
Ascension System: from nobody to a king

Zhi Xiaohan is a son of the Zhi clan, a prestigious martial clan in Yulong City. All martial artists in the Zhi clan are geniuses, but he is an exception, he doesn't have good talents, and he gets expelled both from his family and from the martial academy. After losing everything, he feels adrift. Just as he contemplates his next steps, he is ambushed by assassins. While escaping through the forest, he stumbles into a cave. There, he discovers an ancient artifact. Upon touching it, a screen appears in front of him. This is the story of Xiaohan Zhi, a nobody who lost everything who became the strongest king,

R1ccardoTB · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Xiaohan's first mission

It had been a few days after the team's departure, and they had already traveled many miles after only stopping a few times by some small villages to refill their supplies and in the meantime they took advantage of it to get to know each other better.

After a two days of traveling Liang Xuan proposed to the group to get to know each other better.

"Brother, i think that we should to know eachother better, just to pass the time."

The first one to talk was Liang Xuan himself.

"You know, brother Zhaohua, i come from a little martial clan, so i couldn't enter in a prestigious martial school, but i have to say that Xiaolong School isn't that bad even though being rather small."

"If you ever need help you can ask your older brother Liang Xuan."

Now it was Mei Ling's turn.

"I come from a medium martial family, but unlike brother Xuan, i am not from the main branch of the family, so i don't carry much weight in the family, however i entered in Xiaolong School to prove my worth."

Now that it was Xiaohan's turn to speak he had to quickly create a fake background for himself, and the easiest way to create a fake background was to have an identity without any importance.

"I am not from a martial family, i come from a small village in the north. My parents are farmers and i entered in Xiaolong School to follow my dream to become a strong warrior, because an old master that passed by my village saw me and told that i was a martial genius."

After their introductions they continued their journey for other two days until they finally reached the forest where they had to find the Tranquil Petralgrasses and the Feral Singerlings. After reaching a river Xiaohan told his companions to stop.

"We should camp here for now, it's getting too dark, if we are not careful we could get ambushed by some monster."

So the team prepared the camp and they took turns keeping watch. Right after right after the sun rose they prepared to look first of all for the Tranquil Petralgrasses.

After around two and half hours they had collected all the herbs they needed, Xiaohan even took some for himself.

Now they only needed to kill 5 Feral Singerlings, but that was gonna be way more difficult, because they lived in packs of around 20 specimens, and that was way too much for this little time, but Xiaohan had a brilliant idea.

"We can't attack face on a whole herd, so we have to split the pack and kill them one by one."

"Yeah, you're right, i don't think there is another way."

"I agree as well."

"Good, let's do it this way then."

The team started searching for a pack until Mei Ling told the other two to go where she was.

"There, right near that spring, there is a pack of 15 Feral Singerlings, i think we should try to execute our plan against them."

The other two agreed with her so they started to approach the pack. The Feral Singerlings aren't smart creature, so splitting their pack wasn't really difficult, they just needed to throw some rocks to distract them, and so they did. At the end they were divided in in smaller groups, one of 3, one of 4, one of 2, one of 5 and the last one was alone.

They decided to start with the one that was alone. The lower body of a Feral Singerling was similar to that of a lion, but the upper body was almost identical to the human one.

"Sister Ling, you have to distract it by throwing a rock in that direction while Brother Xuan and i kill him from behind."

Even if a Feral Singerling was the same rank of a Gloomling, its body was much stronger, so they needed to be in two to attack him.

After Ling threw the stone the monster turned toward the sound and Xiaohan and Xuan attacked him from behind. The first one to attack was Xuan, that cut off one of the monster's limbs, and then Xiaohan hit him with a slash, but failed to kill him.

"Brother Zhaohua!""I know!"After the failed attack Xiaohan got back in an instant thanks to his speed talent and with a clean slash cut off the monster's head.

Before he could do anything a notification appeared in front of him.



Xiaohan was very satisfied with the strength talent because it was one of the best talents for a warrior around his level.

After regrouping with Xuan and Ling, he approached the smaller groups of Feral Singerlings, and after splitting the groups to take them alone using their tactic they managed to kill other 3 of them and right now they were fighting the last one.

During these fights Xiaohan had obtainded the novice level camouflage talent from one of the Feral Singerlings.

With a clear slash he once again cut off the monster's head. Now they could rest for some time before going back to Xiaolong School.

But right after Xiaohan had killed the Feral Singerling he heard something from right behind him, and after turning back he saw something shocking, a shadow flying among the trees.

Trying to warn his companions he turned toward them but it was too late, on the ground there were both Xuan and Ling, Xuan had lost his arm and was trying to put pressure on the place where it had been cut while just a few meters there was Ling's headless body.

He was alone, against a strong unknown enemy and without much time to save his companion's life.