

Lia watched in slow motion as the truck hit her body. It immediately crushed her body's bones and somehow threw her underneath its tires. Lia watched on as the truck ran her over, then a blue coupe soon followed suit. A white sedan ran her over next, but the bumper caught on her body and drug it into the car ahead.

The pickup truck that initially hit Lia slammed its brakes, having suddenly hit a girl. In response, the blue sedan ran directly into it, crushing it and likely killing or severely injuring both drivers. The white sedan that was dragging her body across the pavement hit the blue two-door coupe, crushing Lia's, clearly deceased, corpse between the two vehicles.

Lia watched on with morbid curiosity. Her figure was ghostly, transparent, and glowed with a sickly gray. She knew for a 100% fact that she was dead. 'Killed by a coin, how...humiliating' She mused. Despite her nonchalance about the whole situation, the view before her was extremely gruesome.

Before she could begin to ponder that thought, she felt something tugging at her. It pulled her upwards, and she was entirely unable to resist, despite her relentless attempts. As soon as she could see the entirety of the US below her, Lia's vision blackened.


Lia awoke in a dark room, she couldn't see anything, and despite her attempts, she couldn't move either. A light suddenly pierced the darkness. A figure with gorgeous golden hair and pure white wings that were attached to his back descended. He landed in the room gracefully as Lia watched on unimpressed. The room was filled with golden light as she looked at him.

His voice was heavenly and held an air of otherworldliness. "Greetings, Lia Sarovitch. I am Miriel, God of Rebirth and I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty."

Lia looked at him. She didn't say a word. He responded by laughing as if he'd said the funniest thing ever. "I thought that would be funny, considering." Seeing how she was unresponsive, he cleared his throat and continued.

"Ahem. Anyways, we've been trying to reincarnate you for a few years now. Your soul was designated as too strong for the world you previously lived in."

Lia's composure broke. "Y...You were the ones who sent me all that cursed luck!!" Her face twisted into anger. "I WAS LIVING PEACEFULLY AND YOU FUCKS RUINED IT?!"

Miriel's face twisted into something unreadable. Fear and regret maybe? He spoke frantically. "We had no choice, relax, please."

Lia's voice grew louder. "Relax? Relax? I had a family to look after! I had people I cared about, and you TOOK THEM FROM ME!" Her face was twisting into something dark, something unrecognizable. It terrified Miriel. He hadn't seen anything like this.

Miriel hurriedly began to explain. "Alright, you're being reborn. You won't remember your memories, nor will you remember this. Have fun in your new life!!"

A beam of pure golden energy instantly transmitted itself into Lia's chest. She had begun menacingly approaching Miriel. Her body was immediately wracked with searing pain. She had never felt this amount of pain, not even when the Mexican Cartel tortured her. She blacked out almost three seconds into it, leaving a stunned Miriel behind.

"God's above, that woman is terrifying. I hope to everything we never see her again. Being able to withstand the amount of pain being reincarnated causes is a...terrifying thought. Even if it's only three seconds, the most I've ever seen anyone survive is not even one."

Another figure appeared beside him. Miriel wasn't stunned, as he knew she would be coming.

Her voice was angelic and beautiful. "Brother, what was that yelling, you look..scared? Are you alright?"

"Yes, Miriam, I'm okay. That woman was...terrifying, if she ascends to the heavens, I pray. For all of our sakes..."

Miriam murmured "Lia Sarovitch" to herself as both of the angelic figures disappeared.


"Ma'am, it's a girl, congratulations!" An elderly voice resonated throughout the elegant room. It was decorated with gorgeous red and black colors.

On the bed laid a woman with fiery red hair. She was matted with sweat and exhaustion was plain on her face. Next to her stood a man with short-cropped silver hair. He looked regal and strong. His eyes lingered on the newly born child. They were filled with love and adoration. The two of them were holding hands as the woman held her newly born daughter with adoration. "What should we name her, darling? I was thinking about Mira or maybe Aria." She asked, glancing up at the man whose smile melted her whole world.

In response, the man smiled widely. "I was thinki-" His voice stopped abruptly, and he looked as if he had a revelation. "How about we name her Lia?"

The woman smiled at him and spoke with tears in her eyes. "Lia...I love it...Lia Darkova, welcome to our wonderful family.."


Years had gone by in the palace. For Lia, these seemed to be a very long few years. Although she did not possess her previous life's memories, she had remembered everything since her birth. Lia started speaking complex sentences at the age of two. Around her were curiosities. Her crimson-red eyes were full of wonder and curiosity every time she entered a new wing of the palace.

When she was three, a maid had caught Lia reading a book about complex magical theorems. The maid initially thought that Lia had maybe damaged the book, but she found nothing wrong with it.

The maid had asked, "Lia dear, what were you doing, with this book?"

"I was reading it. May I have it back now?" Lia's eyes were unwavering, she was fixated and deeply engrossed in reading when the maid had taken it from her. It annoyed Lia to be interrupted in this manner.


Lia's Mother, Yula, had brought it up with her husband, Julianne, and they had agreed to ask Lia about it during dinner. Yula was the first to speak. "Lia darling, the maid said you were reading a book? Can you tell me which one?"

Lia sat her hands on the table, having expected this by now. At this point in life, she was sure her mother or father would ask. "Of course Mother, I was reading 'Drascil's (Pronounced: Dras-sill's) Interpretation of the Mana Weave'," Lia spoke matter of factly. She spoke as if she could never be wrong.

Her father looked at her with a curious glance. "Did you understand it at all? It's quite a difficult read."

Lia nodded. "Of course I understood it. It's quite fascinating to read through."

Yula exclaimed in joy suddenly. "Ahh! Darling! Our princess is a genius!!"

The next chapter will entail a synopsis of Lia's early childhood.

I hope you all enjoy~~

Rhasha_Trulincreators' thoughts
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