
Ascension of the Samsara Sage

Regard inquired, his face solemn. "The path of a Sage is fraught with peril; are you certain you want to walk it?" Max responded immediately. "Yes." *** Max had hoped to enjoy his new life as a rich noble after being reincarnated into a magical world by God, but fate had other plans for him, as he was declared a cripple and unable to use magic for the rest of his life. But, as they say, when one door closes, another one opens, and Max is given the opportunity to change his fate; to become the hero or to once again live an insignificant life without meaning... What would he choose? In the Samsara, where humans who wield magic are known as Magicians and those capable of summoning dimensional beings are known as Summoners, Max will become a Sage that controls the laws of the world. Thus, the ascension of the Samsara Sage begins in a world where magic reigns supreme! *** Update rate : 2 chaps a day. *** Hope y'all enjoy reading this work as much as I enjoyed writing. Anyway, bless me with your Powerstones and gifts, thanks in advance UwU *** Note : I am not the owner of the image. If the owner doesn't want me using their work, I would be happy to take it down.

_DreamWeaver · Fantasy
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377 Chs

This child... Has no magic

/Eleven years later/

"Young lord, would you like us to help you get dressed?" A maid asked while bowing with her companion.

Maximilian glanced at them briefly before shaking his head. "No need for that. You may take your leave, I will change on my own."

The maids exchanged looks with one another, unwilling to leave just like that. Maximilian noted this.

"What is it?... Is there something else?"

They quickly shook their head. "Not at all, young lord… it is just that, today is your coming of age ceremony, and the Lord, your father ordered us to remain with you today."

Max frowned. "Hah, fine then. You may wait outside for me."

"Thank you, young lord."

Without wasting a second more, the maids left the room to stand outside, finally giving Max some privacy.

"Hah, the life of a noble sure is nice." Max sighed.

Eleven years… That's how long it had been since Roland was reincarnated as the young noble Maximilian Rion.

During this period he had already gotten himself acquainted with the general history of the world he was in as well as the current affairs.

The world he reincarnated into was called Midgard, one of the six realms of the Samsara, and was further divided into four main powers.

His current location was Winterroll, a dukedom in the south of Zion Empire. His father, Lord Frederick Rion, was the duke and a respected figure amongst the nobility, and his mother, Lara Rion, the daughter of a fallen noble.

Getting up, He walked toward the large-sized mirror at one end of the changing room. Brown hair, blue eyes, brown skin as well as a tall and slim physique.

Max was quite satisfied with his new look. Eleven years of the good life, He could not have asked for more.

"Thank you, God." He muttered while looking at the roof. At least, he was assured now that he would never have to go through any form of suffering… that is if today went well.

His coming of age ceremony was today, he would be turning twelve.

This was the age approved by the Empire laws to induct a child into society. Before then, the child could not leave his home as he would not be seen as a citizen.

Apart from citizenship, there was also something even more important. The test of magic.

Max shivered uncontrollably at the thought.

He was well aware of what the test of magic entailed.

Midgard was a land of magic. Humans were able to tap into Magic to become Magicians.

With Magic, one could contact otherworldly creatures to sign contracts with them. With the contract, they would have the right to summon the creatures to borrow their strength for myriad reasons.

The fact that if he failed to pass the test, he could lose everything caused Max to sigh but that was but a fleeting thought.

Normally most noble kids would be nervous due to what was riding on the test but in his case, Max was filled with confidence.


Because God assured him of a golden finger. Max felt bad for cursing him. "Hah, he wasn't such a bad guy, after all."

In any case, time was of the essence, he could not waste all his time thinking when he should be out there, displaying the best talent for Magic since the Age of old.

Setting his priorities, Max rushed to get dressed, donning attire fit for nobility.

Taking one last look in the mirror, he flashed a smile. "I look too good to be true."

At that moment, a knock came through. "Young lord, the ceremony will soon begin. Please hurry up so you won't be late."

"On my way."


Max made his way to the party hall.

Looking around, he could not help but admire the decorations that went into the place. Of course, at least this much was to be expected of Lady Lara Rion.

A beautiful woman like her was bound to be a pro with decorations and the likes.

The hall was currently filled to the brim with different nobles from around the Empire, a sign of the influence that his father commanded.

Walking further into the hall accompanied by two maids, Max came across the buffet laid out. Taking a whiff of the aroma, he instantly became hungry. Unfortunately, food would come later.

All around, the nobles took glances at him, muttering amongst themselves. Most had good things to say concerning his character and looks, while others seemed more interested in the result of the test of magic.

Keeping his eyes straight, Max did not bother with them and made his way toward the other end of the hall where his father sat with a few close acquaintances.

Accompanying him was his mother and his father's second wife, Kara Rion.

Catching a glimpse of her, Max scowled internally. He did not like her one bit.

A spiteful woman that always took any chance to slander his mother. Her son was no different.

He had no idea why his mother tolerated them despite everything they did.

"Young lord, calm yourself." His accompanying maid muttered. His facial expression was clear for everyone to see but this was not a good thing amongst the nobility.

As a noble, it was considered etiquette not to reveal your emotional state in public. It went to show just how in control one was.

If you can't even control your emotions, how can you expect to control your citizens?

Sighing deeply, Max understood this, thus he no longer minded them, instead heading toward his mother.

"Mother." His call drew the attention of all those around his father.

"Oh, Max my child, you look dashing today," Lara remarked smilingly as she approached him, bending her knees before enveloping him in a hug.

"Lord Rion, it seems this son of yours is going to grow up to be quite the looker." A noble joked, the others laughing in response.

"But of course, with my excellent genes, it is to be expected."

Walking over, Fredrick placed his palm on Max's head and ruffled it slightly. "I have great expectations for you my boy, do not disappoint me."

"I understand father." Max quickly responded.

At that moment, an announcement came through.

"Please make welcome the envoy of the Emperor, Councilman Ves of Goldtown valley."

Their attention was drawn to the hall entrance.

A burly man dressed in the most expensive linen walked in, putting on jewelry not at all paling in comparison to the noble ladies.

His only definitive characteristic being his large stomach.

He was followed by a lanky man wearing a hoodie as well as a dozen Empire soldiers and several servants carrying presents.

"Councilman Ves, so good to see you." Lord Rion greeted as he watched them approach.

"Good to see you too, Lord Rion. I hope I am not too late."

"Not at all. We were just expecting you."

"Haha, is that so..." turning back, he gestured for his servants to come forward. "I brought this as a sign of goodwill from the Emperor. I was asked to inform you that he won't be able to make it due to pressing matters."

…Don't think I don't know what you are doing, Councilman… Lord Rion mumbled inwardly before flashing a smile. "You shouldn't have. Just a young lad's birthday, this is too much."

"I know, but this young lad could very much be a shining star of our Zion Empire. I believe it is right to bring such gifts. Do you not agree, Lord Rion?"


Finished with the formalities, the party continued in earnest at which point Councilman Ves proposed a toast, drawing the attention of everyone.

"To a rising star of our Zion Empire, Maximilian Rion." "To a rising star."

The councilman approached Lord Rion with his glass still half full. "Is there something I can help you with, Councilman?"

"Not at all. I came to inform you that I came with a good magician. The Emperor felt bad that he could not come thus he sent one of his aides to help your son in the ceremony today."

Lord Rion frowned. "Is there a need for this?... My dukedom already has a magician of its own for such matters."

"Of course, but what would it hurt to use the magician I brought?"

Lord Rion remained silent before sighing. "Then call him so we can begin."

"Good choice." The councilman said as he turned and gestured for the magician to come over.

"I hope there will be no problems with the test."

"Do not worry, Lord Rion. I brought with me the best equipment from the Empire's vault." The magician replied in a hoarse voice.

"Fine then." Lord Rion turned and gestured for Lara to bring Max over.

"Father, you called for me?"

Max was enjoying himself so far. He couldn't tell how many dishes he had tasted from the buffet… there were still a few others left to try out!

"Yes, the test of magic will be done by this hooded gentleman." Lord Rion said with a smile. Lara felt disconcerted.

"But, my Lord, we already have a magician…"

She swallowed the rest of what she wanted to say as Lord Rion glared at her. Max saw this but chose not to react.

He could tell that if not for his presence, his mother would not be enjoying the status she had now. In any case, things would improve after the test of magic.


Tapping a glass lightly, the party music calmed down with the nobles turning toward the source.

"We will now begin the test of magic." Lord Rion announced.

The magician stood in front of the high table as he pulled out a transparent orb and muttered a few incantations after which it began to float in the air.

"It is ready." The magician said.

"Go, Max." Lara urged as she gave him a little push.

Max slowly made his way toward the floating orb. For some reason, he felt nervous.

"…Calm down. What's there to be afraid of?... The old man already said that I'd get a golden finger. No need to worry."

He assured himself.

As he got close to the orb, he put his arm forward and placed his palm on it.

Gulping saliva, he waited patiently. Anticipation grew as they kept their eyes on the orb, waiting for a result.

But after almost three minutes of waiting, there was still no response.

"Hmm, is something wrong?" They whispered amongst themselves.

Lord Rion could hear them, so he instantly spoke up. "Why is this taking so long?... You said the equipment you brought was top notch but now…"

He paused as he realized that the magician was about to speak. "My Lord, you and I both know that this has nothing to do with the equipment…"

Lord Rion furrowed his brows. "What are you saying?"

"This child… has no magic."

Hah, well it seems the promised golden finger wasn't exactly what Max was hoping for. Quite unfortunate. >.<

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