
Early Wedding Gifts.

UwU [ 2253 WORDS ]

I don't really have anything to say today...

UwU Friendly neighbourhood Author-San out


-- Yuji's Knowledge Sea --

Reflecting the grey clouded sky above it was a vast body of water, murky yet magnificent, with inshore waves flowing around it as winds howled all around.

These waves strangely never tried to drown him, without fail, no matter how tall they came, he would always ride on top till they came down.

"Where am I?" Standing unclothed on the agitated waters Yuji questioned, but there was something different about him.

His hair had gotten a few strands of white on it and his eyes became silver.

Yuji looked around, mystified at his surroundings. He had never been here before but he felt as if he knew this place like the back of his hand, it felt very familiar to him.

Before he could think of anything else, right in front of him the smiling figure of a very familiar man appeared.

"Fuji-san?" Yuji questioned with his eyes wide starting at his ethereal figure dressed in elaborate robes fit for royalty.

His majestic figure, enchanting yet domineering. If not for the fact that he had just regained his memories Yuji could swear he wouldn't recognise him if the memories had come earlier.

In an imperial voice that echoed throughout Yuji's Knowledge Sea, Fuji said. "Hello Yuji, it's been a while. I know you have questions but do forgive me because I can't answer them as this is nothing more than a recording I left for you and Yuna, she should be seeing something similar in right about now too."

Yuji's mouth immediately shut, stopping itself from interruption once he heard what exactly this was.

Fuji then continued "We are currently in your Knowledge Sea, something that everyone has but only those with a power similar to Yuna's and I can access and control to the levels that we can. To explain it in terms you might understand; Cultivators you read about from novels use a trial version of what a Creation God like Yuna, I and eventually yourself use.

You must be wondering how you have this. It's part of my early Wedding Gift to you two. During the however many years, you spent on Earth, I had been transferring my Creation Source to you. It's the heart of any God that you can find for example a God of Lighting will have a Lightning Source and if the said source is destroyed or removed from their soul, the God will perish without the ability to reincarnate, and so I died because I gave it to you. As a human, having something as powerful as that sent into your soul must have caused you a lot of physical pain because of your mortal body which I apologise for.

The reason I had to give it to you is so Yuna can accompany you on your journey to new worlds because normally to descend to the human realms Yuna has to seal her powers till she becomes human again however that won't last very long. A third party would be needed to maintain her seals and that's where you come in because only those with a similar Source can keep each other's seals in check.

We couldn't have used this method in the past because Yuna's source had yet to fully develop while mine had which would have hurt her if we tried it.

I set your source to awaken once Yuna had given you your wishes which means that now you have the potential to become a Creation God once you're strong enough just like her, only catch, for now, is because your body is still human it can't handle a Creation Source awakening anywhere near its full capabilities so you need to have sex with Yuna, her source and yours are almost perfectly identical because she's my daughter so the sources will resonate, and hers being the stable one will help calm yours down during its awakening, lessening the strain it is causing on your body.

You'll need to do it for give or take a few weeks before it can stabilise at about 0.000001% of its ability which normally would give a bit of power but will do nothing for you even if you get stronger and awaken it more because I've set it so you can only use the Creation Power and become a Creation God once it's fully awakened.

Basically, until your Creation Source can fully awaken you will be stuck with powers that you gain for yourself and won't be able to become a Creation God.

Even though it is awakening your Creation Source will only be awakened to its most basic degree which will not be enough to maintain her seals so I had to prepare something for that too. Once you decide it's time to go to your new world Yuna will drink a bit of your blood and within her, something I left will awaken.

She will be sealed into a coffin that I created for a few years which will regress her back into a human and connect her Creation Source to yours so that her powers as a Goddess do not return over time, instead she will only gain them once your Creation Source is fully awakened and you become a Creation God too.

Since from that point onwards you two will be connected by your souls Yuna's strength will always be similar to yours. You don't have to worry about sharing pain or stuff like that because it is only limited to sharing your powers.

I also made it so the same coffin can be used to create a Source for someone based on their main ability but said source will be just like yours in the sense that they will only be able to use its powers and become Gods once it is fully awakened.

That's all that I have to say about that, Son-in-law.

Don't feel responsible or bad for me because I've already lived a long enough life, I've been around since the moment the universe was created. Giving up the eternity I had left for your and Yuna's happiness and future is nothing, I do wish I could have met my grandchildren though... Anyway, take care of Yuna for me Son, Goodbye."

As he finished off the explanation Fuji's ethereal figure dissipated into innumerable fragments of light, the fragments shot up to the clouded sky and swirled, condensing into a sun-like ball of light, strands of light flowing around its violently gurgling surface, signalling its instability.

Meanwhile, with an amalgamation of sadness, thankfulness, and guilt festering inside him, Yuji silently listened through the explanation, watched as Fuji faded away and what was now his Creation Source form as a sun in the skies of his Knowledge Sea.

He was at a loss for words, what could he say at this point? Nothing would change even if he did say something, to be honest.

He just listened to the father of the girl he loved explain why he had to give his life to him so they could be happy.

The man was even looking forward to meeting his grandchildren and he still did it when he could have just waited a while longer but because he wanted the two of them to have a life before settling down like that, he did it. 'Old man, how can I not feel responsible? How do you expect me not to feel bad for you? How am I supposed to look at Yuna now?' He thought to himself.

Yuji's fists clenched and he grit his teeth as the same series of questions raced through his mind, unable to find an answer for either.

Inshore waves became more violent, rising in height by over a meter, thunderclaps echoed through the darkening clouds and soon came the rain.

Despite there being a dazzling light up in the sky, everything else was bleak and chaotic.

Rain turned to showers, and showers turned to storms as the water levels rose rapidly, unbothered by Yuji's standing figure staring up into the dark, rainy sky as if searching for answers.

Eventually, his body was plunged into the water. Hardly a few minutes had passed since Fuji's message was been delivered yet that was all it took for his Knowledge Sea to become nothing but a tank of turbulent water.

'I can't even drown in here....' He thought to himself as his figure floated around in his flooded Knowledge Sea, staring blankly at the dazzling Creation Source as he searched the depths of his mind for any correct way to see her after this.

The same cycle of self-questioning continued until he spotted something or rather, someone, swimming down towards him from the surface.

'Yuna...' He thought to himself recognising the figure he would never mistake or forget.

The flowing jet-black hair, perfect curves and enthralling black eyes couldn't belong to anyone else.

Yuji's stomach knotted and his heart raised to his throat as he wondered what her response would be now that she knew everything that was told to them.

"Yun-" Yuji grumbled part of her name once she was close enough but failed to say it all as she swam into his chest, hugged and kissed him.

Deep inside, he was happy to get a kiss and hug like this, the familiar sweetness of her lips, the comforting warmth of being in her arms, it felt like she was accepting him despite all this but he didn't want those expectations to get in the way right now.

Holding her cheek, he pulled himself away and her back as he tried to change the subject to what just happened. "We need to talk about what just happened" he murmured to her stoic expression.

It was difficult to see but he could feel that she was mad at him for pulling them apart. "No, we don't you idiot, don't devalue fathers sacrifice like that." She scolded

Yuji's eyes widen, devaluing his sacrifice? he didn't think he was doing that at all, he thought he was at least considering her feelings about this.

She knew he wasn't convinced, from the time he learnt about how he had forgotten about her to now, she could tell he had been feeling bad, add this on top and it's no surprise his Knowledge Sea was like this.

"Normally no one else would be able to come in here but Father knew you would end up blaming yourself for this, he used his connection to this place and allowed me to come to talk to you. Yuu-kun, it isn't your fault, this is what father wanted to do for us, he made the decision and gave this to us as a gift so you shouldn't blame yourself for it. We should respect his choice, do as he asked and you should take care of me from now on okay?" Yuna said as she held his face close by his cheeks, telling him off with the same stoic expression.

[ A/N: Author-san explanation time. The reason no one should be able to enter his Knowledge sea is because of one of the perks of having the Creation Source ]

She was taking this much better than him because she had time to grieve since he passed away 2 years ago.

All that this did was give her closure because she never knew why his Source was lost.

Letting the words sink in, the two of them stayed silent as they stared into each other's eyes, and gradually, the storm calmed, and the clouds dissipated.

Water drained out making it look as if it were never flooded and the waves died down leaving both of them standing above the turquoise water and under the blue sky.

Yuji heaved a sigh, letting his frustrations out as he said. "You're right. Please let me go now, I want to do something."

A beautiful smile adorned her face, and curious to see what he wanted to do, she moved her hands from his cheeks.

Before she could let her left one fall to her side, he gently grabbed it as he knelt and looked up to her. Her curiosity turned to intense expectation seeing what he did and her mouth widened slightly as she gasped, using her other hand to try to cover it.

"We don't need to go through any formal rubbish, only the two of our opinions matter. I vow to take care and love you for as long as I live, I can't say I'll always get it right, but I'll try my best. I'll lay my everything down in a fight to protect you. I want to live out the rest of my life with you by my side. I don't have a ring for you yet but I promise I will soon so Yuna, will you become my wife?" He popped the question.

Yuna wasn't expecting this, she thought he would just agree to take care of her and that was it, they would go back to banging to settle down his Creation Source.

She honestly didn't think it would take long before she could get him to the stage where he was ready to marry her like they promised in the past, but not this quickly.

Don't get it twisted though, she was thrilled. "Yes, yes, yes!" She exclaimed as she jumped up and down on the spot, unable to contain herself causing her juicy melons and hair to bounce along.

With a satisfied smile, Yuji stood up, pulled her into a kiss, and as if dancing, with his hand by her waist, he dipped her.

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