
Training I

{Mahald Pov}

Upon awakening I was met with the worst of headaches as I looked around and saw myself on a bed in an unfamiliar room. It didn't take long for my memories to return and then I had deduced that I was within Arian's home. But that was not the only memory I had recovered as I felt something within the air ever present and ever expanding something far more than what I could ever hope to describe. It was whole. That seemed to be the best way to put it as I looked around seeing the tiny blotches of light dance around. I put out my hand in an attempt to catch one of them within my palm but I had failed as It just silently fell through my hand with the grace of a snowflake.

It was then Arian's words came rushing into me. I needed to project an idea onto it. My mind raced as I pondered on how I was going to achieve that and my face scrunched up even further as I wondered what idea I was going to project onto it.

After a few minutes of pondering I finally settled on one. It was easy enough now I just needed to be able to project this idea onto the tiny blotches of light. I tried a variety of methods ranging from saying it out loud to vividly drawing the end result within my head none of which seemed to work.

'I'm I missing something? Think Mahald think.. What could I be missing?' I thought as I reviewed all the knowledge from my previous world on magic and sorcery and that's when it came to me. Chanting.

But another problem arose with that I didn't know what to chant. So I quickly surmised it wasn't chanting but I still held onto the line of thought.

It had to be something beyond chanting. What is the purpose of chanting? To cast a spell? No. It was to establish an idea. It was to establish the process leading up to the spell itself. Then I realized what I had been missing. I had been envisioning the end results, not the process that led up to that end result itself.

And with that in mind I once again began the process. The idea I had hoped to accomplish was simple to make ice. So I had to establish the idea of 'No heat' then I had to envision the process of that.

Unknown to me, I had completely devoted myself to the casting of my first magic spell as I entered a sort of trance like state as I blocked away all forms of outside stimuli with the only thing on my mind being the thought of making something freeze. I took in a deep breath as I finally began as I envisioned drawing in the magicules to my body and projecting the idea of 'cold' onto them.

I was on my tenth attempt as although I felt the magicules moving using my experience from the skill [Unrelenting] I guided the magicules to a certain point as I constantly revised the method within my head. I focused on the process rather than the end result as I projected that idea on the cluster of magicules. As it required all I had my concentration at an all time high as I repeatedly ran through the process again and again as the cluster of magicules suddenly expanded and seemed to disappear as I opened my eyes as I looked around the room while there hadn't been a noticeable difference in appearance I could tell the rooms had dropped a few degrees colder a telltale sign being the visibility of my breath.

I cheered as I clenched my fist into the form of a victory celebration and I let myself relish in my accomplishment.

'That was my first magic spell, While not useful in a fight I still have much to learn. I did this all by myself.' I thought as I looked around the cold room. Turning my head to the creaking door that was opened.

"My student are you-..." I looked onto Arian's shocked face as he looked around the room sensing the temperature and the use of magic in it .

"Well aren't you a talented one just moments after awakening to the sight of magicules you have already gone ahead and made your very first spell. Pretty soon you might not need me." He said exasperatedly.

"This was nothing but a stroke of luck. I still need your guidance in order to fully cast spells on my own." I said trying to downplay my achievement. An act Arian noticed and promptly scolded me for.

"Don't downplay yourself, Not many would be able to do what you have done your mates over at the other school are still trying to sense the magicules within the air while you went from that stage all the way to casting a {Freeze} spell on the room within the first day. With us on the matter, do you mind explaining how exactly you did that? A totally newbie casting a spell within a day of first sensing magicules is unheard of." Arian questioned.

I pondered whether or not I should tell him as my mind was torn between exposing how I had achieved a spell so soon, a feat which could be revolutionary or push this all onto a random stroke of luck and innate talent.

My decision came easy enough I decided to tell him how I had achieved casting the spell. I had to walk him through my thought process during my previous attempts. I explained to him how I separated each action into steps and with that we both got talking as we entered a sort of series where I had asked him questions and he would answer an action which had led to conversation where we bounced ideas and thoughts off each other.

While we talked I discovered I had somehow deduced the way magic was cast in this world. Not perfectly of course but it was close enough considering I had no one to guide me. Arian decided to finally teach me about how to cast spells. He had told me while my approach was right and my execution was wrong, what I had missed was that while casting the spell I needed to think about the process and the end result in a very meticulous manner.

He explained that was the reason most people chanted spells. In order to shorten the time needed to cast a spell one would have to find a way to construct the entire process within their head, a method which took too much time. Hence the need for chanting. Chanting seemed to be a sort of automatic magic casting cheat, chanting absolved the need to do the majority of the meticulous process I did. But this method also came with its own cons, one major condition had to be met before a chant could be considered valid. The pronunciation, This required a prerequisite mastery of the phrase beforehand and repeated practice of said phrase over and over again till it's impossible to make a mistake.

While following this train of thought Arian also informed me of the existence of chantless magic, it was basically what I had done except slower. To truly cast chantless magic the caster has to have a clear idea of the 'effect' they wanted to impose onto the magicules then they had to go through the entire process.

A/N: For those who are still interested in this story I will still release chapters. I will write a bit until I have fully fleshed out the story for the rewrite of this fanfic. And I am continuing to write this for my own personal satisfaction so please don't come after me if it doesn't make sense after a certain point cause I will just write what I want to write.

The rewrite of this fic should start releasing chapters in a month or so I need to finish reading a book recommended by a reader and fully plot out the rewrite.

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