdfrds_creators' thoughts
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