

[ 2502 WORDS ]


Yuji, Liu Yue and Bai San walked to the room that Luo Yue's grandmother was in. They were in the Hua hospital which is the best hospital in the city because of its top level services.

Yuji whispered into Liu Yue's ear"Liu Yue, tell whoever the doctor is that manages castration to be on standby. I doubt this arrogant idiot Bai San will hold up his end of the deal."

Liu Yue smiled and nodded. "Oi you bastard get away from Yue'er!" Shouted out Bai San who was watching as Yuji whispered into her ear.

Even he had never done something like that how could he allow Yuji to.

Liu Yue hearing the nickname was about to burst out in anger but Yuji stopped her. " Liu Yue don't waste your energy on such people they will only cause you stress. It's better to ignore them."

Liu Yue let out a sigh and simply ignored Bai San like Yuji suggested. No matter how much he shout out to them they would continue walking.

Eventually they arrived at the room, as they walked in Yuji saw an old woman hooked up to life support devices since she was in a coma.

Liu Yue had a sad look watching her grandmother lay on the hospital bed. "Ye Yuji....please....wake up my grandmother. I can't bear to watch her like this all the time...so please."

Yuji pat her head with a hand coated in light element which helped relax her. "I promise you that today you and your grandmother will be together again." Yuji said.

Liu Yue didn't refuse the head pat since it felt so good but of course Bai San couldn't accept this.

Bai San was getting angrier by the second watching how familiar the two were acting. " Oi you bastard stop feeding Liu Yue your lie. Hurry up and fail so I can kill you for your insolence. " Bai San shouted out.

Yuji just looked at him and grinned which pissed off Bai San even more.

-- In His Head --

"Yuu-kun I wonder how this boy will feel when he wakes up and realises that his balls are gone."

Cliona said as she watched from Yuji's eyes. She was truly enjoying the show and was looking forward to when Bai San meets Yuji after he's castrated.

"I hope we meet him soon after this Hahaha." Yuji laughed out to himself.

-- Back To Reality --

Remembering that Yuji asked her to prepare the doctors Liu Yue reluctantly left Yuji's *Divine-Head Pat* then walked to the nurses and sent one of them to tell the doctors to prepare a castration surgery in secret.

She walked over back to Yuji with a smile plastered on her face. "It's done Ye Yuji, you don't have to worry anymore and can start with the treatment."

Yuji nodded and walked over to the old lady while reassuring Yue. "Don't worry Liu Yue she will be fine."

Yuji then used the curtain to cover himself and the old lady. Liu Yue didn't stop him and but Bai San tried but as he was about to interrupt Liu Yue stopped him. "Bai San if you try interrupt him I will personally make sure to have you castrated even if he fails." She said in a stern and cold tone as she glared at him.

Bai San flinched hearing her threat and grit his teeth while watching Yuji's silhouette behind the curtain.

Yuji removed his acupuncture needles from his storage and pricked them through the woman's acupoints. He connected the needles with origin energy strings and began circulating it through the old ladies body.

Ha made sure to take his time so that they wouldn't be suspicious so for the next hour he stood there pouring origin energy into her body very slowly.

Liu Yue was getting anxious. She knew something like this would take time since it wasn't simple but she still hoped it would be over soon.

However Bai San on the other hand couldn't wait any longer. "This bastard is wasting time Yue'er I say that he can't do it so he's buying time to save his life." Bai San voiced out his complaints since he was getting increasingly irritated at Yuji who had been behind the curtain for over an hour.

Liu Yue didn't even look at him and kept her gaze on the curtain instead. "Bai San shut up." That was all she said in response.

Bai San clenched his fists and shut up as she said so as not to anger her further.

Not even a minute after telling Bai San to shut up. "Liu Yue please come here." Yuji called Liu Yue over since her grandmother would wake up soon.

Hearing him call her Liu Yue started getting anxious. Her heart was racing as she wondered about whether her grandmother was okay despite this she still walked over quickly and slid the curtain open.

What she saw next made her extremely happy and surprised. Her grandmother looked at least 10 years younger and her once completely white her now had hints of black. Her eyes were fully opened looking as healthy as ever as she sat up looking at her.

Realising that Liu Yue had come from the other side of the curtain the woman spoke. "Yue'er how have you been?" Questioned the woman with a smile on her face.

Liu Yue had tears in her eyes seeing that her grandmother had finally woken up after so long. " G-grandmother....you're finally awake...sniffle...I thought I would never see you again."

Liu Yue looked at Yuji for confirmation and he nodded."You don't have to hold back her body is fine now." Yuji said understanding what her eyes were asking him. Liu Yue immidiately jumped to hug her grandmother.

Yuji smiled at the scene and inwardly laughed at what he felt with his observation haki.

Bai San was trying to sneak his way out of the door. He heard everything and was shocked that Yuji actually pulled it off, he immediately began sneaking to the door to run away.

Yuji grinned and used his mental energy to lock the door. " Young master Bai San as you can see I've healed the patient that means you have lost so where do you think you're going?" Yuji said as he turned around.

Bai San immidiately sprinted to the door but started panicking when he felt the door was locked. No matter how much he tried the lock wouldn't budge.

Seeing that he couldn't get out his anxiety sky rocketed" Y-you bastard you must have used some trick to cheat! How could I lose!"

Yuji grinned wickedly as he walked over to Bai San. "Tsk Tsk, Young Master Bai San how could I use a trick to heal a critically ill person? You lost fair and square now I suggest you prepare to lose your balls fufufu."

The grandmother behind the curtain was confused as to what was happening. " Yue'er what's happening?" She questioned Liu Yue who was sitting by her side holding her hand.

Liu Yue smiled and almost let out a laugh." Bai San threatened the man who just healed you, Ye Yuji and called him a con artist when Ye Yuji tried to sell me a device that could heal you. Bai San even threatened to have the wolf gang deal with him if he didn't confess to his lies so Ye Yuji made a bet with him that if Ye Yuji could heal you then Bai San would have to pay him 600 thousand dollars and castrate himself. Ye Yuji won the bet since he was able to heal you and Bai San now has to castrate himself. Ye Yuji was confident that he could heal you which he did. He already anticipated that Bai San would try run so we prepared the doctors before hand" Liu Yue explained as she watched Bai San do exactly as Yuji predicted with disdain in her eyes.

The lady was shocked then let out a sigh. " That arrogant young man provoked the wrong person this time." She said, Liu Yue nodded and looked back at the frightened Bai San and Ye Yuji.

Yuji was getting tired of dealing with this plus he had more important things to do."Oi Oi Bai San what's wrong, I was prepared to lose my life if I lost and you can't even part with your balls. Pitiful I must say." Yuji scorned Bai San with a smile plastered on his face.

"You bastard you better let me go right now otherwise I will make sure to have Brother Wolf and my father hunt you down!" Bai San was getting desperate. How could he allow his dick to be crippled so easily.

Liu Yue was tired of this now. "Bai San you are the one that agreed to the bet now you want to run away and even threaten Ye Yuji?" Liu Yue then looked over to the nurse. "Nurse please tell the doctors that Bai San will be taking the surgery now and call the guards to restrain him."

The nurse was anxious and quickly ran out to get the doctors so she doesn't get into trouble.

Bai San was shocked hearing what Liu Yue said. "Yue'er you can possibly mean to help this bastard!? I'm the son of your Vice-chairman, you can't do this to me!" Bai San shouted out, he was hoping he could use his father's position to get Liu Yue to change her mind.

Liu Yue looked at her grandmother since she was the person who truly owned the buisness for confirmation and the old lady nodded to show her approval.

Having been given the authority Liu Yue then looked back to Bai San with a cold gaze. "So what? I don't care, today you will be castrated Bai San."

Bai San was losing hope since he couldn't think of anything that could get him out since Liu Yue was supporting Ye Yuji. "AAARRGGG, YE YUJI YOU BASTARD I WILL KILL YOU!" Bai San shouted as he tried to attack Ye Yuji.

Yuji looked at him as if he was an idiot. "Pfft you trash you really think you can defeat me?" Ye Yuji simply punched Bai San in the gut to knock him out since he was also tired of dealing with him.

*THUD* The sound of Bai San's body falling on the ground resounded through the room.

Ye Yuji left him on the floor and walked over back to the two women. " Liu Yue I trust that you will make sure he gets castrated right?" Yuji asked as he pointed behind him to the unconcious Bai San.

Liu Yue smiled and nodded. "Don't worry I will and thank you so much for this Ye Yuji, I will do anything to repay you when you need it."

"Young man I must also thank you for saving this ladies life, my name is Situ Rui, I am Yue'er's grandmother." Situ Rui explained with a smile on her face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am" Yuji smiled and then handed Liu Yue the bracelet. " Make sure to keep this on her wrist at all times. It will make sure to keep her body healthy."

Liu Yue's eyes widen in shock seeing him hand her the bracelet. "Ye Yuji...we can't possibly take this from you also. You have already done so much for us."

Yuji shook his head and smiled. "I have no need for this bracelet so I might as well give it to a woman I like that needs it. I'm afraid I knocked out Bai San now I can't get my money from him so can you give me the money then make him repay it to you later?"

Liu Yue blushed hearing that Yuji liked her then hearing him talk about the payment she quickly took the money from her bag and handed it to him while hiding her embarassment by lowering her head slightly.

"H-here." She spoke in a low embarrased tone which brought a smile to Situ Rui' s face when she saw how her granddaughter acted in front of the handsome young man.

Ye Yuji smiled, took the money and put the bracelet on the bed. He pat her head which caused her to look up at him. " I'm really happy I got to meet you Liu Yue, I had fun with you today even if we had to deal with that annoying bastard along the way." Yuji didn't give her time to respond and he did Itachi's goodbye.

He put his index and middle finger on her forehead and smiled. "May fate allow us to meet again."

[ A/N: Itachi vibes ]

He walked out of the room leaving a blushing Liu Yue and a grinning Situ Rui. " Yue'er are you sure you want to let him walk away like that?.....You may never see him again."

Liu Yue realising that Yuji was going to leave, after processing her grandmother's words jumped and ran to the door. "Ye Yuji wait!" she shouted out while making her way to the door.

On the outside Ye Yuji grinned hearing her call out for him. He pulled out a small box from his storage with and lay it on the ground in front of the door as he disappeared back to the festival.

Liu Yue ran out through the door and looked left and right for him but all she found was the small box.

She became sad seeing that he was already gone but when she looked down and saw the black box on the ground she became curious.She picked it up and walked back into the room with a dispirited look.

Seeing the way she looked Situ Rui helplessly sighed. "So he's already gone.... I hope you can find him since I see you already like him quite a lot Yue'er" Said Situ Rui seeing Liu Yue with her dispirited look.

Liu Yue sat back down next to the grandmother." He left this box...I haven't opened it yet." She said.

She opened the box and what she saw was the most exquisite necklace she had ever seen. It had and pair of Angel wings as the decoration and though it looked ordinary when the two looked at the necklace they felt themselves relax.

"It seems that young man likes you a lot too. I've never seen something so beautiful yet simple." Situ Rui smiled thinking Yue had finally found someone for herself.

Liu Yue smiled at the necklace as she promised herself to find Ye Yuji as fast as possible.

Situ Rui helped her put the necklace on and she was happy with the result. "Yue'er that necklace looks perfect on you."

Liu Yue couldn't help but smile as she looked down at the necklace. She never really wore jewellery unless it was for formal events. This necklace is the only one she ever wore outside of them and she liked it.

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